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Create Account

This page is used to create a new MemberPortal user account. You can create an account via the MemberPortal; however, you will not have access to any grant information until your fiscal agent or an admin user for your assigned member LEA completes your MemberPortal user profile. In some cases, your fiscal agent will create your account and provide you with the login details. If you are a new user, access the MemberPortal link provided by your fiscal agent or admin user.

When you access MemberPortal, the Login page is displayed.

Upon initial account creation or log on to the portal, the End User License Agreement (EULA) for ASCENDER is displayed. Users must accept the agreement in order to proceed.

❏ From the Login page, click Create Account.

User Information

First NameType your first name. The field can be a maximum of 50 characters.
Last NameType your last name. The field can be a maximum of 50 characters.
E-mailType your email address. The field can be a maximum of 250 characters.

❏ Click Next. If you already created an account, a message is displayed prompting you to contact your fiscal agent.

Basic Information

User NameType a 6-25 character user name. (No embedded spaces are allowed.) The name must be unique within the LEA; it is not case-sensitive.
PasswordType a new password.

A show/hide toggle show button allows you to view or mask the characters you are typing.


• 8-46 alphanumeric characters
• Three of the following: uppercase, lowercase, numeric, and special characters
• Case-sensitive

Password VerificationRetype the password that you typed in the Password field.

❏ Click Next.

Security Question

Security QuestionType a question you will be asked in the event that you forget your password at a later date.
Security AnswerType the answer to the security question. This is case-sensitive.

❏ Click Next.

License Agreement

Review and accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) for ASCENDER. This agreement must be accepted in order to proceed.

❏ Select Accept.

❏ Click Next.


❏ Click Finish.

The ASCENDER MemberPortal homepage is displayed indicating that you have successfully logged on to the portal. You will receive a confirmation email message containing your user name.

newuser.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/17 19:14 by emoreno