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Core Collection: Charter School Waitlist

This page shows you how to enable and set up the Charter School Waitlist. It also lets you add, delete or edit students in it and create interchanges and run reports for it.

IMPORTANT: Each LEA will have unique situations. Some of the dates, images, and examples provided in this document are for informational and instructional purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA's process.

District Level

The district must set their preferences on this page. This will enable the Charter School Waitlist features.

Registration > Maintenance > District Profile > District Maintenance > Demographic Info

District Demographic Info tab with New Charter School Waitlist options highlighted

❏ Select District Type to indicate whether the district is Independent, Charter, or Private. Select Charter to enable the Charter School Waitlist features.

❏ Select Allow Waitlist on ParentPortal to enable the display of the Charter School Application Form Apply button on the ASCENDER ParentPortal Login page. This field only displays if the District Type field is set to Charter.

Parent Portal Login Screen with Charter School Application Form active

❏ Select Charter Application to Current or Next to indicate the Charter School Application Form school year in ASCENDER ParentPortal. This field only displays if the District Type field is set to Charter.

❏ Click Save.

Campus Level

Select whether or not this campus will have a waitlist by checking or unchecking Participating Charter Admission Waitlist. Do this for each campus at the Charter School. Enter the enrollment capacity for the campus in the Charter Enrollment Capacity field.

Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Demographic Info

Campus Profile Demographic Info tab with New Charter School Waitlist options highlighted

❏ Select Participating Charter Admission Waitlist for each charter school campus to indicate whether or not the campus will have a waitlist for admission.

❏ In the Charter Enrollment Capacity field, type the number (up to four digits) of students to which the charter school’s campus is able to provide instruction without exceeding staffing and facility limitations and the approved charter holder's maximum enrollment.

NOTE: At this time the Begin Date and End Date are not reported for EdFi purposes.

❏ Click Save.

Create an export file of all students at the campus (or all campuses) who are missing a value for Texas Unique ID.

Registration > Utilities > Texas Unique Student ID Processing > UID Export

Screen shot of the UID Export screen with new Charter School Waitlist features

❏ Click the Missing CSW UID Report button to view a report of report of Charter School Waitlist students missing a Texas Unique ID . The report opens on the same page, below the fields. Click Close CSW Report to hide the report.

❏ Select Charter School Waitlist to create an export file of Charter School Waitlist students who are missing a value for Texas Unique id.

NOTE: In the Student Information section on Registration > Maintenance > Charter School Waitlist > Demographics, the fields for First and Last name, Sex, DOB, State Student ID and Grd Lvl Applying For are required for the file to export.

NOTE: These fields only display if the District Type field is set to Charter on Registration > Maintenance > District Profile > District Information > Demographic Information.

Create an import file updated with Charter School Waitlist students.

Registration > Utilities > Texas Unique Student ID Processing > UID Import

Screen shot of the UID Import screen with new Charter School Waitlist feature

❏ Select Charter School Waitlist Students.

❏ Click Browse, then click Choose File. Locate and Select the file.

❏ Click Submit.

❏ Click Execute.

Student Level

There are two additional options the district may use to enter the student data.

❏ You may use the Charter School Waitlist Import Data file format (Data File Layout).

❏ You may create or retrieve a record on the (Charter School Waitlist) page. This page allows you to:

  • Add Waitlist Data
  • Update Waitlist Data
  • Delete Waitlist Data

Registration > Maintenance > Charter School Waitlist

Charter School Waitlist screen blank


Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Student > SRG4000 - Charter School Waitlist Roster Report

Charter School Waitlist Roster Report

Charter School Waitlist Roster Report

SGR4000 was added to provide charter school waitlist roster information for state reporting purposes.

❏ In the Campus ID (Blank for All) field, type a three-digit campus ID, or leave blank to create a report for all campuses.

❏ In the Grade Level (Blank for All) field, type a two-character grade level, or leave blank to create a report for all campuses.

❏ In the Current or Next Year Students (C=Current,N=Next Year) (Required) field, enter C to display current students or N to display next year students.

❏ Click Run Preview.

NOTE: This report is only available if the District Type field is set to Charter on Registration > Maintenance > District Profile > District Maintenance > Demographic Info.

IMPORTANT: There is a currently not an as of date parameter for this report. It is recommended to run this report on 09/24/2021 and save it for data verification.

PEIMS Reporting

All districts that are District Type Charter need to create the Charter School Waitlist interchange.

State Reporting > Utilities > Create TSDS Core Collections Interchanges > Charter School Waitlist

Core Collection Interchange utility with Charter School Waitlist selected


  • This option only displays if the District Type field is set to Charter on the Registration > Maintenance > District Profile > District Information > Demographic Info tab.
  • If the campus is participating (i.e. the Participating Charter Admission Waitlist check box is selected on the Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Demographic Info tab) and students are on the waitlist, then all three interchanges are generated.
  • If the campus is participating and there are no students on the waitlist, then only the Education Organization Interchange is generated.

❏ In the Core Collection dropdown menu, select the submission type. For the Charter School Waitlist submission, select Charter School Waitlist.

❏ In the Campus field, type a three-digit campus ID, or leave blank to create interchanges for all campuses.

❏ In the As-Of-Date field, (Required) enter the as-of date for running this utility. The As-Of Date must be the last Friday in September (September 30, 2022).

❏ Click Run.

academy/charter_school_waitlist.1681997377.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/20 13:29 by apape