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SAT2400 - Ethnicity/Membership Report

Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Membership > SAT2400 - Ethnicity/Membership Report

This report provides a count of students by ethnicity and gender, including totals by grade level. Students withdrawn on the as-of date are excluded.

A student is counted only once based on Aggregate Race/Ethnicity on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo 1:

  • Hispanic/Latino (column 1)
  • Multi Racial (column 2)
  • White (column 3)
  • Black/African American (column 4)
  • Asian (column 5)
  • American Indian/Alaska Native (column 6)
  • Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (column 7)

Run the report:

Ending School Year (YYYY)

Type the four-digit ending school year. For example, for the 2023-2024 school year, type 2024.

Campus ID (Blank for All)

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click to select the campus. Leave blank to select all campuses in the district.

NOTE: If you select to create the report for all campuses, any campuses excluded from district reporting (i.e., campuses that have the Exclude from District Reporting field selected on Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Control Info) are not included in the report. However, you can generate the report for an individual excluded campus by entering the campus ID.

As of Date (MMDDYYYY)

Type the date, or click to select the date from a calendar.

Attendance Track

Type the two-digit attendance track.

Use Attendance Exclusion (Y, N)

This only applies if Rep Excl is set to exclude attendance (A or B) on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo 1.

Y - Exclude students who are excluded from attendance reporting.

N - Do not exclude students who are excluded from attendance reporting.

attendance/reports/attendancereports/sat2400ethnicitymembershipreport.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:51 by