Personnel > Tables > District HR Options
This page is used to select and set options for management of the LEA's payroll and employee functions and records. The selected options are used for all payroll frequencies (e.g., current and next year unless specifically designated).
Field | Description |
TRS District ID | Type the four-digit LEA identification number. |
Federal ID Number (EIN) | The federal ID number from the Finance > Tables > District Finance Options > Finance Options page in Finance is displayed. |
Payroll Clearing Fund/Year | This field is automatically populated with the payroll clearing fund/year selected on the Finance > Tables > District Finance Options > Clearing Fund Maintenance tab. If not, click ![]() |
TWC District ID | Type the nine-digit identification number assigned by the Texas Workforce Commission. |
Use Direct Deposit (Y, N, or E) | Click ![]() |
TRS Cost Education Index |
Type the value assigned to the district by TEA. This value is used for adjusting the state minimum salary for costs beyond the district control. This value can be found on the Summary of Finances (SOF) report issued by TEA. For more information, visit TEA's Foundation School Program web page. Note: Per the State of Texas Education Code, Section 42.102, effective September 01, 2019, the TRS Processing Extract will no longer use the cost of education adjustment (index) (CEI) value when calculating TRS 373 Statutory Minimum Contributions. As a result:
Distributions Built By Amt or % | Click ![]() |
Apply Leave Used or Earned First |
Click |
Leave Code for State Sick | Click ![]() |
Leave Code for State Personal | Click ![]() |
Update Actual Hours From Payroll Processing | Select to use actual hour data from the pay transmittals during the Payroll > Payroll Processing > Run Payroll process to update/insert records in the Actual Hours table that is used for TRS processing. This field is selected by default. Example: If actual hours are added to the employee’s pay transmittal, then during the payroll processing, the Pre-Post Actual Hours Worked Report displays the actual hours worked from the pay transmittal. After running payroll, use the Payroll > Maintenance > Actual Hours Worked page to verify that the actual hours worked data was updated for each applicable employee. If not selected, you must either use the Payroll > Utilities > Import Actual Hours Worked page to import the actual hours from a file or manually enter the data on the Payroll > Maintenance > Actual Hours Worked page. |
Calculate Accrual Salaries | Select to have the system calculate accrued salaries. If the field is not selected, salaries are not accrued. |
Check Amount - Alpha | Select to spell the check amount on all payroll checks. If the field is not selected, the system uses a numerical value for the check amount on all payroll checks. |
Summarize Benefits Interface |
Select to display benefits in a summary format. |
Supplemental Tax Rate | Type the percent to apply for supplemental income. |
Standard Hours per Workday | Type the standard number of hours the LEA requires that hourly employees work. |
Max Gross Amt for District |
Type the amount of the largest gross employee paycheck for the district. A failure message is issued when a paycheck over this amount is attempted to be processed. |
Auto Assign Employee Number | Select to have the system assign new employee numbers automatically. If the field is not selected, the user must enter the new employee numbers manually. |
Next Available Employee Number |
The number displayed is the last number used plus 1. Note: If the employee number has reached the maximum number (e.g., 999999), the system goes back to 000001 and begins to search for the next available number that was not previously used (e.g., 000995). If all available numbers were previously used, the system displays the message: “All available employee numbers are used.” Users must take the actions necessary to clear old or inactive employee numbers from this file ID. |
School Year for PEIMS Codes |
Type the school year for the PEIMS edit tables in the YYYY format. Note: If the School Year for PEIMS Codes field does not contain a valid value or if left blank, values are not displayed in the PEIMS drop-down fields (e.g., Sex, Ethnicity, etc.) on the Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic Information page. |
Use Emp Nbr or SSN in EFT File | Click ![]() |
Set Demo Alpha Fields to Uppercase | Select to set the employee’s Legal and Former Name (First, Middle, Last, and Maiden) and Address fields to uppercase when a new employee demographic record is created or an existing record is updated on the Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic Information tab. |
❏ Under Automatically Compute, select whether to automatically compute the Pay Rate, Daily Rate, Dock Rate, Accrual Rate, or Overtime Rate. This function relates to the pay fields at the bottom of the Job Info page and affects the current year and next year calculations. These fields are not referenced by the system when performing automatic salary calculations through Mass Update in Utilities.
Note: If Use PMIS is selected on the District Administration > Options > PMIS District Options page, all of the check boxes under Automatically Compute are cleared and disabled.
❏ Under W-2 Print Options, select the amounts to be included on the employee W-2 (Box 14). These options also apply to W-2 forms that are printed from ASCENDER EmployeePortal.
Amount Type | Description/Calculation (from the Calendar YTD page) |
TRS | TRS Salary Reduction |
HLTH | Health Insurance |
CAF | Cafeteria 125 |
NTA | N-TRS N-Tax Bus Allow + N-TRS N-Tax N-Pay Allow |
TXA | Non-TRS Reimbr Base + Non-TRS Bus Allow + Non-TRS Reimbr Excess + N-TRS N-Pay Bus Allow - Taxed Fringe Benefits |
TFB | Tax Fringe Benefit (Taxed Fringe Benefits + Tax Emplr Ins Contr) |
❏ Under Default Overtime Object Code, click to select the object codes for Professional, Para-Professional/Hourly, or Other overtime fund account options. These objects override object codes in the employee distribution record when overtime hours transmittals are submitted.
❏ Under TEA Health Ins Contribution:
❏ Under First Pay Date of School Year:
Payroll 4, Payroll 5, and Payroll 6 | Type the first pay date for each of the three pay frequency fields in the MM-DD-YYYY format. Once the pay date is entered, it should not be changed until the next school year. The date entered here should be representative of a payroll that will actually be processed, whether supplemental or regular. If a date is entered and no payroll is actually posted using that date, the system will have difficulty identifying when the new school year began. This could affect how data is handled in the new school year. |
Additional first pay date notes
Fiscal Year versus School Year
This pay date is used to determine:
If the LEA does not use one of the pay frequencies, access to that field is not allowed. If a user does not have security access to a pay frequency, access to that field is not allowed.
When the first pay date of the school year is changed, if any message displayed includes information about contacting your regional consultant, there are processed pay dates where amounts need to be moved from one school year to another. If these amounts are not moved, it can adversely affect school YTD historical amounts, TRS historical amounts, and reporting, workers’ compensation historical amounts and reporting, and payroll accrual calculations.
❏ Under TRS Extract Options:
Note: The ER20 always extracts the actual hours for retired employees.
Use Pay Dates for TRS Month or Actual Date |
This field applies to the RP20 and ER20 extracts. |
Pay Type 1 - Report Actual or Scheduled Hours |
This field applies to the RP20 extract. |
Pay Type 2 - Report Actual or Scheduled Hours |
This field applies to the RP20 extract. |
Pay Type 3 - Report Actual or Scheduled Hours |
This field applies to the RP20 extract. |
❏ Click Save.
Retrieve |
The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost. |
Click to print the report. Review the report. |
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