You may find extracted or merged records containing incomplete or inaccurate information. Use the summer maintenance pages to update and correct the data saved in the district database (i.e., frozen data).
Data on these pages is updated every time data is extracted, including data that is manually entered.
NOTE: You cannot maintain data on maintenance pages while running an extract; a warning message is displayed on all summer maintenance pages indicating that the extract is in progress, and the Save button is disabled.
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Course Section
Correct data for the SectionExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Course Section tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule |
Service ID | SERVICE-ID (E0724) (Code table: C022) | Service ID |
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section |
Class ID | CLASS-ID-NUMBER (E1056) | Crs Nbr
Sem |
Course Sequence | COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE (E0948) (Code table: C135) | Crs Seq |
Period | CLASS-PERIOD (E1074) | Per Begin
Per End |
Non-Campus Based Instruction | NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE (E1072) (Code table: C182) | Non Campus Based |
Population Served | POPULATION-SERVED-CODE (E0747) (Code table: C030) | Pop Srvd |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Demo
Correct data for the StudentExtension and StudentGraduationProgramExtension complex types as needed.
Cross reference for Student Demo tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
As-of Status | AS-OF-STATUS-CODE (E1002) (Code table: C163) | automatically generated |
Last Date of Enrollment | LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT (E1044) | automatically generated |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo1 |
First Name | FIRST-NAME (E0703) | Name (first) |
Middle Name | MIDDLE-NAME (E0704) | Name (middle) |
Last Name | LAST-NAME (E0705) | Name (last) |
Generation | GENERATION-CODE (E0706) (Code table: C012) | Name (generation) |
TX Unique Stu ID | TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID (E1523) | Texas Unique Student ID |
Date of Birth | DATE-OF-BIRTH (E0006) | DOB |
Sex | SEX-CODE (E0004) (Code table: C013) | Sex |
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) (Code table: C050) | Grade |
Hispanic | HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE (E1064) (Code table: C088) | Hispanic/Latino |
Races - American Indian | AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE (E1059) (Code table: C088) | American Indian/Alaskan Native |
Races - Asian | ASIAN-CODE (E1060) (Code table: C088) | Asian |
Races - Black | BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-CODE (E1061) (Code table: C088) | Black/African American |
Races - Pacific Islander | NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE (E1062) (Code table: C088) | Hawaiian/Pacific Isl |
Races - White | WHITE-CODE (E1063) (Code table: C088) | White |
Attribution Code | STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE (E1000) (Code table: C161) | Attribution Cd |
Campus of Residence | CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE (E0903) | Camp ID Resid |
Economic Disadvantage | ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE (E0785) (Code table: C054) | Eco Disadvan |
Military Connected | MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (E1529) (Code table: C197) | Military Connected |
Foster Care | FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1528) (Code table: C196) | Foster Care |
Star of Texas Award | STAR-OF-TEXAS-INDICATOR-CODE (E1601) (Code table: C088) | Star of Texas Award |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo3 |
Campus of Accountability | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY (E1027) | Campus of Account |
Unaccompanied Youth Status | UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE (E1084) (Code table: C192) | Unaccomp Youth Status Cd |
Migrant | MIGRANT-INDICATOR-CODE (E0984) (Code table: C088) | Migrant |
Early Reading | EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1522) (Code table: C195) | Early Reading Cd |
Asylee/Refugee | UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE/REFUGEE-CODE (E1076) (Code table: C183) | Asylee/Refugee Cd |
Homeless Status | HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE (E1082) (Code table: C189) | Homeless Status Cd |
Section 504 Services | SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE (E1603) (Code table: C088) | IEP/Sec 504 Services |
SBEC/Trained Staff | —- | SBEC |
Section 39.023 Mods | — | Section 39.023 |
Dyslexia Risk | DYSLEXIA-RISK-CODE (E1644) (Code table: C222) | Dyslexia Risk |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo3 or Graduation Plan > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > PGP |
Public Services | PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1546) (Code table: C199) | Public Services |
Foundation Coursework | FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE (E1541) (Code table: C199) | Foundation Coursework |
Business and Industry | BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1545) (Code table: C199) | Business and Industry |
Distinguished Coursework | FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1542) (Code table: C199) | Distinguished Coursework |
Multi Disciplinary Studies | MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1548) (Code table: C199) | Multi Disciplinary Studies |
Arts and Humanities | ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1547) (Code table: C199) | Arts and Humanities |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll |
Campus | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Local Programs |
Crisis Code | CRISIS-CODE (E1054) (Code table: C178) | Other Spc Pgms |
T-STEM | T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE (E1559) (Code table: C088) | Other Spc Pgm |
ECHS | ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE (E1560) (Code table: C088) | Other Spc Pgm |
Intervention Strategy | INTERVENTION-STRATEGY-INDICATOR-CODE (E1602) (Code table: C088) | Other Spc Pgms |
Section 504 | SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE (E1603) (Code table: C088) | Other Spc Pgms |
P-TECH | P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE (E1612) (Code table: C088) | Other Spc Pgms |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment (Directory) |
Local ID | LOCAL-STUDENT-ID (E0923) | Campus ID plus student ID (most current campus of enrollment for the school year) |
Graduation Plan > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > Performance Acknowledgement |
Associate Degree | ASSOCIATE-DEGREE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1596) (Code table: C235) | Associate Degree |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Basic Att
Correct data for the BasicReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Student Basic Att tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll |
Campus | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) | Grade (where Entry/Exit are within Report Period dates per Campus Calendar/Track |
Inelig Days Present | TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (E0936) | Entry Date/Exit Date
Eligibility Code |
Elig Days Present | TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (E0937) | Entry Date/Exit Date
Eligibility Code |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment (Directory) |
Local ID | LOCAL-STUDENT-ID (E0923) | Campus ID plus student ID (most current campus of enrollment for the school year) |
Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Campus Calendar |
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Track
Begin School
Begin Cycle |
Days Taught | NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) | Mem Days |
Attendance > Maintenance > Student > Student Inquiry > Attendance By Date |
Total Days Absent | TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT (E0036) | Sum of ADA absence/posting codes for ADA Period |
Attendance > Maintenance > Flexible Attendance > Weekly Register Worksheet |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd |
Spec Ed Maintstream Days | TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAMDAYS-PRESENT (E0940) | Entry/Exit Date
Instrl Set |
Primary Disability | PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0041) (Code table: C053) | Primary Dis |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Bil/ESL |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > G/T |
G/T | GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0034) (Code table: C088) | Gift/Talent |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > PK Enroll |
PK Prog Type | PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE (E1078) | PK Program Code |
Primary PK Fund Source | PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE (E1079) | PK Funding Source |
Second PK Fund Source | SECONDARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE (E1080) | PK Secondary Funding |
Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Program Information |
Multiply Disability | MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0882) (Code table: C088) | Multi Disability |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Special Ed Att
Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Student Special Ed Att tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll |
Campus ID | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) (Code table: C050) | Grade (where Entry/Exit are within Report Period dates per Campus Calendar/Track |
Elig Days Present | TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (E0937) | Entry Date/Exit Date
Eligibility Code |
Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Campus Calendar |
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Track
Begin School
Begin Cycle |
Days Taught | NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) | Mem Days |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd |
Instructional Setting | INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (E0173) (Code table: C035) | Instrl Set |
RDSPD | REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE (E0833) (Code table: C067) | Regional Day School Deaf |
District of RDSPD Service | DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE RDSD (E1527) | RDSD Fiscal Agent |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment (Directory) |
Local ID | LOCAL-STUDENT-ID (E0923) | Campus ID plus student ID (most current campus of enrollment for the school year) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo1
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd |
Eligible Days Present | TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (E0937) | Elig Code *
Entry/Exit Date |
Excess Hours | EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING (E0945) | Calculated: If CTE Hours + SpecEd hours is greater than 6, then Excess Hours is (CTE Hours + SpecEd Hours) – 6. |
* If eligibility code is 1, 3, or 4, then a value of 1 is added to the Eligible Days for every membership day that falls within the Special Ed enrollment dates for the student’s campus/track. Then any ADA absences during the ADA period within the student’s special ed program dates are subtracted from the Eligible Days to get the Eligible Days Present. If the student’s eligibility code is 2, 6, or 5, then a value of .5 is added to the Eligible Days for every membership day that falls within the Special Ed enrollment dates for the student’s campus/track and .5 is subtracted for every ADA absence.
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > CTE Att
Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Student CTE Att tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll |
Campus ID | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) (Code table: C050) | Grade (where Entry/Exit are within Report Period dates per Campus Calendar/Track |
Service ID | SERVICE-ID (E0724) (Code table: C022) | Service ID |
Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Campus Calendar |
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Track
Begin School
Begin Cycle |
Days Taught | NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) | Mem Days |
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > CTE |
Elig Days V1 | ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V1 (E0950) | CTE Hrs |
Elig Days V2 | ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V2 (E0951) | CTE Hrs |
Elig Days V3 | ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V3 (E0952) | CTE Hrs |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Course Complt
Correct data for the StudentSectionAssociation and StudentTranscriptExtension complex types as needed.
NOTE: If you entered default values in the Default Pass/Fail/Credit Indicators fields on the Summer Extract page, be sure to update the Pass/Fail field for any students who failed.
Cross reference for Student Course Completion tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll |
Campus | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Entry Date | STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE (E1069) | Entry Date |
Exit Date | STUDENT-END-DATE (E1070) | Exit Date |
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section |
Class ID | CLASS-ID-NUMBER (E1056) | Crs Nbr
Sem |
Service ID | SERVICE-ID Service ID (E0724) (Code table: C022 | Service ID |
Course Sequence | COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE (E0948) (Code table: C135) | Crs Seq |
Dual Credit | DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1011) (Code table: C088) | Dual Crdt |
College Credit Hrs | COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS (E1081) | College Credit Hrs - Sem 1 and Sem 2 |
ATC | ATC-INDICATOR-CODE ATC (E1058) (Code table: C088) | Adv Tech Crdt |
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Grd/Crs Maint |
Pass/Fail | PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE (E0949) (Code table: C136) | Pass/Fail |
Course Completion | COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR (E1068) (Code table: C088) | Pass/Fail |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Discipline
Correct data for the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Student Discipline tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Discipline > Maintenance > Student > Maintenance |
Campus of Disciplinary Assignment | CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT (E1003) | Campus Assignment |
Action Number | DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-NUMBER (E1004) | Action Nbr |
Action Code | DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE (E1005) (Code table: C164) | Act |
Action Reason | DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE (E1006) (Code table: C165) | Offense Description |
Official Length of Assignment | OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT (E1007) | Official Length |
Actual Length of Assignment | ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT (E1008) | Actual Length |
Length Difference Reason | DISCIPLINARY-LENGTH-DIFFERENCE-REASON-CODE (E1009) (Code table: C166) | Diff Code |
Incident Number | DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER (E1016) | Incident Nbr |
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Reporting Period |
Date of Disciplinary Action | DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION (E1036) | Discp Actn Date |
Campus of Disciplinary Responsibility | CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY (E1037) | Campus Resp |
Behavior Location Code | BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE (E1083) (Code table: C190) | Location of Incident |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll |
Campus of Enrollment | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Restraint
Correct data for the RestraintEventExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Restraint tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Child Restraint |
Campus of Restraint | CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT (E1032) | Cnty/Dist/Campus of Restraint |
Restraint Instance Nbr | RESTRAINT-INSTANCE-NUMBER (E1035) | Restraint Instance Nbr |
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Reporting Period |
Restraint Reason | RESTRAINT-REASON-CODE (E1033) (Code table: C173) | Restraint Reason |
Date of Restraint | DATE-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT (E1034) | Restraint Date |
Staff Type | RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE (E1516) (Code table: C194) | |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd |
Spec Ed Ind | SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0794) (Code table: C088) | Entry/Exit Date |
Nonmembership | NON-MEMBERSHIP-DISCIPLINE-RESTRAINT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1725) (Code table: C088) | Nonmembership |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Title I Part A
Correct data for the StudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociationExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Title I Part A tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Title I |
Campus ID | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Campus |
Title I Part A | TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE (E0894) (Code table: C122) | Title I Code |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Flexible Att
Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Flexible Attendance tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Campus Calendar |
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Track
Begin School
Begin Cycle |
Days Taught | NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) | Mem Days |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll |
Campus | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Attendance > Maintenance > Flexible Attendance > Weekly Register Worksheet |
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) Code table: C050) | Grd Lvl |
Flexible Attendance Program | FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE (E1045) (Code table: C177) | Flex Att Program |
Eligible Minutes Present | FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT (E1046) | Elig Mins |
Ineligible Minutes Present | FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT (E1047) | InElig Mins |
Special Ed Days | FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE (E1049) | Total Sp Ed Mins for the same track, grade level, Flex Att Program code, and reporting period divided by 240 |
Bilingual ESL Days | FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE (E1050) | Total Bil/ESL Mins for the same track, grade level, Flex Att Program code, and reporting period divided by 240 |
Gifted and Talented | GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0034) (Code table: C088) | GT |
Primary Disability | PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0041) | Primary Dis |
Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Program Information |
Multiply Disabled | MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0882) (Code table: C088) | Multi Disability |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Bil/ESL |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment (Directory) |
Local ID | LOCAL-STUDENT-ID (E0923) | Campus ID plus student ID (most current campus of enrollment for the school year) |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Flexible Spec Ed Att
Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Flexible Special Ed Attendance tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Campus Calendar |
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Track
Begin School
Begin Cycle |
Days Taught | NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) | Mem Days |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll |
Campus | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Attendance > Maintenance > Flexible Attendance > Weekly Register Worksheet |
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) (Code table: C050) | Grd Lvl |
Flexible Attendance Program | FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE (E1045) (Code table: C177) | |
Instructional Setting
Instructional Setting 2
Instructional Setting 3 | INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (E0173) (Code table: C035) | Instr Set * |
Eligible Days
Eligible Days 2
Eligible Days 3 | ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING (E0944) | Sp Ed Mins * (divided by 240 to get Elig Days) |
Excess Minutes
Excess Minutes 2
Excess Minutes 3 | EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING (E0945) | Excess Mins |
* If the student has more than one row for the same track, grade level, Flex Att Program code, and reporting period, the first row’s value for Instr Set is Instructional Setting, the 2nd row’s value for Instr Set is Instructional Setting 2, the third row’s value for Instr Set is Instructional Setting 3. The same is true for Eligible Days.
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Flexible CTE Att
Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Flexible CTE Attendance tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Campus Calendar |
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Track
Begin School
Begin Cycle |
Days Taught | NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) | Mem Days |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll |
Campus | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Attendance > Maintenance > Flexible Attendance > Weekly Register Worksheet |
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) (Code table: C050) | Grd Lvl |
Flexible Attendance Program | FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE (E1045) (Code table: C177) | Flex Att Program |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Industry Cert
Correct data for the StudentExtension complex type as needed.
The IBC Exam Fee and IBC Vendor will extract directly from the Graduation Plan or Registration application to the Student Extension Interchange.
Cross reference for Industry Cert tab:
Graduation Plan > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > PGP (if student has a graduation plan) |
Certification | POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE (E1640) (Code Table: C214) | Industry Credentials or Certification |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo3 (if student does not have a graduation plan) |
Certification | POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE (E1640) (Code Table: C214) | Industry Certification 1-15 |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Special Ed
Correct data for the StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociationExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Special Ed tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd |
Beg Dt | SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0794) (Code table: C088) | Entry Date |
End Dt | SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0794) (Code table: C088) | Exit Date |
Prim Dis | PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0041) (Code table: C053) | Prim Dis |
Sec Dis | SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0834) (Code table: C053) | Sec Dis |
Tert Dis | TERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0835) (Code table: C053) | Tert Dis |
Multi Dis | MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0882) (Code table: C088) | Multi Dis |
Instr Set | INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (E0173) (Code table: C035) | Instrl Set |
Asst Tech | ASSISTIVE-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE (E0997) (Code table: C088) | Asst Tech |
Aud Svcs | AUDIOLOGICAL-SERV-IND-CODE (E0838) (Code table: C088) | Aud Svc |
Coun Svcs | COUNSELING-SERVICES-IND-CODE (E0840) (Code table: C088) | Couns Svc |
ECI | EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE (E0900) (Code table: C088) | ECI |
Interp Svcs | INTERPRETING-SERVICES-TYPE-CODE (E1040) (Code table: C174) | Interp Svc |
Medical Diag | MEDICAL-DIAGNOSTIC-SERV-IND-CODE (E0841) (Code table: C088) | Medical Diag |
Occup Thrpy | OCCUPATIONAL-THERAPY-IND-CODE (E0843) (Code table: C088) | Occup Thrpy |
Orient Trng | ORIENT-MOBILITY-TRNG-IND-CODE (E0844) (Code table: C088) | Orient Trng |
Phys Thrpy | PHYSICAL-THERAPY-IND-CODE (E0845) (Code table: C088) | Phys Thrpy |
Psych Svcs | PSYCHOLOGICAL-SERVICES-IND-CODE (E0846) (Code table: C088) | Psych Svc |
Rec Thrpy | RECREATION-IND-CODE (E0847) (Code table: C088) | Rec Thrpy |
RDSPD | REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE (E0833) (Code table: C067) | RDSPD |
Sch Hlth | SCHOOL-HEALTH-SERVICES-IND-CODE (E0848) (Code table: C088) | Sch Hlth Svc |
Soc Wrk | SOCIAL-WORK-SERVICES-IND-CODE (E0849) (Code table: C088) | Soc Wrk Svc |
Speech Ther | SPEECH-THERAPY-INDICATOR-CODE (E0857) (Code table: C095) | Speech |
Transport | TRANSPORTATION-INDICATOR-CODE (E0851) (Code table: C088) | Transport |