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Domains & Entities - DA2100

District Administration > Options > TSDS > Domains & Entities

This tab is used to extract and send Texas Student Data System (TSDS) data to Texas Education Agency (TEA) for Ed-Fi processing.

IMPORTANT: Use the ASCENDER TSDS New School Year Best Practice Guide to assist you in making selections of the domains and entities to send to TSDS.

Submission Levels:

This tab consists of four submission levels, each including the specified domains and entities per TEA requirements. Each submission level is dependent on the prior level. For example, you must first select all First Level Submission domains prior to selecting and saving any Second Level Submission domains/entities, and so on.

  • Once a domain/entity has been selected and successfully submitted and accepted by TEA, the associated checkbox remains selected and disabled for the remainder of the submission school year (Submission Year).
  • Any changes within the submitted domain/entity will continue to be included in Ed-Fi processing for the specified submission school year.
  • It is recommended that you do not select all Submission Levels during the same instance.

Additional Dependencies:

Note: These dependencies originate from Ed-Fi/TSDS but are being separated to enhance clarity and processing efficiency.

  • Enrollment Domain depends on Student Identification and Demographic > Student
  • Student Identification and Demographic Domain > StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation depends on Enrollment Domain
  • Teaching and Learning > Course Offering depends on Teaching and Learning > Course
  • Teaching and Learning > Section depends on Teaching and Learning > CourseOffering
  • Teaching and Learning > StaffSectionAssociation depends on Teaching and Learning > Section
  • Teaching and Learning > StudentSectionAssociation depends on Teaching and Learning > Section
  • Student Attendance > StudentProgramAttendanceEvent depends on Alternative and Supplemental Services Domain

Saving and Sending Data:

After considering the above dependencies, select and save the applicable domains. The saved selections on this tab are not dependent on the logged-on user and once saved, will be used in the Extract & Send process to extract and send data to TEA.

Data transmission occurs in two ways:

Method Description
AutomaticScheduled extracts run every weekday (Monday-Friday) at 6:00 PM to automatically extract and send data to TEA.
ManualUsers can initiate data transmission to TEA on demand by clicking the Extract & Send button.

Note: If a manual data transmission is already in progress, the scheduled extract will not run.

Extract & Send Process:

The data is extracted from ASCENDER tables, transformed per TEA requirements to meet the national Ed-Fi data standard, and loaded into the ASCENDER Ed-Fi staging tables.

❏ If the Extract & Send process occurs via the automatic scheduled extract, the TSDS extract emails are generated at 6:15 AM. These emails include the TSDS Extract Error report as well as the Prior Year Actuals, Budget, and Payroll reports (as applicable), and are sent to the defined TSDS Extract Errors Distribution List on the District Administration > Options > TSDS > Options tab.

❏ If the Extract & Send process occurs manually via the Extract & Send button, the TSDS Extract Errors report is not generated and emailed; however, you can navigate to the District Administration > Inquiry > TSDS Level 1 Errors page and click Extract Errors Reprint to generate the TSDS Extract Errors report from the last instance of the Extract & Send process.


  • The TSDS Extract Errors report is not cumulative and only displays errors from one day.
  • The listed errors are only displayed on the error report until they are corrected.
  • Data errors listed on the TSDS Extract Errors report do not necessarily mean that you will have TSDS Level 1 Errors.
  • TSDS extract errors are typically data errors that require record(s) in ASCENDER to be corrected.
  • If the Extract TSDS database column is set to 0, the Budget and Payroll extract file/PDF will not be generated and sent via email. This discontinues the emails for Budget and Payroll until after the Fiscal Year Close process is done for the current year. If the Extract TSDS database column is set to 1, 2 or 3, the Budget and Payroll extract/PDF will be generated and emailed as usual.

After the data extracted, transformed, and loaded into the ASCENDER Ed-Fi staging tables, the data is then transmitted in an Ed-Fi JSON file via Application Programming Interface (API) processing to an Operational Data Store (ODS) at TEA where it may or may not land successfully.

  • Data errors are marked as so in the staging tables and listed in the TSDS Level 1 Error Report.
  • You must research errors and correct data in ASCENDER.
  • If you are unable resolve an error, contact your regional ESC consultant for further assistance.

ASCENDER Resources:

Texas Education Agency (TEA) Resources:

Retrieve a record:

Field Description
Submission YearType the submission year set by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) in the YYYY format. This is the ending year of the school year for which you will be submitting data (e.g., 2024-2025 school year; Submission Year = 2025). The submission year is edited to ensure a valid year is entered and that code table data is loaded for the year specified.

❏ Click Retrieve. The record for the specified submission year is displayed.

❏ Select the applicable submission levels (domains/entities).

TIP: Be sure to review and consider the dependencies outlined in the introduction (green box).

❏ Under First Level Submission:

Education Organization Domain & Descriptors• LocalEducationAgency
• EducationServiceCenter
• SSAOrgAssociationExt(TX)
• School
School Calendar Domain• Calendar
• CalendarDate
• Session
• ReportingPeriodExt(TX)

❏ Under Second Level Submission:

Student Identification and Demographic Domain:

Enrollment Domain• StudentSchoolAssociation
• StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation
Staff Domain• Staff
• StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation
• StaffEducationOrganizationEmploymentAssociation
• StaffSchoolAssociation

❏ Under Third Level Submission:

Finance Domain• PriorYearActualExt(TX)
• BudgetExt(TX)
• SharedServiceArrangementExt(TX)
• PayrollExt(TX)
• ContractedInstructionalStaffFTEExt(TX)
Alternative and Supplemental Services Domain• Program
• StudentCTEProgramAssociation
• StudentTitle1PartAProgramAssociation
• Student Special EducationProgramAssociation
• StudentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation
Prior Year Leaver Domain• PriorYearLeaver(TX)
• PriorYearLeaverParent
• PriorYearLeaverStudentParentAssociation
Student Application Domain• StudentApplication(TX)

Teaching and Learning Domain:


❏ Under Fourth Level Submission:

Discipline Domain• DisciplineIncident
• StudentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation
• DisciplineAction
Restraint Event Domain• RestraintEvent
Student Academic Record Domain• StudentAcademicRecord
• CourseTranscript

Student Attendance Domain:

StudentProgramAttendanceEvent• BasicReportingPeriodAttendance(TX)
• SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendance(TX)
• SpecialEducationProgramReportingPeriodAttendance(TX)
• CTEProgramReportingPeriodAttendance(TX)
• BilingualESLProgramReportingPeriodAttendance(TX)
• FlexibleRegularProgramReportingPeriodAttendance(TX)
• FlexibleCTEProgramReportingPeriodAttendance(TX)
• FlexibleBilingualESLProgramReportingPeriodAttendance(TX)
• ExtendedSchoolYearServicesAttendance(TX)
Student Special Education Program Eligibility Association Domain• StudentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation(TX)

❏ Click Save. If any errors exist on the tab, the TSDS Errors pop-up window is displayed. Review and correct the errors to continue. The selections must be successfully saved prior to clicking Extract & Send.

❏ Once you are satisfied with the status of your data, click Extract & Send to manually start the Extract & Send process. The Extract & Send pop-up window is displayed with a warning about the effects of continuing the process.

  • Click Yes to continue. The Extract & Send process is initiated.
    • The Extract & Send and Save buttons are disabled.
    • A message is displayed at the top of the tab indicating that the Extract & Send process is currently in progress with an as-of time/date stamp.
      • The message is displayed on the tab until the process is completed.
      • The message informs other users who access the tab that the process is in progress.
  • Click No to return to the Domains & Entities tab.

❏ Click Send Status to view the extract status details. The Send Status pop-up window is displayed with a list of the following details: Domain, Entity, Total Nbr Records, and Success percentage. This list excludes domains/entities for which no data has been sent.

  • This information can be used as a measure in the decision to continue adding entities/domains to the Extract & Send process.
  • If the success rate is lower than the recommended threshold of 90%, a warning message is displayed next to the Send Status button to inform users that it is not recommended to add and send additional domains/entities at this time.
  • Incomplete or low success percentage entities will likely lead to errors for dependent endpoints.
  • Access the TSDS Resources page and click Domain Dependencies to view the current TSDS Domain Dependency chart. Use the chart to troubleshoot errors.

Other functions and features:


Click to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes will be lost.

ResetIf the last attempt to run the process takes longer than 4 hours, the Reset button is enabled, allowing you to restart the process. Click Reset to clear the attempt.

Before restarting the process, ensure your TSDS Level 1 Errors are addressed. After doing so, you can either click Extract & Send to manually start the process again or wait for the automatic scheduled extract (Monday-Friday at 6:00 PM) to occur.
options/tsds/domainsandentities.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/11 19:36 by emoreno