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(Admin) View Courses Marked Ready to Post

Administrator Options

This page is only available to users who log on to TeacherPortal with a district-level security administrator user ID.

This page allows you to view and print a report of courses marked as ready to post for the cycle from the Administrator Options page. The page can only be accessed through the Administrator Options page after all courses are marked as ready to post. The View Courses Marked Ready to Post button is displayed.

The report heading includes the campus ID, semester, cycle, and date the report was generated. All courses-sections-periods ready to post are listed by teacher.

Generate the report:

❏ From the Administrator Options page, click View Courses Marked Ready to Post.

The report opens in a new window.

Print the report:

❏ Click Print.

The Print window opens allowing you to select your printer and settings. Click Print to continue.

❏ To close the report, click Close Window in the report window.

The report selection page remains open on your desktop.

reports/coursesnotreadytopostreport.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/15 19:45 by jstanford