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EP Self-Service Assignments Demographic - HRS2050

Personnel > Tables > EP Self-Service Assignments Demographic

This page allows you to control the demographic fields available for updating or viewing on the EmployeePortal Self-Service Profile page. The user can access the EmployeePortal Self-Service Profile page by clicking their name in the upper-left corner or by clicking EmployeePortal Self-Service Profile Icon in the EmployeePortal application.

The fields on the page are grouped in categories such as Legal Name so that one approver will approve or disapprove all elements of the employee's name.

If an approver is terminated, the LEA needs to update the approver ID to another approver ID. Changes pending the prior approver's approval need to be moved to the new approver, and an email message will be sent to the new approver.

Set demographic fields:

Field Description

Click Drop-down Arrow to select the code to determine if data can be updated, viewed, or not displayed at all on the EmployeePortal Self-Service Profile page.

U - Update - The user can submit changes to all information listed in the category.
I - Inquiry - The user can only view the information listed in the category and cannot submit changes.
N - None - The user cannot view or make changes to any information listed in the category.

Approver ID

Click Drop-down Arrow to select the user ID of the person authorized to approve data changes in the category displayed.


The Approver ID field or the Auto check box must be completed; one is required.

If Auto is selected, the Approver ID field remains blank and is disabled.


Select to allow users to automatically update the information listed in the category without requiring approval.


The Approver ID field or the Auto check box must be completed; one is required.

If Auto is selected, the Approver ID field remains blank and is disabled.

If the Option field is set to Inquiry, Auto remains blank.

Doc RequiredSelect if documentation is required before a change can be implemented for a specific field. An email message will be sent to the employee regarding the documentation needed.
Required FieldSelect if the field displayed is required. If a field is required, it may not be left blank on the EmployeePortal Self-Service Profile page.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.

personnel/tables/epselfserviceassignmentsdemographic.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/17 19:33 by emoreno