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Interface to Budget - HRS4400

Payroll > Next Year > Interface NY Payroll to NY Budget > Interface to Budget

This utility is used to enter the active employees' payroll account code distribution amounts into the next year’s budget.

The function can be run more than once. For each run, the next year budget amount is replaced. For this reason, a backup should be run in the Budget application before running this program. If the budget lock flag is set on an account, the budget amount is not replaced.

Note: Because this program replaces the budget amount, the last run for extracting and interfacing must be done for all campuses, payroll pay periods, and active employees.

For those accounts that do not exist in Budget, a new record is added.

The program produces one summary report which is sorted by account code. The report also prints fund and district totals. The interface table is deleted after each run, and must be built again via the extract payroll account codes tab.

Interface payroll to budget:

❏ Under Budget Level to Update, select one of the following:

  • Next Yr Requested
  • Next Yr Recommend
  • Next Yr Approved
Field Description
Round account totals to the nearest dollarSelect to display all totals as dollar amounts only. If left blank, all totals are displayed to the exact amount.
Use Budget Crosswalk tablesSelect and you can select elements of any 20-digit account code number and change it to another number, taking the transactions for the old account to the new account. If left blank, all current account codes are interfaced to the new Budget accounts.

Note: When using the Budget Crosswalk option, processing time increases dramatically. If an account is changed because of a crosswalk entry, the employees that are affected by the account change are listed individually with the amount applied to that employee.

❏ Click Interface. A message displays indicating a system backup should be performed. You are prompted to create a backup.

payroll/nextyear/interfacenypayrolltonybudget/interfacetobudget.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/20 01:58 by emoreno