
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo2

This tab allows you to view and update a student's additional demographic data. The information on the Demo2 tab is not required for enrollment; however, entering a complete demographic record is recommended.

The Demo2 tab is not available until you retrieve a student on the Student Enrollment page. For a new student, you must enter and save all required data on Demo1 before proceeding to this tab.

Student > StudentCensusBlockGroupSet
The StudentCensusBlockGroupSet common type captures the census block in which an economically disadvantaged student resides and the the BeginDate and EndDate associated to the StudentCensusBlockGroup data block element.

StudentCensusBlockGroup (E1648) indicates the census block in which the student resides.

A census block is a geographic unit defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. LEAs can use the tool provide by TEA to determine the StudentCensusBlockGroup.

BeginDate (E3010) is the first day in the current school year an economically disadvantaged student is assigned to the Census Block Group Number.

Update data:

❏ Under Counselor Information:

Counselor Information

Select the student's counselor. The counselor must already be established on the Principal/Counselor tab.

NOTE: If the student does not have a control number assigned, but does have a counselor assigned, the counselor's name will be displayed/printed on the student's report card in the Counselor/Homeroom Teacher field.

Dt Entry 5th Grd
Dt Entry 8th Grd
Dt Entry 9th Grd
District Entry Date
Birth City

Type the city in which the student was born, up to 17 characters.

Birth State

Type the two-character abbreviation for the state in which the student was born (e.g., TX).

Birth Country

Select the country in which the student was born. The listed countries are set up on Maintenance > District Profile > Tables > Country Codes.

NOTE: Once you accept the student's Home Language Survey, this field is updated according to the parent's answer to the question What is the student’s country of birth?

The field will be blank if the parent entered a country manually instead of selecting it from the drop-down list.


The cohort year is the student's Dt Entry 9th Grd plus four years. A cohort is a group of students tracked from the beginning of a school year through the fall after the expected graduation date, regardless of final status. The cohort year is the ending school year when the student is expected to graduate.

The field is automatically populated when you enter the student's Dt Entry 9th Grd, press TAB, and save.
If the month entered is between July and December, add 4 years to the Cohort year, otherwise add 3 years.

Once updated, the field becomes read-only. The student's cohort year should not be changed unless it was entered in error. To update the cohort year, clear the student's Dt Entry 9th Grd and save. Then, reenter the Dt Entry 9th Grd field, press TAB, and save.

❏ Under Miscellaneous:

Primary Language

Click ellipsis button to select the primary language spoken by the student. If blank, the value in Default Home Language Cd on Maintenance > District Profile > Control Info is used to supply this information on reports.

NOTE: Once you accept the student's Home Language Survey, this field is updated according to the parent's answer to the question What language does the child speak most of the time?

Immig Tracking

Type the two-digit number of years the student has been eligible to receive services through the Emergency Immigrant Education Act, if applicable.

Headstart Code

Indicate the student's eligibility for and participation in the Headstart program.

Alien Tuition Cd

Select if the student pays tuition because of his alien status.

Parent Federal Connected

Select if either of the student’s parents is federally connected.

Att Zone Home Campus

For districts using Attendance Zones:

• If Auto Update Home Campus from Attendance Zones is selected on Registration > Maintenance > District Profile > District Maintenance > Attendance Zone Options, this field is disabled and automatically populated with the student's home campus (by comparing the student's physical address to the list of campuses having the same physical address, and identifying the campus in which student's grade level falls within).

• If Auto Update Home Campus from Attendance Zones is not selected, this field can be manually entered.

This field is only enabled for campuses using Attendance Zones.

SAT-ACT-TSIA Reimburse

Select to indicate that a prior or current LEA has received the one-time allowed SAT, ACT, or TSIA fee reimbursement for the student. If selected, it will be included in the Registration > Utilities > TREx Export.

This check box will be disabled if the LEA already selected it in a prior school year.

❏ Under Dual Language Immersion:

This data is reported through the Texas Record Exchange (TREx) per SB 671.

Year-Language 01-05

For each year, indicate the language other than English (LOTE) in which the student is receiving instruction in a dual language immersion program.

If Year 05 Language has a value, Completion Year is required.

Assessment Date

Enter the date on which the student:

• Achieved high levels of academic competence as demonstrated by performance of meets or masters grade level on the STAAR in English or Spanish, as applicable; and

• Achieved proficiency in both English and a LOTE as demonstrated by scores of proficient or higher in the reading and speaking domains on language proficiency or achievement tests in both languages.

Use the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

Completion Year

Type the four-digit year in which the student successfully completed the dual language immersion program.

The field is required if all five Year-Language fields have values.
The field must be blank if Year 05 Language is blank.

❏ Under Receive/Transfer:

Previous District

Type the name of the district or the county-district number that the student attended prior to his current enrollment, if applicable, up to eight characters.

Previous Campus

Type the three-digit ID for the campus the student attended prior to his current enrollment.

Last Year Campus

The campus the student attended last year is displayed. When Move to Grade Reporting is performed, the current campus is moved to this field.

Last Year Grade

This field is automatically populated with the value entered by the parent when enrolling the student via ASCENDER ParentPortal New Student Enrollment, or whatever value was saved when accepting the new student via Registration > Maintenance > Online Registration > New Student Enrollment > Register Student.

Otherwise, type the student’s grade level in the previous school year.

Records Request

Select the location or type of school that requested the student’s records. The field applies only to withdrawn students. The codes listed for this field are set up on Maintenance > District Profile > Tables > Records Requested Codes.

Records Forward

If the student withdrew and Records Request indicates that the student’s records were requested, indicate if the campus sent the student’s records to the requestor. The code entered is user-defined, up to three characters (e.g., YES) and should have some meaning to the campus or district.

The field applies only to withdrawn students.

Leave blank if records were not sent.

❏ Under Locker:

The data in these fields is used by the Locker Number Assignment utility.


Type the number for the locker assigned to the student. The number is zero-filled if fewer than six characters are entered.

Combination 1

Type the lock combination for the student’s locker, up to nine characters.

Combination 2

Type the second combination that opens the lock, up to nine characters. Leave blank if there is no second combination.

❏ Under Magnet School:

Magnet this year

Select if the student is currently in a magnet program.

Magnet next year

Select if the student will be in a magnet program next school year.

❏ Under Local Use:

The labels (i.e., field descriptions) for the following fields are displayed according to the descriptions entered on Maintenance > District Profile > Tables > Local Use Codes. The district defines the codes and how they are used. You may be required to enter data in these fields if indicated on the Local Use Codes tab.

Local Use Codes

Four one-character fields are displayed that can be used to record any information about the student as requested by the district.


Two one-character fields are displayed that can be used to record any information about the student as requested by the district.

Undefined Prgrm

A one-character field is displayed that can be used to record any information about the student as requested by the district.

❏ Under Census Block:

Census Block

Type the census block number, up to 12 characters, that indicates the census block in which the student resides.

Begin Date

Type the begin date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

End Date

Type the end date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

❏ Under Bus Information:


Indicate the student's eligibility to ride the school bus.


Type the school bus seat assigned to the student, up to three characters.

The following fields are user-defined:


Type the code indicating the student's bus route, up to three characters.


Type the one-character run number of the student's bus route. Typically, each bus route consists of several runs.

Pickup Stop

Type the code identifying the bus stop where the student is picked up for school, up to six characters.

Dropoff Stop

Type the code identifying the bus stop where the student is dropped off from school, up to six characters. Leave blank unless you maintain both pickup and dropoff stop information.

Pickup Assgnd

Type a one-character code indicating if the student’s pickup bus stop is assigned.

Dropoff Assgnd

Type the one-character code indicating if the student’s drop-off bus stop is assigned.

Pickup Route

Type the code identifying the student's bus route when he is picked up for school, up to six characters. Leave blank unless the Pickup Route is different from Route and you maintain both pickup and drop-off route fields.

Dropoff Route

Type the code identifying the student's bus route when he is dropped off from school, up to six characters. Leave blank unless the Dropoff Route is different from Route and you maintain both pickup and drop-off route fields.

Special Education

These fields display information from the Special Education application if applicable. The data can be updated on Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Program Information under Related Services.


The field indicates if the student is eligible for special education transportation.

Special Seating

The field is selected if the school provides the student any special chairs or seating equipment.


The field is selected if the student uses a wheelchair.

The Student Bus Information report (SRG1300) provides a list of the bus transportation information entered for each student.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Comments View or add comments.
TEA Unique IDRequest an Unique ID from the state.
Hist DirectoryRetrieve a student enrolled in a prior school year.
Medical Alert button View medical alert.
DocumentsView or attach supporting documentation.