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Students With Pre-assigned (Trial Scheduling Load)

Scheduling > Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Trial Scheduling Load > Stu w/ Pre-assigned

This tab produces one of two reports:

  • The Students With Cleared Preassigned Course Sections (or Semesters) report lists students whose preassigned courses were cleared.
  • The Students With Preassigned Course Sections (or Semesters) report lists students with preassigned courses.

Reschedule Student's Preassigned Sec/Sem
(on Schedule Load tab)
Include Pre-assigned SemReport Displayed
BlankBlankStudents With Preassigned Course Sections
BlankSelectedStudents With Preassigned Course Sections or Semesters
SelectedBlankStudents With Cleared Preassigned Course Sections
SelectedSelectedStudents With Cleared Preassigned Course Sections or Semesters

Print and review the reports before accepting the load.

View report:

❏ Enter report criteria:


Select a grade level, or select All to include all grade levels.

Student ID

Type the student ID. Leading zeros are not required. Or, click Directory to select one or more students from the directory. Leave blank to include all students.

Include Pre-assigned Sem

Select to display the report with semester information.

• If selected, the directory displays the students in the selected grade level, and only students who had either a course-section or semester assigned on their schedule are listed.

• If not selected, the directory displays students in the selected grade level, and only students who had a course-section assigned on their schedule are listed.

❏ Click Retrieve Report.

  • Review, save, or print the report.

scheduling/maintenance/masterschedulegenerator/trialschedulingload/stuwpreassigned.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by