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Teacher Guide to ASCENDER TeacherPortal

First Day of School

IMPORTANT: Attendance is not taken on the first day of school. Students are not marked absent on the first day of school.

For campuses NOT using Student Activation/First Day Counts:

On the first day of school, teachers cannot use TeacherPortal to record or post attendance during the ADA period. You can only view and print data, and you must record attendance manually on the printed sheets.

  1. Click Print to print the attendance list for each period-course. The Attendance Roster Report Selection page opens allowing you to make selections for printing the Attendance Roster report.
  2. Mark attendance on the list manually.
  3. If you have students in a period who are not on the attendance list, print their names and student IDs in the rows provided at the bottom of the list.
  4. Sign and date the list on the lines provided.

Student Activation/First Day Counts

academy/boy.1587683601.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/23 18:13 (external edit)