Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Program Information
This tab allows you to maintain current year program information for a student enrolled in special ed, including the student's related services, hearing/visual impairment, and local use codes.
The display-only fields on this page are maintained on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd.
Secondary Disability |
The student’s secondary disability is displayed. This code is not required unless the student has been
identified with a secondary disability code by the ARD committee. |
Tertiary Disability |
Select the student’s tertiary disability. |
Multi Disability |
The field is selected if the student is multiply disabled. |
Child Count Funding Code |
The federal program under which the student is funded is displayed.
NOTE: This field is automatically set to 3 (Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 2004) when a student is enrolled in special education from the Registration application.
Early Childhood Intervention |
The field is selected if the student participates in the Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) program. |
Preschool Program (PPCD) |
Select if the student is enrolled in the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD). If selected, the student's grade level must be EE, PK, or KG, and the PPCD Service Location Code field is required.
These fields are maintained on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd |
Intellectual Disability Code |
Select the degree of the student's intellectual disability. |
Adaptive PE |
Select if the student participates in a physical education program adapted for students with special needs. |
Weekly Spec ED Instruction Time |
Select the amount of time a special ed instructor works with the student. |
Vocational Education |
Select the vocational program in which the student participates. |
IEP Services Initiated |
FIE Report Date |
Print Profile |
Select if you want to allow printing of the student's special ed profile when running Reports > Special Ed > Student > SEM0350 - Special Ed Student Profiles.
This field is automatically selected after ASDR is run. |
Non-Public School Name |
Type the name of the non-public school, institution, or hospital where the student is receiving special ed services. This applies only to students on contract with a non-public school. |
Medicaid Eligible |
Select if the student is eligible to receive Medicaid services.
The field can also be updated on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo2. |
TX Medicaid ID |
Type the student's nine-digit Medicaid ID. This is required to request Medicaid reimbursement from the School Health and Related Services (SHARS) for certain health related services provided to special ed students. |
One eight-character date field and eight one-character fields are available for the district to maintain any locally-defined data about the student for the current year. Type data in these fields as needed.
Date of Hearing Exam |
Type the date when the most recent hearing exam by a licensed audiologist was performed for the student. This field can also be updated on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd. Use the MMDDYYYY format. |
Degree of Hearing Loss |
Select the code indicating the degree of the student’s hearing loss. |
Date of Visual Exam |
Type the date when the most recent visual exam by a licensed eye specialist was performed for the student. Use the MMDDYYYY format. |
Right/Left Eye Snell Correct |
Type the measurement of the visual acuity of the student’s right and left eye, as measured with the Snellen eye chart (e.g., 20/200). If the student’s vision cannot be assessed, type one of the following codes used to
measure it: |
Percent Vision Loss |
Type the number indicating the percentage of the student’s vision loss. |
Reading Level Large Type Reg Type Aural |
Select the grade level at which the student is reading using these materials/methods. |
Reading Level Other |
Select the student's reading level. |
Parental Consent |
Major Cause of Deaf/Blind |
Indicate the primary cause of the student’s deaf-blind disability. |
Extended School Year Services |
Select if the student receives year-round services rather than receive services only during the school year. |
Extended School Year Services Hours |
Type the number of contact hours in an instructional setting provided to the student through the ESY services component of special education. The format is ###.#. For example, if the number of hours is 95, type 095.0. |
Extended School Year Services Speech Hours |
Type the number of speech contact hours provided to the student through the ESY services component of special education. The instructional setting should be 00. The format is ###.#. For example, if the number of hours is 0.5, type 000.5. |
These fields can be entered before running ASDR for the current year.
After running ASDR, the fields can also be updated for the prior year if you have been granted historical update access in Security Administration and you have full access to the Program Information tab.
The fields are cleared in the next school year.
Begin Date |
Type or select the date the student enrolled in the program. |
End Date |
Type or select the date the student ended participation in the program. |
IEP Continuer |
Select if the student is at least 18 years old as of September 1 and has satisfied the credit requirements for high school graduation, but has not completed his individualized education program (IEP), and is enrolled and receiving IEP services. |
❏ Click Save.