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Create Letter (Health)

Health > Letters > Create Letter

This page allows you to create, edit, and delete Health letters for immunizations due, screenings, and referrals.

Copying a letter

Included letters for head lice notification

Create a letter:

A list of existing letters is displayed.

Letter Body

The field is selected if the body of the letter has been typed in the editor.

❏ Click New to create a new letter.

The text editor opens, and a blank page and formatting toolbar are displayed.


Type a two-character letter ID code.


Select the letter type.


Type a description of the letter, up to 50 characters.

❏ Type or edit the letter using as many variables as necessary.


1. To add a variable, position the cursor where you want to insert a variable.

2. Click Variables to select a variable.

3. Click the link for the variable you want to add. The variable is inserted into the letter.

4. Repeat for the remaining variables.

Variables must be inserted one at a time.

❏ Click Save.

❏ Click Cancel to close the letter editor without making changes.


Click to preview the letter. The letter opens in PDF format in an embedded Adobe Reader window where you can print, save, and perform other functions.


Adjust the left, right, top, and bottom margins as needed. The margins are specified in inches. Use three digits for the margin with two decimal places (e.g., 1.00).

Refresh Margins

Click if you changed the margins. The letter is redisplayed with the new margins.

Click Save to save changes to the margins.

EditClick to return to the letter editor.

1. Click a letter in the grid to select it, and then click Edit. The letter opens in the letter editor.

2. Edit the letter type, description, or body as needed.

3. To delete a variable, highlight the variable to select it, and then press DELETE.

4. Click Save. The letter editor closes, and you return to the Update page.


Click a letter in the grid to select it, and then click Delete. The letter is deleted from the grid.

health/letters/createletter/createletter.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/29 13:07 by lrosdahl