Discipline > Maintenance > Student > Maintenance > Restraint Information

If the discipline incident involved restraint of a student, including disciplinary restraint of a special education student, use this tab to report the restraint event.

Select a student:

❏ Click +Add to add a restraint. A blank row is added to the grid.

Or, access this page by clicking Restraint on Maintenance > Student > Maintenance once you have saved an incident.


Click to select the campus at which the student was restrained, which is not necessarily the campus where the student is enrolled.



The current date is displayed by default. Type the date of the incident in the MM DD YYYY format. (Do not type the hyphens, as they are automatically included.) Or, click in the field to select the date from a calendar.



The system (i.e., current) time is displayed by default. If necessary, click in the field to select the time of day when the incident occurred. Select AM or PM.

Restraint Type

Select the restraint type used to restrain the student.


The field is automatically populated according to the incident date to display the period (1-6) for which the data will be reported. However, users may manually enter Indicator Codes 7, 8, or 9. This reporting period refers to the attendance cycle, not the class period.

TWEDS Data Element: REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table C130)

Incident Nbr

If the restraint incident is associated with a discipline incident record, the six-digit incident number is displayed and cannot be modified. This number is assigned when the discipline incident record is saved.

If the restraint incident was entered from this page and is not associated with a discipline incident record, “-NONE-” is displayed.


The field is automatically set to 08 Restrnt by Dist Police or Resource Offic and cannot be changed. If you hove the cursor over the code, the description is displayed.

TWEDS Data Element: RESTRAINT-REASON-CODE (E1033) (Code table C173)

NOTE: Spec Ed student restraint information must also be added on Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Child Restraint.

Staff Type

The field is automatically set to 02 District police officer or resource office (SRO) and cannot be changed. If you hove the cursor over the code, the description is displayed. Only discipline restraint records with a restraint staff type code of 02 are extracted to PEIMS.

TWEDS Data Element: RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE (E1516) (Code table C194)

NOTE: Spec Ed student restraint information must also be added on Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Child Restraint.

Instance Nbr

The unique, six-digit number that is automatically assigned to the restraint incident is displayed. The number is assigned district-wide to all discipline and special education restraint incidents. The field is required for PEIMS reporting.

The next available instance number is assigned automatically by comparing the maximum discipline and special education restraint instance number and adding one. For example, if the maximum discipline restraint instance number is 000004, and the maximum special education restraint instance number is 000005, then the next restraint instance number to be assigned will be 000006.


Prim Disability

The student's primary disability code and description are displayed.

Instr Setting

The student's current instructional setting code and description are displayed.

TWEDS Data Element: INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (E0173) (Code table C035)

❏ Click Save.

Trashcan Icon Delete a row.