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Teacher Guide to ASCENDER TeacherPortal

Long-Term Substitute Teachers

Long-term substitute teachers can be granted access to use txGradebook on behalf of an instructor who is out for an extended period of time. When the substitute teacher logs in to txGradebook, he can select the instructor for whom he is substitute teaching. Then, the substitute teacher can proceed to use txGradebook as the instructor.


Create an ASCENDER TeacherPortal account.

Log on to TeacherPortal.

Specify the Teacher.

Use TeacherPortal as the teacher.

Update Profile Settings as Needed

Generate seating chart report.

Use txGradebook as the Instructor When logged in as a long-term substitute teacher, you can maintain and print most data that the instructor would be able to access, including attendance, assignments, grades, discipline, and reports. For assistance with these pages, view the Help for each page, as well as the txGradebook Overview guide. As you update and post data in the database tables, be aware that the instructor’s name will be associated with some actions, and the substitute teacher’s name will be associated with other actions. „„ If you mark grades as ready to post, the instructor’s name is reflected. „„ If you post attendance, the instructor’s name is reflected. „„ If you enter a discipline referral, the substitute’s name is reflected. 14 txGradebook - Access txGradebook as a Long-Term Substitute Teacher 15 txGradebook - Access txGradebook as a Long-Term Substitute Teacher Update Profile Settings as Needed Once you have selected an instructor on the Announcements page, the Settings > Update Profile page is no longer available. If you need to make changes to your profile, you must log out, and then log in and access the Update Profile page before selecting an instructor. Settings > Update Profile For assistance with the fields on the page, view the online Help. 16 txGradebook - Access txGradebook as a Long-Term Substitute Teacher

Web-based Access for Teachers, Parents, and Students

academy/lt-subs.1588189991.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/29 14:53 (external edit)