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Admin Guide: Manage Users

Welcome to ASCENDER MemberPortal. This portal allows you to view grant details and create/submit budget revision and reimbursement requests to your fiscal agent.

Before You Begin

Review the ASCENDER MemberPortal Navigation page to familiarize yourself with the portal.

Create a MemberPortal Account & Log on

To access the ASCENDER MemberPortal, you must log on.

  • If you are a new user and do not have an ASCENDER MemberPortal account, you must create an account.
  • In some cases, your fiscal agent will create your account and provide you with a user name and password. In this scenario, use the information provided to log on. Upon initial logon, you will be prompted to reset your password and set up a security question.

At any point in the wizard, you can click Back to return to the previous page or click Cancel to cancel the process and return to the Login page.

It is recommended that fiscal agents create at least one MemberPortal user with admin permission for each member LEA. If you are an admin user, you will have access to the Manage Users page in MemberPortal where you can add, change, and delete user accounts in MemberPortal for users within your member LEA.

Admin users will have an additional menu item listed under Reimbursement Requests.

Manage Users Menu

Set up & Manage Users

The following steps allow MemberPortal admin users to manage MemberPortal user profiles.

  1. Create and maintain user profiles.
academy/adminguide_manageusers.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/09 10:27 (external edit)