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SAT2300 - Average Daily Attendance

Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Students > SAT2300 - Average Daily Attendance

This report displays current year cumulative ADA enrollment and full-time equivalencies (FTEs) for one campus or all campuses for the selected semester, cycle, or date range. A summary is provided for all included tracks.

Historical attendance data can be accessed by changing the School Year.

The report can also be run for a specific local program.

An audit report is also available to verify the data on the Average Daily Attendance report.

When SAT0600, SAT900, SAT2100 or SAT2300 are run for the entire year (and added up, if necessary), all numbers from the summaries should be the same (within one-tenth).

Report field descriptions

Run the report:

Campus ID (Blank for All)

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click to select the campus. Leave blank to select all campuses in the district.

NOTE: If you select to create the report for all campuses, any campuses excluded from district reporting (i.e., campuses that have the Exclude from District Reporting field selected on Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Control Info) are not included in the report. However, you can generate the report for an individual excluded campus by entering the campus ID.

Attendance Track (Blank for All)

Type the two-digit attendance track. Leave blank to select all tracks.

Semester (1, 2, Leave Cycle, Dates Blank)

Type the one-digit semester.

Valid semesters are 1 and 2.

For a four-semester campus, valid semesters are 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Leave blank if you are entering a cycle or date range.

Cycle (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Leave Semester, Dates Blank)

Type the one-digit cycle code.

Leave blank if you are entering a semester or date range.

From/To Date (MMDDYYYY, Leave Semester, Cycle Blank)

Type the date, or click to select the date from a calendar.

Leave blank if you are entering a semester or cycle.

Local Program Code

Type the code for the local program, or click to select the code.

This allows you to generate the report for students in a specific local program.

Leave blank to generate the report for all students.

Show Audit ReportClick to view the Audit Report for Average Daily Attendance, which includes a list of students and their total membership days for the semester, cycle, or date range specified, sorted by campus and track.
Close Audit ReportClick to return to the main report.
attendance/reports/attendancereports/sat2300averagedailyattendance.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/16 16:08 by apape