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Select a student:

Incident Date

The current date is displayed by default. Type the date of the incident in the MM DD YYYY format. (Do not type the hyphens, as they are automatically included.) Or, click in the field to select the date from a calendar.

The date must be a membership date

Incident Time

The system (i.e., current) time is displayed by default. If necessary, click in the field to select the time of day when the incident occurred. Select AM or PM.

Incident Nbr

The six-digit incident number is displayed and cannot be modified.

If you are adding a new incident, the number is automatically assigned when you save the record. The first available incident number is used, starting with 000001.


To add a student to an incident that involved multiple students, see instructions below for creating a multi-student incident.

Reporting Period

The field is automatically populated according to the incident date to display the period (1-6) for which the data will be reported. However, users may manually enter Indicator Codes 7, 8, or 9. This reporting period refers to the attendance cycle, not the class period.

TWEDS Data Element: REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table C130)

You can change the reporting period; however, the incident date must fall within that attendance cycle.

This is a PEIMS field and is required.

If you are adding a new incident that did not occur during the current school year, a message is displayed indicating that the incident date is not in the current school year. The reporting period is not automatically displayed but can be entered.

Location of Incident

Select the location in which the incident occurred. The drop-down list displays locations from Discipline > Tables > District Level > Location Codes. The PEIMS behavior location code is displayed in parentheses.

This field is required if there is a PEIMS offense or action attached to the record.

The field must be valid for the offense that is being extracted for PEIMS (i.e., either the extract for which Extract is selected, or the offense with the lowest code).

TWEDS Data Element: BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE (E1083) (Code table C190)


Select if the incident was witnessed.

Parent Contacted

Indicate if the parent has been or will be contacted about the incident.

IMPORTANT: If a letter will be sent, you must select Letter.

Contact Date

Enter the date the parent was contacted if applicable.

If you selected Letter in the Parent Contacted field, the Parent Contacted field is automatically updated from Letter to Yes when the letter is printed. The Contact Date field is updated to the date on which the letter was printed.

Conference Requested

Select if a parent conference is requested.

Conference Date

Enter the conference date if applicable.

Informal Hearing

Select if an informal hearing is needed.

Appeal Expected

Select if an appeal is expected.

SSSP Team Review

Select if team conducted a threat assessment related to a reported disciplinary incident.

SAFE-SUPPORTIVE-SCHOOL-PROGRAM-TEAM-REVIEW (E1734) (TX-SafeSupportiveSchoolProgramTeamReview) indicates whether the Safe and Supportive School Program (SSSP) team conducted a threat assessment related to a reported disciplinary incident.

Reported by

Select the person or group who reported the incident. The drop-down list displays names from the following:

Discipline > Maintenance > Tables > District Level > Reported By Group

Discipline > Maintenance > Tables > Campus Level > Reported By Person

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Instructor

Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Principal/Counselor

NOTE:  If the Advisor Number or First, Middle, or Last Name is changed on the Principal/Counselor tab in Registration, the Reported by ID or name field (respectively) for any corresponding Discipline records for the same school year and campus will be updated to match, as long as the original advisor number, first name, last name, school year, and campus from the principal/counselor record match existing Reported by information in the Discipline record.

Administered by

Select the person handling the incident and taking action. The drop-down list displays names from the following:

Discipline > Tables > Campus Level > Administered By

Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Principal/Counselor

NOTE:  If the Advisor Number or First, Middle, or Last Name is changed on the Principal/Counselor tab in Registration, the Administered by ID or name field (respectively) for any corresponding Discipline records for the same school year and campus will be updated to match, as long as the original advisor number, first name, last name, school year, and campus from the principal/counselor record match existing Administered by information in the Discipline record.

Bully Reason

If the incident involves bullying/harassment toward another student, select a reason (i.e., protected class):

• If a reason is selected, the Victim button is enabled when you save the record.

• If None is selected, the Victim button remains disabled when you save the record.

• If the incident is associated with a bully/harassment record, None is disabled.


Select to calculate the number of cyber bullying incidents entered when the PEIMS Offense Code is 61.


❏ In the offense (top) grid, click +Add to add an offense.

A blank row is added to both grids.


Click to select an offense code. The equivalent PEIMS code (if applicable) and offense description are displayed.

TWEDS Data Element: DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE (E1006) (Code table: C165)

TWEDS Rules:

• Rule 44425-009: The date of the offense code must not be equal to or greater than September 1, 2021.

• Rule 44425-0018: If the offense code is 27 or 28, the Act must be 02, 04-09, 11, 12, 14, 16-19, 26-32, 35-37, 46-48, 55, 57, or 60.

• Rule 44425-0050: If the offense code is 21-23, 41, 55-56, or 61, the Location of Incident must be 00.

• Rule 44425-0051: If the offense code is 09 or 10, the Location of Incident must be 04.

• Rule 44425-0055: If the offense code is not 21-23, 41, 55-56, or 61, the Location of Incident must not be 00.

• Rule 44425-0056: If the offense code is 01 or 59, the Location of Incident must be 01 or 03.

• Rule 44425-0057: If the offense code is 04-07, 27, 28, 49, or 60, the Location of Incident must be 01-03.

• Rule 44425-0058: If the offense code is 08, the Location of Incident must be 01-04.

• Rule 44425-0059: If the offense code is 11, 12, 14, 16-19, 30-32, or 57, the Location of Incident must be 01-03 or 05.

• Rule 44425-0060: If the offense code is 36 or 37, the Location of Incident must be 01, 03, or 05.

• Rule 44425-0074: If the offense code is 01-05, 07-12, 15, 25, 50-53, 55-59, or 61, the Offense code must not be blank.

• Rule 44425-0075: If the offense code is not 01-05, 07-12, 15, 25, 50-53, 55-59, or 61, the Offense code must be blank/not reported.


Select the level of the offense, which indicates the extent of the discipline actions taken. These are district-defined levels which are maintained on Maintenance > Tables > District Level > Offense Level.


Select for the offense that will be extracted to PEIMS. The field can only be selected for one offense per incident. The selected offense is used in the discipline reports and PEIMS discipline extract.

NOTE: If multiple offenses are listed and Extract is not selected for any of them, the offense with the lowest PEIMS offense code is extracted.

❏ In the action (bottom) grid, click +Add to add an action.

A blank row is added to the bottom grid.


Click to select the action taken as a result of the offense. The equivalent PEIMS code (if applicable) and action description are displayed.

Note: If an action has a PEIMS code, the corresponding offense must also have a PEIMS code.

TWEDS Data Element: DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE (E1005) (Code table C164)

If the action code is 01-04, 07-12, 15, 50-59, or 61, you can override the action with code 27 or 28:

• Code 27 can only be used if the student is in special education on the incident date.

• Code 28 can be used for non-special education students. The offense code must be 02, 04-09, 11-14, 16-19, 26-32, 35-37, 46-48, 55, or 57.

• Codes 27 and 28 cannot both be reported on different records with the same student ID, incident number, and campus of disciplinary responsibility.

If you are overriding with code 27 or 28, you must create an additional row with code 27 or 28. A message is displayed indicating that a second action record is needed. Click +Add to add the second action.

Rules for code 27:

Campus Resp

Type the three-digit campus ID at which the student was enrolled when the discipline incident occurred and the disciplinary action assigned.


Discp Actn Date

Enter the date that the disciplinary assignment (i.e., action) was ordered. The date is not necessarily the date on which the incident occurred.


TWEDS Rules:

• Rule 44425-0034: The date must be on or after June 1 of the beginning school year.

• Rule 44425-0035: The date must be on or after August 1 of the beginning school year and on or before July 1 of the ending school year.

From Date
To Date

Enter the date range when the disciplinary assignment will be carried out. If you leave the To Date field blank, the date in the From Date field is added when you save the record.

Official Length

If the action has an equivalent PEIMS code, you must type the official three-digit number of days of the student’s disciplinary assignment (e.g., 005). The official length cannot be 000 unless the action code is 27, 28, or 29.


Actual Length

Type the actual number of days of the student’s disciplinary assignment using a three-digit whole number (e.g., 003). If blank, the field is automatically populated with the value in the Official Length field when the record is saved.


Diff Code

If the Official Length and Actual Length are different, select the reason.


Campus Assignment

Type the three-digit campus ID to which the student is assigned for the disciplinary action.


The field is required unless the action code is 06, 07, or 26.

If the action code is 06, 07, or 26 and the field is blank, the value in the Campus Resp field is entered when you save the record.

The field must be blank if the action code is 01, 05, 25, 27-29, 50, or C3.


(Optional) Type a value indicating the extent of the action prescribed, up to 10 characters. The field can be used as needed to indicate how much of the disciplinary action actually occurred (e.g., 1 hour or 100%). This field is not reported to PEIMS.

Action Nbr

If an equivalent PEIMS code exists for the action, the action number automatically assigned during the PEIMS discipline extract is displayed.



Indicates whether an out-of-school suspension, disciplinary alternative education program placement, or expulsion action is inconsistent with a local education agency’s student code of conduct.


❏ Click Save.

❏ Or, click Save and Add to save the changes and clear the page to add a new incident for the same student.

general/discipline_maintenance_new_incident.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/04 13:12 by apape