Asset Management > Utilities > Merge Asset Management Text File
This utility is used to upload Asset Management tables that were created using another type of software. All records being merged must have an item number or bar code. The item number or bar code becomes the item number for the Asset Management application inventory record. If no item number or bar code exists, the record is not added or updated in the Asset Management application.
Note: When you create the merge text file from the vendor’s software, please name it UPcccddd (where cccddd is the county-district number).
❏ Under Options:
Field | Description |
Add New Only | Selected by default. If selected, only new asset records are merged into the Asset Management application.
If there is no item number or bar code for a record in the upload file, the record is not added to the Asset Management records, and the message ”r;No item nbr or bar code. Not processed.” is printed on the Inventory Upload Error Report. If the item number record does not already exist in the Asset Management application and it does exist in the merge text file, it is a new record to be added to the Asset Management Item Master table (GIcccddd) and the Transaction table (GTcccddd). The amount you entered in the Amount to Determine Asset Type field determines if the item number record is merged as a C type (Capital item) or an I type (Inventory item) record. If the item number record is a type C item, it is added to the Asset Management Depreciation Distribution table (GDcccddd) and the Book table (GBcccddd). The item number record information prints on the Inventory Upload Report indicating that the record was added to the Asset Management application. If the item is found in the Asset Management inventory file, this is not considered a new record, and the ”r;Item XXXXXXXXXX exists. Not added.” message is printed on the Inventory Upload Error Report to indicate that this record was not added to the Asset Management application. |
Update Existing Only | Select to update asset records that already exist in the Asset Management application. This allows tracking of items that have been moved from one room or campus to another.
If there is no item number or bar code for a record in the upload file, the record is not updated in the Asset Management records, and the message ”r;No item nbr or bar code. Not processed.” is printed on the Inventory Upload Error Report. If the item number record already exists in the Asset Management application, the program updates data in the Item Master table (GIcccddd) and in the depreciated cost and basis of adjustment columns of the Book table (GBcccddd). A before and after image of the record is displayed on the Inventory Upload Report. This enables you to verify how the record was changed. If the record does not exist in the Asset Management application, the record is not updated, and the message ”r;Item XXXXXXXXXX does not exist. Not updated.” is printed on the Inventory Upload Error Report. |
Add New and Update Existing | Select to merge new records and update existing records in the Asset Management application. Records are added and/or updated, and a before and after image of the record is printed on the Inventory Upload Report.
If there is no item number or bar code for a record in the upload file, the record is not added to the Asset Management records, and the message ”r;No item nbr or bar code. Not processed.” is printed on the Inventory Upload Error Report. If the item number record does not already exist in the Asset Management application and it does exist in the merge text file, it is a new record to be added to the Asset Management Item Master table (GIcccddd) and the Transaction table (GTcccddd). The amount you entered in the Amount to Determine Asset Type field determines whether the item number record is merged as a C type (Capital item) or an I type (Inventory item) record. If the item number record is a type C item, it is added to the Asset Management Depreciation Distribution table (GDcccddd) and the Book table (GBcccddd). The item number record information prints on the Inventory Upload Report indicating that the record was added to the Asset Management application. If the item number record already exists in the Asset Management application, the program updates the data in the Item Master table (GIcccddd) and in the depreciated cost and basis of adjustment columns of the Book table (GBcccddd). A before and after image of the record is displayed on the Inventory Upload Report. This enables you to verify how the record was changed. |
Property Class | Type the user-defined code that will be assigned to item records being merged. The field can be a maximum of ten characters. The code must exist in the Property Class Code table before it can be used in this field. This is a required field. |
Current Year for Depreciation (YYYY) | Type the fiscal year in the YYYY format. This is the fiscal year (i.e., 2021 for the school year 2020-2021) for which the asset depreciation is calculated. |
Amount to Determine Asset Type | The default is set to 5,000.00, but you can type any value assigned by the district up to 999,999,999.99. The value entered determines the threshold for items to be capitalized.
If an item is equal to or greater than this value, it is a capitalized item and is an inventory type C record in the Item Master table. An inventory record, transaction record, depreciation distribution record, and book record are created for the item. If an item is less than the value indicated, it is an inventory item and is an inventory type I record in the Item Master table. An inventory record and transaction record are created for the item. |
Default Account Code for Capital Items | Type a valid general ledger account code to assign assets. The field can be a maximum of 20 digits. The general ledger account represents the accounts from which the items were purchased, and any exceptions can be changed after the merge process is complete. |
Default Acquired Date for Inventory Items | Type a default date in the MMDDYYYY format to use as an acquired date for inventory items. To not use a default date, leave the field blank. |
❏ Click Import to begin the import process.
❏ Click Save to save the item. Repeat this process to continue importing the additional asset items as only one record can be imported at a time.
❏ Click Execute to execute the process. When the processing is completed, the Inventory Upload report is displayed. Review the report.
❏ Click Process to update the selected records in the asset management tables. A message is displayed prompting you to create a system backup.
A message is displayed indicating that the process was completed successfully. Click OK.
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