Scheduling > Utilities > Resource Allocator Record Creation
This utility creates the instructor, room, and section records from the current year instructors and rooms records and next year district courses. The program also updates designators, departments, and subject areas from the next year instructor records.
IMPORTANT: All new courses for next year should already be added, and courses that will not be offered should be removed. The campus should also select Excl Conflict Matrix on Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus > Courses for any courses for which sections should not be generated.
Example: Often campuses manually build sections for the special ed courses.
❏ A message is displayed indicating that existing data cannot be overwritten. Click OK.
If the records have already been created, and there is no new data to update, all fields are disabled.
Resource Allocator Instr Courses |
Select this option to create the instructor resource courses. The utility uses the current year campus sections to create the instructor resource courses in the next year. For example, if an instructor is teaching three sections of English I and three sections of Literary Genres in the current year, the utility will give this instructor the same courses and the same number of sections for each course in the next year instructor resource courses.
• If next year instructor records do not exist, they are created from current year records. |
Resource Allocator Crs Sections |
• If either field is selected, the Max Seats field on Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus > Courses is populated for each course if it is set to 000.
• If at least one day pattern exists, but it is not MTWRF (05), the resource allocator uses the first one it finds. A message is displayed indicating the day pattern that is used. |
Room Number |
NOTE: Do not select this field if you assign rooms to instructors on Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Resource Allocator > Instructors using the Rsrvd Room field. Example: If the instructors are in the same room all day.
• Seats are determined using the highest value in the Max Seats field in a current year section taught in the room. If no sections are taught in the room, the value in the Default Room Seats field (on this page) is used, if available.
Resource Allocator Room Courses |
Select to create room course records. Courses for rooms are determined by the current year campus section meeting times. |
Update Tables from NYR Instructors |
Select the table(s) to update only if you use designators, departments, and/or subject areas. The tables can be updated even if data already exists. The program looks at the instructor records in Scheduling and updates the tables with any new data. If there is no new data to update, a message is displayed indicating that all designators, departments, and subject areas are updated. |
Auto-fill NYR Instructor Maximum Values |
Use the following fields if you want to auto-fill the corresponding Maximum Values fields on Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Resource Allocator > Instructors:
❏ Click Create.
If both Resource Allocator Instr Courses and Auto-fill NYR Instructor Maximum Values are selected, the autofill process runs first to ensure that all instructor courses are created.
A message is displayed indicating that records were successfully created.
If there is no data available to create the records selected, a warning message is displayed.
NOTE: If the Maximum Course Number Length in Scheduling (Maintenance > Master Schedule > District > District Control) is different than the current year Maximum Course Number Length in Grade Reporting (Maintenance > Tables > District Control Table), the courses are created using the crosswalk table that was created in Scheduling when the New Course Number Length was changed to match the new district master schedule on the District Control tab.
After the new course number length has been committed, the crosswalk table will no longer exist, and the courses in current year Grade Reporting will be zero padded to the correct length for next year based on the options selected on the Scheduling District Control tab.
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