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Extract Payroll Account Codes - HRS4400

Payroll > Next Year > Interface NY Payroll to NY Budget > Extract Payroll Account Codes

This utility extracts the annual salaries for employees and calculates taxes and employer contributions based on those salaries. The information is stored in an interface table, which is used to update next year’s budget.


  • Before running this utility, make sure that the employee master file, the account distribution file, and the deduction file are updated for each employee. The employee’s status flag must indicate an active employee, and the data in the employee’s file which is normally used for calculating deductions and distributions must be updated and reviewed.
  • This utility can be run for one or more combinations of next year pay periods (i.e., D, E, and F).
  • In addition, this function can be run for one payroll period at a time, for one campus at a time, or from one to all active employees at a time. During the extract processing, none of the next year files are changed, so this function can be run repeatedly.
  • The last run for extracting and interfacing must be done for all campuses, payroll pay periods, and active employees.
  • When calculating the next year payroll amounts for employees with type 3 and 4 jobs, use the Payroll > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info tab to update the job contract Total.
  • If the employee has multiple type 3 and/or type 4 jobs within different payroll frequencies, the estimated annual salary is equally shared for each of the pay frequencies affected.
  • If the employee has multiple type 3 and/or type 4 jobs within the same payroll frequencies, a portion of each estimated annual salary is applied to each job, based on the job percent applied.


The job contract Total is used for the estimated salary amount. The employee must have master distribution records to be included in the extract process.

  • In order for a type 3 or type 4 job to be included in the extract, the employee's pay status should be active, and the selected pay frequency must have a type 3 or type 4 job in the Job Info tab.
  • The payroll account codes extracted include salaries, overtime, FICA, Medicare, health insurance, workers' compensation, unemployment, TRS 373, TRS grant deposit, TRS-Care annuities, deferred compensation, TRS On-Behalf, taxable and nontaxable business allowances, TRS supplemental compensation, TRS health insurance, and TRS-Care employer contribution.
  • When calculating the number of periods used for retired employees (and Take Retiree Surcharge is selected in the Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Distributions tab), the following rules apply. If the employee also has an RI deduction code, the retiree periods used are based on the primary job.

Note: Using the formula below, the system does not know how the pay dates for the new school year are set up. Therefore, semimonthly is charged two additional payments. It would be possible for the first and last payments to be for partial months worked, which would require the surcharge to be paid (per TRS legislation). Then, the surcharge would possibly be required for eleven months.

For each job:

retirement periods = number of times a district is charged a surcharge for a retired employee

  • For pay frequency = 6 - retirement periods = number of months in contract
  • For pay frequency = 4 and 5 - retirement periods = 26 - ((12 – number of months in contract) x 2)
  • For pay frequency = 4 - If the employee has a workers' compensation code, and workers' compensation payments = number of months in contract. Then, retirement periods = number of months in contract (if pay frequency 4 is set up with number of months in contract greater than 12)
  • Budget retiree pension surcharge = ((annual standard gross for job/number annual payments) x retirement periods) x (TRS district rate (6.58%) + TRS rate (6.4%))
  • Budget retiree TRS surcharge = RI deduction code employer contribution x retirement periods

Modify a record:

❏ Under Next Year Frequency, select from the following payroll frequencies:

  • D - Biweekly
  • E - Semimonthly
  • F - Monthly

If you are not authorized to access a payroll frequency, it is disabled.

Field Description
Pay CampusThe system is set to All, but you can click Drop-down Arrow to select all employees from a specific pay campus. You will only have access to the Pay Campus drop-down field if you have security access to next year payroll frequencies.
Primary CampusThe system is set to All, but you can click Drop-down Arrow to select all employees from a specific primary campus. You will only have access to the Primary Campus drop-down field if you have security access to next year payroll frequencies.
TRS On Behalf Expenditure Accounttype either a full or partial account code to be used as an expenditure account for the TRS On-Behalf. Any position of the account components can be set (e.g., the fund can be XX2) except the object component which is always set to 6144, regardless of what is entered.

Note: If Summarize Benefits Interface is selected on the District HR Options page, the subobject, ed span, and project detail account code components are set to zero regardless of what is entered.
Hourly emp deductions remaining paymentsType a default remaining deduction value to be used. The value is used in the extract process if the employee's primary job is a pay type 3, and the number of remaining deductions for a deduction code is equal to 99. If the employee's primary job is a pay type 1 or 2, and the number of remaining deductions for a deduction code is equal to 99, the number of annual payments for the job is used.
Enter the Starting Accounting Period for the Finance Fiscal YearType the month the district uses as the first fiscal accounting period. The value is used to determine the number of payments the system should use when calculating the employer TRS contribution for new employees for budget purposes. Annual payments are based on the primary job. Use this formula.

The system displays all active employees from the selected pay frequencies and campuses on the left side of the page. Use the following buttons to include or exclude employees:

Single Forward Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Double Forward Arrow - Click to move all entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Single Back Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the right side to the left side of the page.
Double Back Arrow - Click to move all entries from the right side to the left side of the page.

❏ Click Run. The system extracts and calculates the payroll account codes for the selected employees and makes them available for the Interface to Budget tab.

  • If the fund/fiscal year does not exist in the Budget account code table, the processing is not continued. Click OK to return to the Extract Payroll Account Codes tab.
  • If any errors occur during processing, another page is displayed indicating the errors. The user can print the errors.
  • If no errors occur, no additional page is displayed.

Records are inserted into the interface table automatically.

payroll/nextyear/interfacenypayrolltonybudget/extractpayrollaccountcodes.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/18 13:51 by emoreno