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ASCENDER Attendance - Student Posting

There are several options for viewing and posting daily attendance. Use one of the following attendance posting tabs according to your specific needs. All tabs allow you to enter comments for the student by period.

Attendance > Maintenance > Student > Student Posting

Attendance Posting tabs

  • By Period - View attendance as entered by teachers using TeacherPortal or an external product. Campus staff can modify the posting codes if necessary. The page also allows you to post attendance for any membership date for a group of students who all have the same posting code date and track. Posting codes can vary by student and period. This tab also allows you to quickly see all students who have been marked absent or tardy on a specific membership date.

  • By Individual - View, post, and modify attendance for an individual student for one or more dates. Posting codes can vary by period. This tab allows you to quickly see absences and tardies for an individual student for a specified date range.

  • By Date/Control Nbr - Used mainly by elementary campuses to post attendance for a particular date for a group of students who have the same control number (i.e., instructor ID). All students must have the same absence date, control number, track, and period(s). You can select a different posting code for each student, and/or overwrite existing posted attendance (an Overwrite Warning pop-up window will be displayed). This page is also useful if campus staff needs to post attendance taken by a substitute teacher.

  • By Date/Grade - Post attendance for a group of students who are in the same grade level. All students must have the same absence date, grade level, track, and period(s). You can select a different posting code for each student, and/or overwrite existing posted attendance (an Overwrite Warning pop-up window will be displayed).

  • By Date and Code - Post attendance for a group of students who all have the same absence date, track, and period(s). You can specify one posting code that applies to all selected students, or you can select individual codes for each student. You can also overwrite existing posted attendance (an Overwrite Warning pop-up window will be displayed). This tab allows you to quickly pre-post a school-related absence such as a field trip.

  • By Date/Course - Post attendance for a group of students in the same course-section. All students must have the same absence date, instructor, course, section, semester, and track. You can select a different posting code for each student, and/or overwrite existing posted attendance (an Overwrite Warning pop-up window will be displayed).

  • By Local Program - Post attendance for a group of students in the same local program. All students must have the same absence date and posting code. For example, this page can be used to post a school-related absence, such as if all Chess Club students attended a chess tournament. All students in the group must be absent on the same date and enrolled in the same local program, but they may be on different attendance tracks. You can also overwrite existing posted attendance (an Overwrite Warning pop-up window will be displayed).


  • All students are considered Present, unless posted Absent or Tardy.

  • Code P is reserved for Present. This code can be used to delete an absence that was posted in error.

  • If attendance has been posted by instructors from TeacherPortal, or an external product, absences will always be recorded with the campus default code value (Default Abs Cd field on Attendance > Maintenance > Gradebook Options > Campus Options). Campus staff must update each posting code appropriately. The By Period tab makes this easy.

  • Campus staff must assign a posting code for every tardy and absence. Whether or not an absence is excused depends on the district-level settings for each posting code.

  • Some codes are set up to allow pre-posting (i.e., posting prior to the absence date) for school-related events such as a field trip. This is based on the district-level setting.

  • IMPORTANT: A student's attendance comments are also visible to their instructors in TeacherPortal (TeacherPortal > Attendance > Post/View Attendance).

By Period

Post attendance by period.

By Individual

Post attendance by individual.

By Date/Control Number

Post attendance by date/control number.

By Date/Grade

Post attendance by date/grade.

By Date and Code

Post attendance by date and code.

By Date/Course

Post attendance by date/course.

By Local Program

Post attendance by local program.

Common Features

View features that exist on all Student Posting tabs.

academy/student/attendance_posting.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/18 20:52 by apape