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SAT0670 - Teacher Membership Roster by Control Number

Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Audit > SAT0670 - Teacher Membership Roster by Control Number

This report allows you to reconcile current year membership from an instructor's roster with attendance records at the end of the first and fourth six-week periods. The report is used mainly by elementary campuses. Data on this report should match data on SAT1000 - Campus Recap Report (when run for the same date).

The report consists of three parts:

  • List of instructors with membership and not-in-membership counts
  • List of students by instructor with eligibility code information
  • A total count page with signature lines

This report is an auditable document. See the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for more information.

NOTE: Students in GRADE-LEVEL-CODE EE can be reported with days in Bilingual/ESL if they are eligible for ADA and meet all other Bilingual Education Allotment eligibility requirements.

Report field descriptions

Run the report:

Campus ID

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click ellipsis button to select the campus.

Attendance Track

Type the two-digit attendance track.

As of Date (MMDDYYYY)

Type the date, or click to select the date from a calendar.

Student Listing (Y, N)

Y - Include the student listing by instructor. Students with a control number are printed on the student listing for the instructor assigned; students with no control number are printed on the student listing with no instructor assigned.

N - Print only the instructor listing and total page.

Control Nbr (Blank for All)

Type the three-digit control number (instructor ID), click ellipsis button to select the control number, or leave blank to select all control numbers.

attendance/reports/attendancereports/sat0670teachermembershiprosterbycontrolnumber.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:51 by