Student Year-at-a-Glance
End of Cycle/Semester
The following tasks must be done at the end of the final semester.
IMPORTANT: For additional information, reference the TeacherPortal End-of-Semester and TeacherPortal End-of-Year reminders from the TeacherPortal guide
❏ Complete all End of Cycle and End of Semester tasks, plus the following:
Task | Resource |
Attendance | |
❏ Verify that all required attendance audit reports have been generated from ASCENDER and stored for your records, as well as other reports required for the district. Review the TEA Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH), Section 2.3 for specific rules. | IMPORTANT: The following attendance reports must be generated throughout the year and retained for auditing purposes. They can be saved as a PDF. These reports are not available in Historical. ❏ Attendance Reports > Audit > SAT0600 - Student Detail Report Verify that individual student membership information is correct, and that the totals on the summary page match the totals on the SAT0900 Principal/Superintendent semester report.
Verify eligible attendance days present/absent and special programs contact hours, by campus and by district. Verify that the report is balanced against the SAT0600 - Student Detail Report report.
Verify eligible attendance days present/absent and special programs contact hours, by campus and by district. For the 2020-2021 school year, school districts should also run SAT900C if they participated in remote instruction.
This report is the same as SAT0900, except it provides information for multiple tracks.
Verify that first and fourth six weeks campus membership is balanced against district enrollment totals on SAT1000.
Verify that daily attendance summaries have been balanced daily.
Print current year class attendance by instructor name or control number. Use for attendance verification for all attendance or grade reporting cycles. |
Grade Reporting | |
❏ Assign pass/fail indicators and verify course completion records for PEIMS. NOTE: These indicators must be set for 1st grade and above. | QuickGuide: Assign Pass/Fail Indicators |
❏ (Elementary campuses) Compute final grades, whether the campus uses semester grades or cumulative year-to-date averages. | Grade Reporting > Utilities > Grade Computation Elementary |
❏ (Elementary campuses) Print final report cards with the promotion/retained message. | ❏ SGR1400 - Elementary Report Cards (set Print Promoted/Retained Msg to Y) |