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Document Attachments for Budget Revision Requests

❏ Users with the following levels of access to a grant type can view, upload, and delete documents within the Document Attachments feature.

  • ALL
  • Enter and Save Data
  • Submit Budget Amendment

❏ Users with the following levels of access to a grant type can only view documents within the Document Attachments feature.

  • Inquire Only
  • Submit Reimbursement Request

Document Attachments for Reimbursement Requests

❏ Users with the following levels of access to a grant type can view, upload, and delete documents within the Document Attachments feature.

  • ALL
  • Enter and Save Data
  • Submit Reimbursement Request

❏ Users with the following levels of access to a grant type can only view documents within the Document Attachments feature.

  • Inquire Only
  • Submit Budget Amendment
general/documentattachmentsaccess.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/28 08:52 (external edit)