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To view or modify existing proxies:

❏ Click Retrieve.

Existing proxies are displayed in the upper grid.

  • Click the spyglass icon spyglass icon to modify the information. The data is displayed in fields below the grid allowing you to make changes. Update the fields as needed, click OK, and then click Save. The changes are displayed in the grid.
  • The list can be re-sorted.
  • If there are multiple pages, page through the list.

To add a proxy:

❏ Click +Add in the upper grid to add a new proxy. The fields below the grid are enabled:


Type a proxy number to identify the proxy. The number cannot be the same as an existing course number.

If you have changed the course number length on Maintenance > Master Schedule > District > District Control, a crosswalk is created, and the New Proxy field will display the new zero-padded proxy number next to the old proxy number.


Type a description of the proxy, up to 15 characters.

❏ Under Type, select Control.

Add courses to a proxy:

The lower grid will list the courses and sections the home room teacher's students will be taking, including pull-out courses. This is a reflection of the student schedules, not the instructor's. Determine the section numbers needed by reviewing SCH0120 - Master Schedule Section Info (Next Yr).

❏ Click +Add in the lower grid. A blank row is displayed in the lower grid.

Each proxy must contain at least two courses.


Click to select the course. The course title is displayed.

SecRefer to the SCH0120 report to determine which section to select.

❏ Click Save.

Sem CdThe semester code for the selected course is displayed.

Spyglass Icon Edit a record.
Trashcan Icon (upper grid) Delete a proxy.
Trashcan Icon (lower grid) Delete a course from a proxy.
general/scheduling_ms_campus_prxies_body_elem_before_mtgr.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by