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First Day Counts Control

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > TeacherPortal Options > Campus > First Day Counts Ctrl

This tab allows you to set campus-level options for Student Activation/First Day Counts, and allows you to inactivate students. All students must be inactivated prior to recording attendance on the first day of school.

This page uses data from the attendance calendars, so all attendance calendars must already exist.

 First Day Counts Ctrl tab

Set options:


Every campus that has an attendance calendar is listed, regardless of tracks.
Only campuses that you have access to are listed.

Final Date

(Required) Enter the final date allowed for student activation. Students cannot be inactivated without this date. This should be on or after the first day of school for all tracks. The Final Date can be the first day of school.

It is recommended that you keep this window as short as possible.

NOTE: The date is very important.

For example: If the first day of school is September 1 and you activate a student on September 2, (or any date prior to Final Date), both a No Show record and an entry record are created. The student’s enrollment date for the campus, semester one courses, and special programs is changed to September 2.

Only Allow in ADA Period

Select to only allow students to be activated during the ADA period. It is recommended that you select this option.

• If selected, and if the ADA period is 02, then students cannot be activated during any period other than the ADA period prior to the Final Date.

• If not selected, students can be activated in any period and are enrolled on that date.

NOTE: If selected, the student must be activated during the ADA period to avoid having a No Show record created. If student is not present in the ADA period but is present in any other period, both a No Show record and also an enrollment record are created.

❏ Click Save.

First Day Counts Control tab saved

Inactivate Students

The Inactivate Students link is displayed once you enter a Final Date and click Save.

❏ Click the link to inactivate all students at the campus.

The following occurs:
• The message “Inactivated Students” is displayed in the Comments column.

• The Inactivate Students link is no longer displayed.

• The Rep Excl field on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo1 is set to A (i.e., excluded from attendance reporting) and disabled for all students at the campus. The Rep Excl field is not re-enabled until the Create No Show Records utility is run.

❏ Repeat for each campus.

First Day Counts Control with one campus activated


One of the following messages is displayed, depending on where you are in the process:

Inactivated Students is displayed once you have clicked the Inactivate Students Link.

No-Show has already been run on MM-DD-YYYY is displayed once you run the Create No Show Records utility.

gradereporting/maintenance/teacherportaloptions/campus/firstdaycountscontrol.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/22 14:51 by apape