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SemesterSelect the semester you want to view attendance for.

Detailed View

Detailed View (All Attendance) is the default view.

Detailed View - All Absences

Your schedule is displayed. The date appears in the column heading only if you were marked absent or tardy for any period during that day.

If you were present and on time for the entire day, nothing appears for the date.

If you were not present for the entire class, a code appears for the period and date. A description of each code is displayed in the Legend.


If the teacher has provided an email address, the teacher's name is displayed as a link to that email address. If you click the name, the default email client (as specified in his Internet Options settings) opens with the teacher’s address in the To field.

TIP: If you use web-based email (e.g., Gmail or Yahoo! Mail), you can copy the email address from the default email client to a web-based email message.

note icon

If the teacher has provided additional notes, click note icon to view the notes. The notes open in a pop-up window. Click anywhere on the page to close the pop-up window.

All Attendance/Detailed Toggle

All Attendance:

The All Attendance view is selected by default, which displays the four main absence types:

  • Unexcused Absence (U)
  • Tardy (T)
  • Excused Absence (E)
  • School Related (S)


❏ Click or tap All Attendance to toggle to the Detailed view where you can see more specific information for an absence, such as whether a doctor note or field trip notice is on file for that absence.

All applicable codes are listed in the Legend.

The codes are color coded according to the main absence types (Unexcused, Tardy, Excused, and School Related).

Attendance Detailed View - Details

❏ Click or tap Detailed to return to All Attendance view.

MOBILE DEVICE USERS: On a mobile device, if you have numerous absences, you may need to tap a row to open the Details view in order to see all absences for a particular class.

Calendar View

❏ Click or tap Calendar View.

Attendance - Calendar View

All months for the selected semester are displayed.

If the student was not present for the entire class for any period of the day, the date is shaded. Click the date to view the attendance details for each period. The period is only listed if your student was marked absent or tardy for that period.

Totals View

❏ Click or tap Totals View.

Attendance - Totals View

Your classes are listed by period, and the total number of excused absences, unexcused absences, school-related absences (e.g., UIL events or field trips), and tardies for the selected semester are listed.

The Total Absences column displays semester totals for all absence types, excluding tardies.

InstructorIf the instructor has provided an email address, his name is displayed as a link to his email address.

MOBILE DEVICE USERS: Tap a row to view semester totals for the class.

general/attendance_body.1581107477.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/07 15:31 (external edit)