040 Budget - From Org to Org - Convert an organization code to another organization code.
042 Responsibilities - From Campus/Period to Minutes - Convert data in your district format to the standard TEA format in the State Reporting tables.
043 Responsibilities - From Campus/Service ID to Minutes - Assign monthly minutes for classroom responsibility records by campus and service ID.
045 Budget - Fund/SO to Prog - Convert a fund/subobject combination to a program code.
046 Budget - Fund to Fund - Convert a fund code to another fund code.
047 Budget - Obj to Obj - Convert an object code to another object code.
048 Budget - Func to Func - Convert a function code to another function code.
049 Budget - Funds to Omit - Omit a fund from the PEIMS submission.
055 Budget - Fund/Func/SO to Prog - Convert a fund/function/subobject combination to a program code.
056 Budget - Fund to Prog- Convert a fund code to a program code.
059 Actual - Fund/SO to Prog- Convert a fund/subobject combination to a program code.
060 Actual - Fund to Fund - Convert a fund code to another fund code.
061 Actual - Org to Org - Convert an organization code to another organization code.
062 Actual - Obj to Obj - Convert an object code to another object code.
063 Actual - Fund to Prog - Convert a fund code to a program code.
064 Actual - Func to Func - Convert a function code to another function code.
066 Actual - Fund/Func/SO to Prog - Convert a fund/function/subobject combination to a program code.
067 Actual - Funds to Omit - Omit a fund from the submission.
069 Budget - Fund/Prog to Prog - Convert a fund/program combination to a program code.
070 Actual - Fund/Prog to Prog - Convert a fund/program combination to a program code.
ADP Additional Days School Year Courses - Distinguishes which courses were offered at an ADSY Host Campus.
T01 - Instructional Campuses for TSDS
T02 - Teaching Staff Job Codes