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(If necessary) Mass update employee experience

Personnel > Utilities > Mass Update > Employee

If your LEA has not already done so, increment the years of total professional and non-professional experience, and the years of district professional and non-professional experience.

Additionally, you can use this page to increment the prior years of teaching experience for those individuals in a teaching role. The Prior Teaching Experience is the total number of years that an individual has previously held a teaching position in one or more education institutions and is collected during the PEIMS Core Collection: Class Roster.

  • This process must be completed prior to the PEIMS fall submission.
  • The Commissioner's Rules on Creditable Years of Service, Title 19, Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §153.1021, serve as a baseline for minimum requirements when determining an individual's years of experience.
  • The Prof Experience Yrs and Non-Prof Experience Yrs should be incremented in separate instances.

Total (Prof) Experience:

Total Professional Experience

❏ Click Execute. The Employee Mass Update Report is displayed.

Employee Mass Update Report

❏ Click Process. The following message is displayed.

Mass Update Message

Total (Non-Prof) Experience:

Total Non Professional Experience

❏ Click Execute. The Employee Mass Update Report is displayed.

Employee Mass Update Report

❏ Click Process. The following message is displayed.

Mass Update Message

Use the Personnel > Reports > Personnel Reports > HRS1100 - Employee Verification Report to verify the accuracy of the years of experience.

Prior Teaching Experience:

❏ Click Execute. The Employee Mass Update Report is displayed.

Employee Mass Update Report

❏ Click Process. The following message is displayed.

Mass Update Message


Responsibility Tab

❏ Click Execute. The Responsibility Employee Mass Update Report is displayed.

Employee Mass Update Report

❏ Click Process. The following message is displayed.

Mass Update Message

general/humanresources/checklists/firstpayrolloftheschoolyearchecklist/step23.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/27 19:51 by emoreno