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❏ Click +Add to add a row.

Field Description
Job Code

Click Drop-down Arrow to select the four-digit job code to which the employee is assigned. The job code list is generated by the jobs on the Job Info tab.

Note: All distributions for a particular job code and account type are totaled together. Any new type G distributions are totaled with the regular type G distributions. The total contract amount is applied to these distributions.

Extra Duty Code

Click Drop-down Arrow to select the two-digit code of the additional job assignment. The drop down can include type G and type S extra duty codes. If the employee does not have any extra duties entered on the Pay Info tab, no codes are displayed.


The type G extra duty code can be split between account codes. The extra duty job code cannot be split between job codes. It can only exist with one job code.

The type S extra duty code can only have an XTRA job code.

Account Type

Click Drop-down Arrow to select the one-digit code of the account type for that job.

Account Type B (Non-TRS taxable business allow) is used when the Tax column has been completed under Business Allowance on the Pay Info tab.

Account Type G (Standard gross pay) represents the contract amount from the Job Info tab.

Account Type T (Non-TRS non-taxable business allow) is used when the Non Tax column has been completed under Business Allowance on the Pay Info tab.

Account Type X (TRS 373 distr contrib) is used when the above state base expense is to be posted to an account other than the one chosen for the type G account.

Note: All distributions for a particular job code and account type are totaled together. Any new type G distributions are totaled with the regular type G distributions.

Account Code

PEIMS Reporting Element

TWEDS Data Elements: FUND-CODE (E0316) (Code table: C145), FUNCTION-CODE (E0317) (Code table: C146), OBJECT-CODE (E0318) (Code table: C159), ORGANIZATION-CODE (E0319), PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE (E0320) (Code table: C147)

Type the account code, or click Ellipsis Icon to select the code which identifies the account from which funds are expended for the activity code. For extra duty accounts, the Account Code field is populated from the extra duty code table. Only expenditure accounts with object code 6XXX are allowed.

Note: When the user is logged on to the current payroll files, the account code validation occurs against the Finance Chart of Accounts. If the user is logged on to the next year payroll files, the account code must exist in the Budget > Maintenance > Budget Data tables.

DescriptionDisplays the description associated with the account code from the Finance chart of accounts.

PEIMS Reporting Element

TWEDS Data Element: PAYROLL-AMOUNT (E0425)

Type the dollar value to be expended from the budget code. Type all or part of the contract total from the Job Info tab. If the Distributions Built By Amt or % field on the District HR Options page is set to Percentage, then only the Percentage field is enabled for use. For a salaried (pay type 1 or 2) employee, the data in this field is used to calculate the percent amount.


For extra duty accounts, the maximum amount that can be entered must match the amount that the extra duty codes have defined on the Pay Info tab. This applies even if the amounts are distributed among several accounts.

Even if the distributions are entered by percent, the amount is always entered for these distributions.


Type what percentage of the total pay rate is represented by the amount indicated. The percentage is the portion of contract total from the Job Info tab. If the Distributions Built By Amt or % field on the District HR Options page is set to Amount, then only the Amount field is enabled for use. This field is calculated by the system for salaried (pay type codes 1 and 2) employees.

For hourly (pay type 3) employees, the user enters data into this field.

For each job that is not XTRA, the account type percent total must equal 100% (e.g., if an employee has a job that is not XTRA, the type G percents for that job must total 100%, the type B percents for that job must total 100%, and the type T percents for that job must total 100%).

For each job that is XTRA, the account percents for each extra duty code must total 100%.

Activity CodePEIMS Reporting Element

TWEDS Data Element: PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE (E0424) (Code table: C018)

Click Drop-down Arrow to select the two-digit code identifying the activity for which the employee is receiving pay according to the budget code and amount indicated. This is a required TEA PEIMS Pay Activity code. (78 Non-Salary is for $0 pay). For extra duty accounts, the Activity Code field is populated from the Personnel > Tables > Salaries > Extra Duty tab.
TRS Grant CodeThis field is populated automatically for active employees based on the grant code associated with the fund as defined on the Tables > Salaries > Fund to Grant tab.
Worker's Comp CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select the workers' compensation code (e.g., A, B), or leave blank if the distribution is not subject to workers' compensation taxes. This field is only enabled if the Extra Duty Code field is populated.
Expense 373

Click Drop-down Arrow to select if the account should be used in the ASB distribution for TRS. If N (Account not used in ASB distribution) is selected, it is not used for distribution of the above state base amount on the TRS 373 Report. For extra duty accounts, the Expense 373 field is populated from the Extra Duty Job Code table.


For type S distributions, if Y (Account used in ASB distribution) is selected, it is included in the Gross field on the Maintenance > TRS YTD Data page under TRS Deposit Information and is not included in the Suppl Salary field. It is included in the calculation and distribution in the adjusted TRS salary on the TRS 373 Report (HRS4000). If N (Account not used in ASB distribution), it is included in the Gross and Suppl Salary fields on the Maintenance > TRS YTD Data page under TRS Deposit Information; however, it is not included in the adjusted TRS salary on the TRS 373 Report or on the distribution report.

For type S extra duty jobs, if N (Account not used in ASB distribution), the amounts are not included in the calculation or distribution in the adjusted TRS salary on the TRS 373 Report.

Employer ContributionSelect if the distribution should be included as an employer insurance contribution. The field is only available when account type G is selected. This is used to expense employee benefits such as the employer insurance contribution.
Performance PaySelect if the amount to be paid for this account should be included in the TRS deposits performance pay calculations. The field is only available for account types G or S. This is for TRS Certified (TRS 596) performance compensation.

❏ Click Re-sort. The records on the tab are sorted by job code, account type, and extra duty code.

❏ Click Refresh Totals to update the totals if new percentages or amounts are added.

❏ Click Save.

general/humanresources/maintenance/staffjobpaydata/distributions/body.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/14 16:30 by emoreno