TSDS PEIMS Fall Submission Data for Business

Created: 10/1/2024
Reviewed: 10/21/2024
Revised: 10/21/2024

This document outlines key Business data that is submitted during the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) Fall Submission and used by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). As the year progresses, this document may be updated to include additional fields of data.

For a complete list of submission rules and edits, see https://tealprod.tea.state.tx.us/TWEDSAPI/23/398/403/DataComponents/Entity/List

This document assumes you are familiar with the basic features of the ASCENDER Business system and have reviewed the ASCENDER Business Overview guide.

Some of the images and/or examples provided in this document are for informational purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA’s process.


Review the following and take action as needed:

❏ Ensure applicable employees have the correct roles and permissions in ASCENDER Security Administration to access pages needed for TSDS reporting.

❏ Create responsibility records in Personnel for staff whose Staff Service begins with “S.” Review the Responsibilities - Quick Reference Chart.

* The underlined text indicates the domain's submission level as it appears on the District Administration > Options > TSDS > Domains & Entities page.

I. Education Organization Domain

First Level Submission

The Education Organization domain includes information about public, charter, education service center, organization, or agency.

Information from AskTED is imported into the Operational Data Store (ODS). As you send data, TEA matches the School ID (county district number) to existing district and campus information to ensure that the reported data is credited to the correct Local Education Agency (LEA).

  1. Verify district information for current/prior school year.
  2. Verify campus information/exclude non-instructional campuses from reporting.
  3. Verify Shared Services Arrangements, as needed.

II. Staff Domain

Second Level Submission

The Staff Domain includes general staff information for a local education agency (LEA).

This section provides you with a clear view of all the Business fields included in the Staff Domain for Fall PEIMS reporting. The information is organized by where it exists in the system (application, menu, page, and tab). This will help you easily locate and correct data as needed. You can also generate user-created reports to assist you in verifying data.

  1. Personnel
  2. Payroll
  3. Position Management
  4. District Administration

III. Finance Domain

Third Level Submission

The Finance domain includes financial information captured in accounts (both actuals and budgeted).

  1. Add crosswalks.
  2. Verify Budget data.
  3. Verify Payroll data.

IV. TSDS Level 1 Errors

This page is used to view and print a listing of Level 1 errors that occurred in various domains/entities when the API interface files begin processing into the TEA database. ASCENDER does not control the content of these errors.

All TSDS Level 1 Error reports are displayed and printed in landscape orientation by default.

  1. Review/correct TSDS Level 1 Errors.

V. Data Quality Tips

StepCompletion DateCompleted ByNotes
Verify the following for Active Employees:
Personnel > Maintenance > Employment Info
Verify that active employees only have one employment type selected, Employment Type or Retiree Employment Type.
Verify all employees with a Latest Re-employment Date do not have a Termination Date. For re-hires, delete the Termination Date and Reason.
Verify all employees have a Percent of Day Employed.
Verify all auxiliary staff have an Auxiliary Role ID with a Begin Date .
Verify all paraprofessional staff with a Paraprofessional Certification have Para Cert selected with a Begin Date.
Verify that employees with an Employment Status of 09 Other are not reported to PEIMS. If the employee should be reported to PEIMS, it is recommended that you change the Employment Status to 02 Active auxiliary personnel

Be sure to add an Auxiliary Role ID to these employees. It is recommended that you use 222 Other Non-Exempt Auxiliary.
Verify the following for Terminated Employees:
Personnel > Maintenance > Employment Info
Verify the employee record has a Termination Date and Termination Reason.
Verify the employee record has an End Date for the Auxiliary Role ID and/or Paraprofessional Certification.
Verify the employee record has an updated Employment Status, if not, select the appropriate code.
Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Responsibility
Verify the employee record has an End Date on the Responsibility record if one exists.
Payroll > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Pay Info
Verify the employee record has a Pay Status of Inactive.
Verify the following for Finance and Budget Data:
Finance > Maintenance > Create Chart of Accounts
Verify that a “parent” account is not being used in the account code structure to enter data. (Examples: Fund code 100, 200; Object code 1100, 5700, 6300)
Verify the correct organization codes are being used.

• If the organization code is 701-750, then function code should be 41, 53 or 99. Function 41 should not have a organization code of 999. The organization codes are typically 701-703, 720, 750 or 751. (ESCs are the exception.) Reference the FAR Guide and make any changes for accounts that are not crosswalked.

• Expenditure accounts (6XXX) should not have an organization code of 000 or PIC of 00.
Verify the correct Program Intent Codes (PIC) are being used.

• Funds 205, 255, 270, and 429 should not have PIC 30. These funds are typically PIC 24.

• Verify you do not have PICs 31, 32, 34, or 35 in your chart of accounts. If you do, you will need to mass crosswalk the data to another account code. These codes have been retired and deleted from the FAR Guide.
Finance > Inquiry > General Ledger Inquiry
Verify expenditures exist for object code 6491 to record Statutorily Required Public Notices.
Verify at least one account code exists for instructional staff development (function 13) with budget amounts (for Fall PEIMS) and actual expenditures (for Mid-Year PEIMS) greater than zero.
Verify at least one account code exists for instructional resources and media services (function 12 and object 6100-6600) with a budget and actual expenditures greater than zero.
Verify at least one account code exists for guidance, counseling, evaluation services or social work services or health services in function 31-33, object 6100-6600 with amounts greater than zero.
Verify at least one account code exists with object code 6212 for audit services.
Verify one account code exists for Matching State Funds (object 5829) in funds 240 and 410.

The District PEIMS Coordinator is responsible for setting up the following, unless other arrangements have been established.

Do not make changes to this information unless authorized.

StepCompletion DateCompleted ByNotes
District Administration > Options > TSDS > Options
Verify that the As-of-Date and School Start Window (SSW) Date fields have the correct dates.
Ensure that email address(es) are entered under Finance Extract Distribution List and Personnel/Payroll Extract Distribution List. These designated email addresses allow a person or group of persons to receive extract emails.
District Administration > Options > TSDS > Connection
Verify the API URL, Key, and Secret are accurate.
District Administration > Options > TSDS > Domains & Entities
Make selections on Domains & Entities as described in the ASCENDER TSDS New School Year Best Practice Guide.