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(OBSOLETE) ED90 (Termination) - HRS3900

Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Employee Data (ED) > ED90 (Term)

This tab is used to report an employee who no longer has a contract or work agreement with the local education agency (LEA). The tab is necessary to process refunds and other retirements.

The ED90 record is submitted to TRS in the same month that the final transaction for the employee is reported on the Regular Payroll Report. For employees in TRS-eligible positions, the final transaction may be the final salary and deposits, or previously reported salary and deposit adjustments. For employees in TRS-ineligible positions, the final transaction may be the final salary, or a previously reported salary adjustment.

The ED90 record and the final transaction reported through the Regular Payroll Report must be submitted before TRS can process a refund, death claim, or retirement for a member. If the final transaction month was incorrectly reported on the ED90, you must submit a new ED90 to replace the original reported month.

Click here to access the TEAM Report Formatting Guide - ISDs, Charters, and ESCs for additional reporting information and complete file record layouts.

This tab consists of a grid at the top and a free-form area at the bottom.

Create an ED90 termination record:

Field Description
TRS MonthClick Drop-down Arrow to select a TRS month for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.
TRS YearType the calendar year in the YYYY format for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

Click Retrieve. The selected information is displayed.

Click Directory to search for an employee.

Click Spyglass Icon to view additional details for a row in the free-form area.

In the free-form area, the Emp Nbr, Staff ID/SSN, Name, DOB, and Gender fields are display only.

To add another row, click +Add. A new row is added with the cursor in the Emp Nbr field. In the Emp Nbr field of the free-form area, type or select an employee number, and then press TAB. Data associated with the employee number is displayed. You can edit and save the data. If an employee is selected from the Directory, a new row is added. If multiple rows are selected from the Directory, all of the employees are added as new rows in the grid area.

Under Termination:

DateType the employee's last date of employment in the MMDDYYYY format.
ReasonClick Drop-down Arrow to select the reason code for the employee's termination.

D - Death
E - End of Employment

Under Final Pay:

MonthClick Drop-down Arrow to select the calendar month for the report month after which no further deposits or adjustments for this employee will be submitted to TRS.
YearType the report year in the YYYY format for the report year after which no further deposits or adjustments for this employee will be submitted to TRS.
Annualized Eligible TRS CompensationType the amount of eligible compensation that an employee would have earned in the school year.

This is a required field if the Reason field is set to D - Death.

If the member works in more than one position, the annualized salary should be the total amount that would have been paid for all positions worked.

Other functions and features:

Retrieve Retrieve data.
Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
obsolete/humanresources/utilities/teamsubmission/datamaintenance/employeedataed/ed90term.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/01 18:58 by emoreno