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SAT3001 - ADSY Campus/District Summary Report

Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Audit > SAT3001 - ADSY Campus/District Summary Report

This report will verify the in-person, remote synchronous and asynchronous data to provide student totals.

To produce results in lines B, C, and D for the ADSY track(s), ensure that the State Reporting > Options Local Program for Additional Days School Year field is set to the Local Program Code for the Additional Days Program (ADP).

Run the report:

Ending School Year (YYYY)

Type the four-digit ending school year. For example, for the 2023-2024 school year, type 2024.

Campus ID (Blank for All)

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click ellipsis button to select the campus.

ADSY Attendance Track (Blank for All)

Type the ADSY two-digit code. This number must match the ADSY code on the Local Programs tab in order for the student to be included in the report.

From Date (MMDDYYYY)

Type the date ADSY started, or leave blank.


Type the date ADSY ended, or leave blank.

attendance/reports/attendancereports/sat3001adsycampusdistrictsummary.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/12 16:01 by apape