The State Reporting application provides programs to extract the appropriate data for each collection from the Business and Student systems. These programs are reviewed and modified annually, per the published Texas Web-Enabled Data Standards (TWEDS), to ensure that the data extracted to the district database is as accurate as possible. The extracts provide many of the edits as defined in the TWEDS.
The TSDS PEIMS Summer Collection (Collection 3) includes yearlong student attendance (regular and flexible), including the required calendar minutes reporting, as well as program data, course completions, disciplinary actions, student restraints, Title I Part A participation, and Foundation High School Program participation data.
The extract programs create the appropriate records in the district database, taking into account the school-start window and the as-of date. The as-of status code is automatically generated for each student record.
For a complete list of extract rules and edits, see
The Summer submission is due June 20, 2024.
IMPORTANT: Each LEA will have unique situations. Some of the dates, images, and examples provided in this document are for informational and instructional purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA's process.
For Submission 3, if the student is in membership in the LEA (served at least two hours per day), report any student who was served any time during the school year.
Updated for Submission 3 Summer PEIMS:
Report a student who is enrolled, not in membership IF:
Verify data for each element in the following ASCENDER Student applications. It is suggested that you run reports first, and then use the maintenance pages in the Student applications to update data where needed.
Hard-coded and calculated elements
The following elements are either hard-coded in or calculated by the software. Hard coded values are built into the program, are the same each time they are extracted, and cannot be changed by the user. Calculated values are determined by the program and can be changed if source data is updated or changed.
Element | Code Table | Data Element |
E0923 | — | LOCAL-STUDENT-ID |
E1002 | C163 | AS-OF-STATUS-CODE |
Attendance > Maintenance > District > Posting Codes
❏ Verify all district posting codes, paying close attention to those that have ADA Code selected.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Audit > SAT0500 - Campus Attendance Summary
SAT0500 provides absence information by campus, track, and period. You can use the report to verify attendance for each day, period, and code.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Audit > SAT0900 - Campus/District Summary Report
SAT0900 provides the eligible/ineligible attendance days present and absent and special program contact hours. SAT0900 should be run at the end of every cycle to verify data.
NOTE: The Oath and Affidavits page must be signed and retained for audit purposes.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Audit > SAT0920 - Campus/District Multi-Track Summary Report
SAT0920 provides multi-track campus or district summary reports that meet the audit documentation requirements specified in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. The report is similar to SAT0900 but allows you to run the report for all tracks at once.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Membership > SAT1700 - Entry/Withdrawal Summary
SAT1700 lists students who withdrew during a specified semester-cycle or date range, including students who withdrew and reentered. Verify all entry/withdrawal rows are correct.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Students > SAT0400 - Daily Attendance Summary
SAT0400 should be run daily and verified for accuracy against instructor records. Confirm that you have this report for all days of membership. Verify that you have withdrawal forms (section #5 on report) with matching dates on file in the student records.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Students > SAT1900 - Perfect Attendance Report
Run SAT1900 for the first semester-cycle of the school year through the final semester-cycle. Use this report to verify actual membership. Verify that all students on the report have course schedules and course completion records.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Audit > SAT5000 - Flexible Attendance District Summary
SAT5000 is for the entire district and school year. Verify all flexible attendance data entered.
Reported Elements from Campus Options:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1600 | C215 | INSTRUCTIONAL-PROGRAM-TYPE | Instructional Program Type |
Reported Elements from Campus Calendar:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0934 | C130 | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE | Track, Begin School, Begin Cycle |
E0935 | – | NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT | Mem Days |
Reported Elements from Cumulative:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0036 | – | TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT | Total Abs |
Reported Elements from Weekly Register Worksheet
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
NOTE: If participating in Optional Flexible Year Program, use a separate attendance track to move students. Students should have been moved the first day of the cycle (where the OFYP dates are scheduled) using the Record Status Change.
Reported Elements from Campus Calendar:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0036 | – | TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT | Total Abs |
Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS0200 - Special Ed Students in Discipline Settings
SDS0200 lists special education students who were assigned to a disciplinary setting. Special education services must be provided as outlined in the student’s IEP while the student is placed in an appropriate disciplinary alternative education setting (for example, in-school suspension or DAEP). Special education contact hours should be claimed only if the IEP services are provided. If the IEP special education services are not provided, special education contact hours must not be claimed. This restriction includes short-term removals of not more than 10 consecutive or cumulative school days. Verify all data.
Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS0250 - Discipline Student Restraint
SDS0250 lists student totals for mechanical restraint, physical restraint, and seclusion incidents. Verify all data.
Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS0300 - Bil/ESL Students in Discipline Settings
SDS0300 lists bilingual/ESL students who were assigned to a disciplinary setting. Students not receiving bilingual/ESL services for five or more days while in a DAEP setting must be withdrawn from the program during that time. Verify all data.
Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS1000 - PEIMS Report
SDS1000 lists TSDS discipline data by grade level. Verify all data.
This report prints PEIMS discipline data by grade level and campus. For each incident listed, the first action and offense with a PEIMS code are displayed, and the offense code that will be extracted for PEIMS is indicated.
Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS1300 - Discipline Audit Report (PEIMS Edit)
SDS1300 lists students who will trigger an edit and/or performance-based monitoring errors.
Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS1700 - Discipline Suspension Attendance Verification
SDS1700 provides information from student discipline and attendance records, and flags discrepancies between the two, which allows you to review for attendance posting discrepancies on days that a student was suspended.
Discipline > Reports > Discipline > SDS1800 - Career Tech Students in Discipline Settings
SDS1800 lists CTE students who were assigned to a disciplinary setting. CTE contact hours must not be claimed when a student receiving CTE services is placed in a disciplinary setting (for example, in-school suspension or DAEP) for more than five consecutive days if the same amount and type of CTE services are not provided by a CTE teacher. After five consecutive days without CTE services being provided, LEA personnel must remove the student from the TSDS PEIMS 42401 Special Programs Reporting Period Attendance Extension eligible days present effective the first day of placement in the disciplinary setting. Verify all data.
This report only works if the student has a CTE indicator on the Demo3 tab.
Reported Elements from Maintenance:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1083 | C190 | BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE | Location of Incident |
E0934 | C130 | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE | Reporting Period |
E1036 | – | DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION | Disp Actn Date |
E1003 | – | CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT | Campus Assignment |
E0934 | C130 | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE | Inconsistent |
E1033 | C173 | RESTRAINT-REASON-CODE | Incident Nbr |
E1516 | C194 | RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE | SSSP Team Review |
Reported Elements from Restraint Information:
The Discipline Restraint Information tab is used for all disciplinary restraint incidences, including disciplinary restraint for a special education student. The Special Education Child Restraint tab is only used when a special education student is restrained for non-disciplinary reasons.
NOTE: Spec Ed student restraint information must also be added on Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Child Restraint
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1034 | – | DATE-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT | Date |
E1033 | C173 | RESTRAINT-REASON-CODE | Reason |
E1516 | C194 | RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE | Staff Type |
E1035 | – | RESTRAINT-INSTANCE-NUMBER | Instance Nbr |
E0173 | C035 | INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE | Instr Setting |
Refer to the following flow chart:
When possible, filter by the H Credit level parameter to verify High School credit level course completion data that affects CCMR, CTE Indicators, Programs of Study and CTE Tier calculations.
Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Master Schedules > SGR0050 - District Master List (Grd Rpting)
Verify the following at the district level: Service ID, CTE Hours, Course Sequence, Pop Served, and Role ID.
NOTE: Course Sequence codes are usually left blank and are automatically set during State Reporting extracts for reporting purposes.
Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Instructors > SGR2550 - Teaching Assignments
Verify the teacher section data, as well as the Cert CTE column. The Cert CTE column must have a Y to receive CTE funding for VOED courses.
NOTE:If you are a district of innovation, you may be eligible to receive funding for a teacher who is not CTE certified if it is stated in your plan.
Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Master Schedules > SGR0100 - Master Schedule (Grd Rpting)
Verify the following at the campus level: Course Numbers, Service IDs, Course Sequence, Pop Served, and Non-Campus Based.
Verify all section data. Campus section level data will override the district-level data.
(If one of the section PEIMS fields has been changed that field will not be bold on this report.)
Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Master Schedules > SGR0110 - Master Schedule PEIMS (Grd Rpting)
Verify the following at the campus level: Course Numbers, Service IDs, Course Sequence, and Pop Served.
Verify the following campus level dual credit fields are accurate: Dual Credit, College Sem1, College Sem2.
Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Student Verification > SGR1600 - Career & Technology Code Verification
SGR1600 provides a list of all students who have a CTE course in their schedule. You can run the report by Semester or by an As-of Date.
Verify and update data for students in CTE and verify their enrollment in a CTE-eligible class. An asterisk (*) is printed in the CTE Crd Amt column for students who are ineligible for CTE contact hours. (Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll).
Verify the information in the columns Car Tech Code and TEA Service ID (sorting the report by these columns may be helpful).
The CTE Crd Amt field displays the number of hours earned for each course toward CTE contact hours which includes 7th and 8th grade students in a high school credit level CTE course.
Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Student Verification > SGR1920 - Pass/Fail Verification List
This report lists all students with their courses by semester, including cycle grade averages, exam
grades, final grade, attendance, and the pass/fail indicator for each course. Ensure that all data is accurate.
NOTE: The P/F (Pass/Fail Indicator) column with an * indicates a blank Pass/Fail Indicator. It is common to have a blank Pass/Fail Indicator for students who have withdrawn or didn't complete a course due to a schedule change.
Interchange: StudentEnrollmentExtension
Complex Type: SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension
Description: Represents the recording of a student’s special programs reporting period attendance.
This is determined as follows:
Reported Elements from Section:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1074 | – | CLASS-PERIOD | Per Begin and Per End |
E1056 | – | CLASS-ID-NUMBER | Crs Nbr, Sec, Sem |
E1072 | C182 | NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE | Non Campus Based |
E0747 | C030 | POPULATION-SERVED-CODE | Pop Served |
E0948 | C135 | COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE | Crs Seq |
E1011 | C088 | DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE NOTE: Dual credit courses cannot be reported as ATC courses. | Dual Crdt |
E1058 | C088 | ATC-INDICATOR-CODE NOTE: ATC courses cannot be reported as dual credit courses. | Adv Tech Crdt |
E1081 | – | COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS | College Credit Hrs - Sem 1 and Sem 2 |
Reported Elements from Crs Assign:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1069 | – | STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE | Entry Date |
E1070 | – | STUDENT-END-DATE | WD Date |
Reported Elements from Grd/Crs Maint:
If a student repeats a course during the year with different outcomes, each course completion must be reported.
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1069 | – | STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE | Entry Date |
E1070 | – | STUDENT-END-DATE | WD Date |
E0949 | C136 | PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE NOTE: Ensure that the district has run the Assign Pass/Fail Indicators utility in accordance with the steps in the ASCENDER Secondary or Elementary Grade Reporting End of Semester 2 checklist. This ensures the PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE Pass/Fail (E0949) is set correctly for students. | Pass/Fail |
Grade Reporting > Utilities > Assign Pass Fail Indicators
The pass/fail utility looks at the Sem (semester grade) field on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Grd Update or Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Grd/Crs Maint.
If using this option, leave the Default Pass/Fail/Credit Indicators fields blank on the Summer Extract page. The extract will pull the appropriate pass/fail indicator, and it will not be necessary to manually update failing grades after you extract. Another option for updating Pass/Fail (described later in this guide) is to enter 13 (Non-High School Course Passed) in the applicable Default Pass/Fail/Credit Indicators fields on the Summer Extract page, and then manually update the indicator on the Student Maintenance page for students who failed.
This is determined as follows:
Graduation Plan > Reports > SGP1000 - Student Personal Graduation Plan
SGP1000 allows you to view students personal graduation plans (PGPs). Verify data for each student who has a graduation plan.
Reported Elements from Performance Acknowledgement:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1596 | C235 | ASSOCIATE-DEGREE-INDICATOR-CODE | Associate Degree |
NOTE: Certifications that have been earned, have a PEIMS code assigned, and have the Enrolled checkbox selected are extracted to State Reporting.
Reported Elements from PGP:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1541 | C199 | FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE | Foundation |
Registration > Reports > Create Registration Report
Demo1 and Demo3 data can be verified by creating a customized report.
If the student does not have a graduation plan, grad plan data can also be verified by creating a customized report.
Select the fields for the various elements, and click Create Report.
Reports may be created to view all Registration elements reported in the Summer PEIMS Submission. Create reports should be used in addition to the following Registration reports.
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Student > SRG0200 - Student Name Listing
SRG00200 can be used to verify the demographic elements that are reported in the Summer Submission. Be sure the parameter Only New Students This Year (Y,N) is set to N.
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Student > SRG0600 - Student Special Program Listing
This report lists students in all grade levels and the special programs in which they are currently enrolled.
Use this report to verify Economic Disadvantage, Military Connected, Foster Care, Homeless, Immigrant, Migrant, Asylee/Refugee, Unaccompanied Youth, Single Parent Single Pregnant Woman, Out of Workforce, and Transportation CTE Support Services.
Filter the report to view one program at a time. Have the person at your district responsible for each special program sign off on these reports.
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Program > SRG1200 - Student Status Changes by Program
SRG1200 lists student status in all programs. Type Y for each program and print each report separately.
SRG1200 provides a list of student status in all programs. Set the Print Enroll Records parameter to Y. Use the report to verify eligibility, attribution code, and campus of residence.
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Student > SRG1900 Local Program Enrollment Count
SRG1900 provides a list of students who have been enrolled in a specific local program, as well as special program withdrawal dates and reasons. Campus totals are displayed for each included campus. A report total is displayed at the end of the report.
Verify all entry and withdrawal dates and special program services.
NOTE: To set up local program codes for the district, go to Registration > Maintenance > District Profile > Local Program Codes. The campus must select the program in Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Local Program Codes to make it available at the campus.
The student should have a row on Local Programs where the Local Programs for TEA field is set to the Local Program code for ECHS, T-STEM, P-TECH, 504, Intervention Strategies, General Ed Homebound, Migrant, Immigrant, Dyslexia, Star of Texas, New Tech, Adult Previous Attendance, and Virtual Student not in Membership or the crisis code if applicable.
NOTE: IGC should be set up as a Local Program. The student should have a row on Local Programs with a row where Other Local Programs is set to the Local Program code for IGC if applicable.
IGC is the only local program entered in the Other Local Programs group box. All other local programs should be entered in the Local Programs for TEA group box.
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Non-Enrolled Student > SRG9000 - UIL Activity Participation
SRG9000 provides xxx.
Reported Elements from Control Info:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1646 | C088 | PK-FULL-DAY-WAIVER-INDICATOR-CODE | Full Day PK Waiver |
E1671 | C088 | ADDITIONAL-DAYS-PROGRAM-INDICATOR-CODE | Additional Days Program |
Reported Elements from Expanded Learning (ELO):
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1614 | C218 | ELO-TYPE-CODE | Type |
E1719 | C229 | ELO-ACTIVITY-CODE | Activity Code |
E1720 | —- | ELO-DAYS-SCHEDULED-PER-YEAR | Days/Year |
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Program > SRG0100 - Campus Information
❏ See the Campus Expanded Learning Opportunities ELO section of the report.
Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) are structured learning programs outside of the regular school day, including before and after school programs and summer programs.
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0703 | —- | FIRST-NAME | Name - First |
E0704 | —- | MIDDLE-NAME | Name - Middle |
E0705 | —- | LAST-NAME | Name - Last |
EE0706 | C012 | GENERATION-CODE | Name - Gen |
E0001 | —- | STUDENT-ID | SSN |
E1523 | —- | TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID | Texas Unique Student |
E0004 | C013 | SEX-CODE | Sex |
E0006 | —- | DATE-OF-BIRTH | DOB |
E1064 | C088 | HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE | Hispanic/Latino |
E1063 | C088 | WHITE-CODE | White |
E1061 | C088 | BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-CODE | Black/African American |
E1060 | C088 | ASIAN-CODE | Asian |
E1059 | C088 | AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE | American Indian/ Alaskan Native |
E1062 | C088 | NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE | Hawaiian/Pacific Isl |
E0785 | C054 | ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE | Eco Disadvan |
E1529 | C197 | MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE | Military Connected |
E1528 | C196 | FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE | Foster Care |
E1601 | C088 | STAR-OF-TEXAS-INDICATOR-CODE | Star of Texas Award |
E0017 | C050 | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE | Grade |
E1000 | C161 | STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE | Attribution Cd |
E0903 | —- | CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE | Camp ID Resid |
NOTE: If the student has a graduation plan, the fields must be updated on Graduation Plan > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > PGP instead (as described previously under Graduation Plan).
NOTE: If a student has a Dyslexia Indicator and there is no Dyslexia Services Code marked on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo3, then when the State Reporting > Utilities > Create TSDS PEIMS Interchanges is run, the system will automatically create the tagline with Code 00 (C224 Code 00 - Student identified with dyslexia or a related disorder under TEC 48.009 does not receive services).
Reported Elements from Demo3:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0917 | C088 | TRANSPORTATION-CTE-SUPPORT-SERVICE | Transportation CTE Support Service |
E1039 | C088 | OUT-OF-WORKFORCE-INDIVIDUAL | Out of Wkforce Individual |
E0829 | C064 | SGL-PARENT-SGL-PREG-WOMAN-CODE | Sgl Parent/Sgl Preg Woman |
E1650 | C224 | DYSLEXIA-SERVICES-CODE | Dyslexia Services |
E1076 | C183 | UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE/REFUGEE-CODE | Asylee/Refugee Cd |
E1082 | C189 | HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE | Homeless Status Cd |
E1084 | C192 | UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE | Unaccomp Youth Status Cd |
E1522 | C195 | EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE | Early Reading Cd |
E1644 | C222 | DYSLEXIA-RISK-CODE | Dyslexia Risk |
E1640 | C214 | POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE For students who have a graduation plan, this information is entered on Graduation Plan > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > PGP. | Industry Credentials or Certification |
E1027 | —- | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY | Campus of Account |
E1541 | C199 | FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE | Foundation Coursework |
E1542 | C199 | FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE | Distinguished Coursework |
E1657 | C088 | EXCESSIVE-UNEXCUSED-ABSENCE-INDICATOR-CODE | Excessive Unexcused Absence |
E1658 | C088 | TRUANCY-PREVENTION-MEASURE-INDICATOR-CODE | Truancy Prevention Measure |
E1659 | C088 | TRUANCY-COMPLAINT-FILED-INDICATOR-CODE | Truancy Complaint Filed |
NOTE: If the student has a graduation plan, the fields must be updated on Graduation Plan > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > PGP instead (as described previously under Graduation Plan).
Reported Elements from Graduation:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1654 | C199 | IBC-EXAM-FEE-AMOUNT | Exam Fee NOTE: This field will be pre-populated if completed on the Credentials or Certification tab on Graduation Plan > Maintenance > District > Tables. |
E1655 | C226 | IBC-VENDOR-CODE | Vendor NOTE: This field will be pre-populated if completed on the Credentials or Certification tab on Graduation Plan > Maintenance > District > Tables. |
E1640 | C214 | POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE | Industry Credentials or Certification For students who have a graduation plan, this information is entered on Graduation Plan > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > PGP. |
E1541 | C199 | FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE | Foundation Coursework |
E1542 | C199 | FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE | Distinguished Coursework |
Reported Elements from W/R Enroll:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0782 | —- | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT | Entry/Exit Date |
E0017 | —- | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE | Grade Level |
1. Click Code 33 to do a status change.
2. Modify any information that changed for the entry date.
3. Click Save to save the status change.
NOTE: If the entry date and exit date are the same on the row, this button is not available.
Reported Elements from SpecEd:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0794 | C088 | SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE | Entry/Exit Date |
E0173 | C035 | INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE | Instrl Set |
E0833 | C067 | REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE | Regional Day School Deaf |
E1527 | —- | DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE RDSD | Fiscal Agent |
E0041 | C053 | PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE | Primary Dis |
Reported Elements from G/T:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
Reported Elements from Bil/ESL:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
Reported Elements from Title I:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0894 | C122 | TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE | Title I Code |
NOTE: Verify Title I entry and withdrawal dates for all Title I students. All students attending a Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program School must be reported with a TITLE-1-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE 6.
For a schoolwide Title I campus, you can use the Title I Code Conversion utility to set Title I Code to 6 for all students:
1. Go to Registration > Utilities > Title 1 Code Conversion.
2. In the Title 1 Code field, select 6 Attends Schoolwide Title I Program School.
3. Click Execute.
Reported Elements from PRS:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0939 | —- | TOTAL-ELIG-PREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT | Entry/Exit Date and CEHI |
NOTE: ECHS, T-STEM, P-TECH, 504, Intervention Strategies, and any needed crisis codes should be set up as local programs on Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Local Program Codes. The student should have a row on the Local Programs tab where the Local Program field is set to the local code for ECHS, T-STEM, P-TECH, 504, Intervention Strategies, or the crisis code if applicable.
Reported Elements from Local Programs:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1560 | C088 | ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE | Local Program |
E1559 | C088 | T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE | Local Program |
E1612 | C088 | P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE | Local Program |
E1603 | C088 | SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE | Local Program |
E1647 | C088 | NEW-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE | Local Program |
E1054 | C178 | CRISIS-CODE | Local Program |
E0266 | —- | CAMPUS-ID | Campus NOTE: IGC should be set up as a local program on Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Local Program Codes. The student should have a row on the Local Programs tab with a row where Local Program is set to the local code for IGC if applicable. |
Reported Elements from PK Enroll:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1078 | C185 | PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE | PK Program Code |
E1079 | C186 | PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE | PK Funding Source |
E1080 | C186 | SECONDARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE | PK Secondary Funding |
Reported Elements from Demo:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0017 | C050 | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE | Grade |
E0703 | —- | FIRST-NAME | Name - First |
E0704 | —- | MIDDLE-NAME | Name - Middle |
E0705 | —- | LAST-NAME | Name - Last |
E0706 | C012 | GENERATION-CODE | Name - Gen |
E0004 | C013 | SEX-CODE | Sex |
E0006 | —- | DATE-OF-BIRTH | DOB |
E0001 | —- | STUDENT-ID | SSN |
E1523 | —- | TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID | Texas Unique Student |
E1064 | C088 | HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE | Hispanic/Latino |
E1063 | C088 | WHITE-CODE | White |
E1061 | C088 | BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-CODE | Black/African American |
E1060 | C088 | ASIAN-CODE | Asian |
E1059 | C088 | AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE | American Indian/ Alaskan Native |
E1062 | C088 | NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE | Hawaiian/Pacific Isl |
Reported Elements from UIL Activity:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0266 | —- | CAMPUS-ID | Campus |
E1069 | —- | STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE | Begin Date |
E1070 | —- | STUDENT-END-DATE | End Date |
Special Education > Reports > Student Sp Ed > Student > SEM1100 - Student Special Ed Restraint List
Ensure all special education restraints have been entered.
NOTE: Special Education students that are restrained for disciplinary reasons should not appear on this report. Those restraints should be entered in Discipline.
Reported Elements from Child Restraint
The Special Education Child Restraint tab is only used when a special education student is restrained for non-disciplinary reasons. For all other restraint incidences, including disciplinary restraint for a special education student, use Discipline > Maintenance > Student > Maintenance > Restraint Information.
State Reporting > Options
❏ Verify that the following is set correctly:
Submission Year |
For example, for the 2020-2021 summer submission, the field would be set to 2021. |
Local Program for Additional Days Program |
Local Program for Early College High School Reporting |
ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE (E1560) (S1, S3, S4) |
Local Program for IGC Reporting |
Local Program for Intervention Strategy |
Local Program for New Tech |
Local Program for Pathways in Technology |
P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE (E1612) (S1, S3, S4) |
Local Program for Section 504 |
Local Program for T-STEM Academy Reporting |
T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE (E1559) (S1, S3, S4) |
State Reporting > Utilities > Delete/Clear PEIMS Tables
Prior to extracting any data, all previous summer submission data must be cleared. The Delete/Clear Tables utility allows you to delete all selected previous year data from the frozen file. Use this utility very carefully.
Be sure all activities are coordinated so that one group’s data is not inadvertently overwritten.
Organization data is manually updated and should not be deleted.
❏ Under Summer Collection select the data you want to delete.
❏ Click Delete.
❏ Click OK to continue.
If you do not extract your data, skip this section.
State Reporting > Extracts > Summer
The Summer Extract page extracts data for all complex types associated with the summer submission.
CAUTION! Each time you extract data, you overwrite the data in the frozen files (i.e., maintenance pages), including any data that was manually entered.
Ending School Year |
(Display only) The submission year as entered in the Submission Year field on State Reporting > Options is displayed. |
Local Program for Dyslexia Reporting |
(Display only) The district local program code used to track dyslexic students is displayed, as entered in the Local Program for Dyslexia Reporting field on State Reporting > Options. |
Local Program for Early College High School Reporting |
(Display only) The district local program code used to track students participating in the Early College High School (ECHS) program is displayed, as entered in the Local Program for Early College High School Reporting field on State Reporting > Options. |
Local Program Code for IGC Reporting |
(Display only) The district local program code used to track students assigned to an Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) is displayed, as entered in the Local Program for IGC Reporting field on State Reporting > Options. |
Local Program Code for Intervention Strategy |
(Display only) The district local program code used to track students participating in an intervention strategy at any time of the year is displayed, as entered in the Local Program for Intervention Strategy field on State Reporting > Options. |
Local Program Code for Pathways in Technology |
(Display only) The district local program code used to track students in grade levels 9-12 who are participating in the Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) Early College High School program is displayed, as entered in the Local Program for Pathways in Technology field on State Reporting > Options. |
Local Program for 504 |
(Display only) The district local program code used to track students who receive assistance through either an aid, accommodation, or service under Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 at any time during the school year is displayed, as entered in the Local Program for Section 504 field on State Reporting > Options. |
Local Program for T-STEM Academy Reporting |
(Display only) The district local program code used to track students participating in the Texas Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (T-STEM) Initiative program is displayed, as entered in the Local Program for T-STEM Academy Reporting field on State Reporting > Options. |
Select all Extracts |
Select to extract all data. Otherwise, select individual data below. |
Attendance | ||||
Select to extract the following data: Student Demographic, Graduation Program, Basic, Spec Ed, CTE Attendance, and Student - Title I, Part A (semester 2 only).
IMPORTANT! The attendance extract must be run for each semester. |
Course Extracts | ||||
NOTE: You can select to run the Classroom Link and Course Completions extracts individually; however, the program expects the Classroom Link extract to be run first. If you select to extract Course Completion data but do not select to extract Classroom Link data, the program verifies that Classroom Link records exist for the current school year. If they do not exist, a message is displayed and no data is extracted. |
Classroom Link | ||||
The extract does the following: |
Course Completion | ||||
Select to extract the following data:Student Demographic and Course Completion.
Grade 01 - Grade 12 - If you run this extract before the end of school OR before assigning pass/fail indicators, you must enter the appropriate Default Pass/Fail/Credit Indicators according to the TWEDS C136 table. |
Discipline | ||||
Select to extract the following data: InterchangeStudentExtension and InterchangeStudentDisciplineExtension. |
Flexible Attendance | ||||
Select to extract the following data: InterchangeStudentExtension and InterchangeStudentAttendanceExtension. |
Restraint | ||||
Select to extract the following data: Student Demographic and Student Restraint. |
Special Education | ||||
Select to extract the following data: Interchange StudentExtension and Interchange StudentSpecialEducationEventExtension |
(Optional) Type your email address if you wish to receive email notification when the extract is complete. |
❏ Click Run.
Review the report using the following buttons:
Click to go to the first page of the report.
Click to go back one page.
Click to go forward one page.
Click to go to the last page of the report.
The report can be viewed and saved in various file formats.
Click to save and print the report in PDF format.
Click to save and print the report in CSV format. (This option is not available for all reports.) When a report is exported to the CSV format, the report headers may not be included.
Click to close the report window. Some reports may have a Close Report, Exit, or Cancel button instead.
Monitor Extract Status
Once you run the extract utility, you can either wait for an email notification that the extract(s) are complete, or view the status of the extract(s) on Extracts > Extracts Status.
Email Notification
If you typed your email address when you ran the extract, an email message is delivered to your Inbox once the extract is completed. You will receive a separate message for each summer extract.
Once you receive this email message, you can go to the Extract Status page to view reports.
Extract Status Page
The Extract Status page allows you to review the status and completion of extracts (i.e., jobs). Once an extract is completed, you can view and print the associated reports.
State Reporting > Extracts > Extract Status
Extract Type |
Select the extract type for which you want to check job status or completion. |
A white triangle is displayed in the heading row next to the column by which the grid is currently sorted. If the column is sorted in ascending order, the triangle points up. If the column is sorted in descending order, the triangle points down.
Job ID |
The unique ID for each job is displayed. The number is automatically generated. |
Job Status |
“In Progress,” “Failed,” or “Completed” is displayed for each job listed. NOTE: Click Refresh to see the updated status. |
Job Start |
The date and time when the job was run is displayed. |
Job End |
The date and time when the job was completed is displayed. |
User Name |
The name of the person who submitted the job, according to the user ID, is displayed. |
User Email |
The user's email address is displayed, as entered on the Extract page. |
School Year |
The school year for which the extract was run is displayed. |
The following vary by extract:
Error/Extract Summary |
Various error reports may be displayed if errors are encountered. Click Print Report. Review and correct all errors.
Student records are not extracted if the following conditions exist: |
Local Pgm Code |
For the Flexible Attendance, Restraint, Student Fall, Course Completion, and Discipline extracts, the code may be displayed if applicable. |
Semester |
For Attendance extracts only, the semester for which the extract was run is displayed. |
Flex Attendance |
For the Attendance extract only, this report provides a list of students participating in flex attendance programs. Review data for accuracy. |
Title I Part A |
For the Attendance extract only, after extracting semester 2, this report lists extract errors that are specific to Title I data. Review and correct any errors. |
Assign Dis Action Nbrs |
This is displayed for the Discipline extract only. Discipline action numbers are automatically assigned when the extract is run, so this field will always display Yes. |
Leaver Error Summary |
(Fall extract) Review the number of leaver tracking records written. Review and correct all errors. |
Reports can be printed any time, as long as the row is not deleted.
![]() | Select rows to be deleted. |
Delete | Click to delete any rows selected for deletion. |
Refresh | Re-retrieve the data displayed. |
Print Report | Print the report for the extract (if available).
For completed extracts, you can view applicable extract reports. Reports can be printed any time, as long as the row is not deleted from the Extract Status page. Report options will vary by extract.
Review the Extract Summary report for each extract and correct any errors.
Correct data and rerun the extract until there are no fatal errors.
State Reporting > Maintenance > Organization > County District
District ID |
District Name |
Type the name of the district as you want it to appear on your submission data, up to 34 characters. |
Total Nbr School Brd Requests | Type the total number of requests submitted outside of a school board meeting by a member of the district's board of trustees (school board) for information, documents, and records as specified in TEC (Texas Education Code) Section 11.1512. |
Total Cost School Brd Requests | Type the cost of fulfilling the total number of requests submitted outside of a board meeting by a member of the district's board of trustees for information, documents, and records as specified in TEC (Texas Education Code) Section 11.1512. |
Family Engagement Plan Link |
❏ Click Save.
Reported Elements from County District:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1556 | — | TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS | Total Nbr School Brd Requests |
E1557 | — | TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS | Total Cost School Brd Requests |
Retrieve | Retrieve data from last save.
Discard unsaved changes, and retrieve information since the last time data was saved.
Warning | Click to view warning messages for all tabs on the page. |
Errors | Click to view error messages for all tabs on the page. If errors and warnings exist, warnings are displayed with the errors. |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Organization > Campus ID
Existing campuses are listed.
❏ Click +Add to add a campus.
Campus |
CAMPUS-ID (E0266) |
Campus Name |
Type the campus name registered with the TEA. |
PK Waiver |
Bullying Incidents |
Cyber Bullying Incidents |
NUMBER-OF-CYBERBULLYING-INCIDENTS (E1728) Type the five-digit cyberbullying code. |
❏ Click Save.
![]() | Delete a row.
Retrieve | Retrieve data from last save.
Discard unsaved changes, and retrieve information since the last time data was saved.
You may find extracted or merged records containing incomplete or inaccurate information. Use the summer maintenance pages to update and correct the data saved in the district database (i.e., frozen data).
Data on these pages is updated every time data is extracted, including data that is manually entered.
NOTE: You cannot maintain data on maintenance pages while running an extract; a warning message is displayed on all summer maintenance pages indicating that the extract is in progress, and the Save button is disabled.
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Course Section
Correct data for the SectionExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Course Section tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule | ||
Service ID | SERVICE-ID (E0724) (Code table: C022) | Service ID |
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section | ||
Class ID | CLASS-ID-NUMBER (E1056) | Crs Nbr Sec Sem |
Course Sequence | COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE (E0948) (Code table: C135) | Crs Seq |
Period | CLASS-PERIOD (E1074) | Per Begin Per End |
Non-Campus Based Instruction | NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE (E1072) (Code table: C182) | Non Campus Based |
Population Served | POPULATION-SERVED-CODE (E0747) (Code table: C030) | Pop Srvd |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Demo
Correct data for the StudentExtension and StudentGraduationProgramExtension complex types as needed.
Cross reference for Student Demo tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
As-of Status | AS-OF-STATUS-CODE (E1002) (Code table: C163) | automatically generated |
Last Date of Enrollment | LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT (E1044) | automatically generated |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo1 | ||
First Name | FIRST-NAME (E0703) | Name (first) |
Middle Name | MIDDLE-NAME (E0704) | Name (middle) |
Last Name | LAST-NAME (E0705) | Name (last) |
Generation | GENERATION-CODE (E0706) (Code table: C012) | Name (generation) |
TX Unique Stu ID | TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID (E1523) | Texas Unique Student ID |
Date of Birth | DATE-OF-BIRTH (E0006) | DOB |
Sex | SEX-CODE (E0004) (Code table: C013) | Sex |
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) (Code table: C050) | Grade |
Hispanic | HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE (E1064) (Code table: C088) | Hispanic/Latino |
Races - American Indian | AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE (E1059) (Code table: C088) | American Indian/Alaskan Native |
Races - Asian | ASIAN-CODE (E1060) (Code table: C088) | Asian |
Races - Black | BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-CODE (E1061) (Code table: C088) | Black/African American |
Races - Pacific Islander | NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE (E1062) (Code table: C088) | Hawaiian/Pacific Isl |
Races - White | WHITE-CODE (E1063) (Code table: C088) | White |
Attribution Code | STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE (E1000) (Code table: C161) | Attribution Cd |
Campus of Residence | CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE (E0903) | Camp ID Resid |
Economic Disadvantage | ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE (E0785) (Code table: C054) | Eco Disadvan |
Military Connected | MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE (E1529) (Code table: C197) | Military Connected |
Foster Care | FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1528) (Code table: C196) | Foster Care |
Star of Texas Award | STAR-OF-TEXAS-INDICATOR-CODE (E1601) (Code table: C088) | Star of Texas Award |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo3 | ||
Campus of Accountability | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY (E1027) | Campus of Account |
Unaccompanied Youth Status | UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE (E1084) (Code table: C192) | Unaccomp Youth Status Cd |
Migrant | MIGRANT-INDICATOR-CODE (E0984) (Code table: C088) | Migrant |
Early Reading | EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1522) (Code table: C195) | Early Reading Cd |
Asylee/Refugee | UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE/REFUGEE-CODE (E1076) (Code table: C183) | Asylee/Refugee Cd |
Homeless Status | HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE (E1082) (Code table: C189) | Homeless Status Cd |
Section 504 Services | SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE (E1603) (Code table: C088) | IEP/Sec 504 Services |
SBEC/Trained Staff | —- | SBEC |
Section 39.023 Mods | — | Section 39.023 |
Dyslexia Risk | DYSLEXIA-RISK-CODE (E1644) (Code table: C222) | Dyslexia Risk |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo3 or Graduation Plan > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > PGP | ||
Public Services | PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1546) (Code table: C199) | Public Services |
Foundation Coursework | FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE (E1541) (Code table: C199) | Foundation Coursework |
Business and Industry | BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1545) (Code table: C199) | Business and Industry |
Distinguished Coursework | FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1542) (Code table: C199) | Distinguished Coursework |
Multi Disciplinary Studies | MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1548) (Code table: C199) | Multi Disciplinary Studies |
Arts and Humanities | ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1547) (Code table: C199) | Arts and Humanities |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll | ||
Campus | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Local Programs | ||
Crisis Code | CRISIS-CODE (E1054) (Code table: C178) | Other Spc Pgms |
T-STEM | T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE (E1559) (Code table: C088) | Other Spc Pgm |
ECHS | ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE (E1560) (Code table: C088) | Other Spc Pgm |
Intervention Strategy | INTERVENTION-STRATEGY-INDICATOR-CODE (E1602) (Code table: C088) | Other Spc Pgms |
Section 504 | SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE (E1603) (Code table: C088) | Other Spc Pgms |
P-TECH | P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE (E1612) (Code table: C088) | Other Spc Pgms |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment (Directory) | ||
Local ID | LOCAL-STUDENT-ID (E0923) | Campus ID plus student ID (most current campus of enrollment for the school year) |
Graduation Plan > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > Performance Acknowledgement | ||
Associate Degree | ASSOCIATE-DEGREE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1596) (Code table: C235) | Associate Degree |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Basic Att
Correct data for the BasicReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Student Basic Att tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll | ||
Campus | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) | Grade (where Entry/Exit are within Report Period dates per Campus Calendar/Track |
Inelig Days Present | TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (E0936) | Entry Date/Exit Date Eligibility Code |
Elig Days Present | TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (E0937) | Entry Date/Exit Date Eligibility Code |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment (Directory) | ||
Local ID | LOCAL-STUDENT-ID (E0923) | Campus ID plus student ID (most current campus of enrollment for the school year) |
Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Campus Calendar | ||
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Track Begin School Begin Cycle |
Days Taught | NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) | Mem Days |
Attendance > Maintenance > Student > Student Inquiry > Attendance By Date | ||
Total Days Absent | TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT (E0036) | Sum of ADA absence/posting codes for ADA Period |
Attendance > Maintenance > Flexible Attendance > Weekly Register Worksheet | ||
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd | ||
Spec Ed Maintstream Days | TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAMDAYS-PRESENT (E0940) | Entry/Exit Date Instrl Set |
Primary Disability | PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0041) (Code table: C053) | Primary Dis |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Bil/ESL | ||
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > G/T | ||
G/T | GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0034) (Code table: C088) | Gift/Talent |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > PK Enroll | ||
PK Prog Type | PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE (E1078) | PK Program Code |
Primary PK Fund Source | PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE (E1079) | PK Funding Source |
Second PK Fund Source | SECONDARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE (E1080) | PK Secondary Funding |
Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Program Information | ||
Multiply Disability | MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0882) (Code table: C088) | Multi Disability |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Special Ed Att
Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Student Special Ed Att tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll | ||
Campus ID | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) (Code table: C050) | Grade (where Entry/Exit are within Report Period dates per Campus Calendar/Track |
Elig Days Present | TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (E0937) | Entry Date/Exit Date Eligibility Code |
Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Campus Calendar | ||
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Track Begin School Begin Cycle |
Days Taught | NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) | Mem Days |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd | ||
Instructional Setting | INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (E0173) (Code table: C035) | Instrl Set |
RDSPD | REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE (E0833) (Code table: C067) | Regional Day School Deaf |
District of RDSPD Service | DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE RDSD (E1527) | RDSD Fiscal Agent |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment (Directory) | ||
Local ID | LOCAL-STUDENT-ID (E0923) | Campus ID plus student ID (most current campus of enrollment for the school year) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo1 Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd |
Eligible Days Present | TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (E0937) | Elig Code * Entry/Exit Date |
Excess Hours | EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING (E0945) | Calculated: If CTE Hours + SpecEd hours is greater than 6, then Excess Hours is (CTE Hours + SpecEd Hours) – 6. |
* If eligibility code is 1, 3, or 4, then a value of 1 is added to the Eligible Days for every membership day that falls within the Special Ed enrollment dates for the student’s campus/track. Then any ADA absences during the ADA period within the student’s special ed program dates are subtracted from the Eligible Days to get the Eligible Days Present. If the student’s eligibility code is 2, 6, or 5, then a value of .5 is added to the Eligible Days for every membership day that falls within the Special Ed enrollment dates for the student’s campus/track and .5 is subtracted for every ADA absence.
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > CTE Att
Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Student CTE Att tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll | ||
Campus ID | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) (Code table: C050) | Grade (where Entry/Exit are within Report Period dates per Campus Calendar/Track |
Service ID | SERVICE-ID (E0724) (Code table: C022) | Service ID |
Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Campus Calendar | ||
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Track Begin School Begin Cycle |
Days Taught | NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) | Mem Days |
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > CTE |
Elig Days V1 | ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V1 (E0950) | CTE Hrs |
Elig Days V2 | ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V2 (E0951) | CTE Hrs |
Elig Days V3 | ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V3 (E0952) | CTE Hrs |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Course Complt
Correct data for the StudentSectionAssociation and StudentTranscriptExtension complex types as needed.
NOTE: If you entered default values in the Default Pass/Fail/Credit Indicators fields on the Summer Extract page, be sure to update the Pass/Fail field for any students who failed.
Cross reference for Student Course Completion tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll | ||
Campus | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Entry Date | STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE (E1069) | Entry Date |
Exit Date | STUDENT-END-DATE (E1070) | Exit Date |
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section | ||
Class ID | CLASS-ID-NUMBER (E1056) | Crs Nbr Sec Sem |
Service ID | SERVICE-ID Service ID (E0724) (Code table: C022 | Service ID |
Course Sequence | COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE (E0948) (Code table: C135) | Crs Seq |
Dual Credit | DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1011) (Code table: C088) | Dual Crdt |
College Credit Hrs | COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS (E1081) | College Credit Hrs - Sem 1 and Sem 2 |
ATC | ATC-INDICATOR-CODE ATC (E1058) (Code table: C088) | Adv Tech Crdt |
Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Grd/Crs Maint | ||
Pass/Fail | PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE (E0949) (Code table: C136) | Pass/Fail |
Course Completion | COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR (E1068) (Code table: C088) | Pass/Fail |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Discipline
Correct data for the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Student Discipline tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Discipline > Maintenance > Student > Maintenance | ||
Campus of Disciplinary Assignment | CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT (E1003) | Campus Assignment |
Action Number | DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-NUMBER (E1004) | Action Nbr |
Action Code | DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE (E1005) (Code table: C164) | Act |
Action Reason | DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE (E1006) (Code table: C165) | Offense Description |
Official Length of Assignment | OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT (E1007) | Official Length |
Actual Length of Assignment | ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT (E1008) | Actual Length |
Length Difference Reason | DISCIPLINARY-LENGTH-DIFFERENCE-REASON-CODE (E1009) (Code table: C166) | Diff Code |
Incident Number | DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER (E1016) | Incident Nbr |
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Reporting Period |
Date of Disciplinary Action | DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION (E1036) | Discp Actn Date |
Campus of Disciplinary Responsibility | CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY (E1037) | Campus Resp |
Behavior Location Code | BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE (E1083) (Code table: C190) | Location of Incident |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll | ||
Campus of Enrollment | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Restraint
Correct data for the RestraintEventExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Restraint tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Child Restraint | ||
Campus of Restraint | CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT (E1032) | Cnty/Dist/Campus of Restraint |
Restraint Instance Nbr | RESTRAINT-INSTANCE-NUMBER (E1035) | Restraint Instance Nbr |
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Reporting Period |
Restraint Reason | RESTRAINT-REASON-CODE (E1033) (Code table: C173) | Restraint Reason |
Date of Restraint | DATE-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT (E1034) | Restraint Date |
Staff Type | RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE (E1516) (Code table: C194) | |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd | ||
Spec Ed Ind | SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0794) (Code table: C088) | Entry/Exit Date |
Nonmembership | NON-MEMBERSHIP-DISCIPLINE-RESTRAINT-INDICATOR-CODE (E1725) (Code table: C088) | Nonmembership |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Title I Part A
Correct data for the StudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociationExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Title I Part A tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Title I | ||
Campus ID | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Campus |
Title I Part A | TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE (E0894) (Code table: C122) | Title I Code |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Flexible Att
Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Flexible Attendance tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Campus Calendar | ||
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Track Begin School Begin Cycle |
Days Taught | NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) | Mem Days |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll | ||
Campus | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Attendance > Maintenance > Flexible Attendance > Weekly Register Worksheet | ||
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) Code table: C050) | Grd Lvl |
Flexible Attendance Program | FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE (E1045) (Code table: C177) | Flex Att Program |
Eligible Minutes Present | FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT (E1046) | Elig Mins |
Ineligible Minutes Present | FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT (E1047) | InElig Mins |
Special Ed Days | FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE (E1049) | Total Sp Ed Mins for the same track, grade level, Flex Att Program code, and reporting period divided by 240 |
Bilingual ESL Days | FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE (E1050) | Total Bil/ESL Mins for the same track, grade level, Flex Att Program code, and reporting period divided by 240 |
Gifted and Talented | GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0034) (Code table: C088) | GT |
Primary Disability | PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0041) | Primary Dis |
Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Program Information | ||
Multiply Disabled | MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0882) (Code table: C088) | Multi Disability |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Bil/ESL | ||
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment (Directory) | ||
Local ID | LOCAL-STUDENT-ID (E0923) | Campus ID plus student ID (most current campus of enrollment for the school year) |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Flexible Spec Ed Att
Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Flexible Special Ed Attendance tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Campus Calendar | ||
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Track Begin School Begin Cycle |
Days Taught | NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) | Mem Days |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll | ||
Campus | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Attendance > Maintenance > Flexible Attendance > Weekly Register Worksheet | ||
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) (Code table: C050) | Grd Lvl |
Flexible Attendance Program | FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE (E1045) (Code table: C177) | |
Instructional Setting Instructional Setting 2 Instructional Setting 3 | INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (E0173) (Code table: C035) | Instr Set * |
Eligible Days Eligible Days 2 Eligible Days 3 | ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING (E0944) | Sp Ed Mins * (divided by 240 to get Elig Days) |
Excess Minutes Excess Minutes 2 Excess Minutes 3 | EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING (E0945) | Excess Mins |
* If the student has more than one row for the same track, grade level, Flex Att Program code, and reporting period, the first row’s value for Instr Set is Instructional Setting, the 2nd row’s value for Instr Set is Instructional Setting 2, the third row’s value for Instr Set is Instructional Setting 3. The same is true for Eligible Days.
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Flexible CTE Att
Correct data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Flexible CTE Attendance tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Campus Calendar | ||
Report Period | REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) (Code table: C130) | Track Begin School Begin Cycle |
Days Taught | NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) | Mem Days |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll | ||
Campus | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) | Entry/Exit Date |
Attendance > Maintenance > Flexible Attendance > Weekly Register Worksheet | ||
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) (Code table: C050) | Grd Lvl |
Flexible Attendance Program | FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE (E1045) (Code table: C177) | Flex Att Program |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Industry Cert
Correct data for the StudentExtension complex type as needed.
The IBC Exam Fee and IBC Vendor will extract directly from the Graduation Plan or Registration application to the Student Extension Interchange.
Cross reference for Industry Cert tab:
Graduation Plan > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > PGP (if student has a graduation plan) | ||
Certification | POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE (E1640) (Code Table: C214) | Industry Credentials or Certification |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo3 (if student does not have a graduation plan) | ||
Certification | POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE (E1640) (Code Table: C214) | Industry Certification 1-15 |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Summer > Student > Special Ed
Correct data for the StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociationExtension complex type as needed.
Cross reference for Special Ed tab:
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd | ||
Beg Dt | SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0794) (Code table: C088) | Entry Date |
End Dt | SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0794) (Code table: C088) | Exit Date |
Prim Dis | PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0041) (Code table: C053) | Prim Dis |
Sec Dis | SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0834) (Code table: C053) | Sec Dis |
Tert Dis | TERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0835) (Code table: C053) | Tert Dis |
Multi Dis | MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0882) (Code table: C088) | Multi Dis |
Instr Set | INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (E0173) (Code table: C035) | Instrl Set |
Asst Tech | ASSISTIVE-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE (E0997) (Code table: C088) | Asst Tech |
Aud Svcs | AUDIOLOGICAL-SERV-IND-CODE (E0838) (Code table: C088) | Aud Svc |
Coun Svcs | COUNSELING-SERVICES-IND-CODE (E0840) (Code table: C088) | Couns Svc |
ECI | EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE (E0900) (Code table: C088) | ECI |
Interp Svcs | INTERPRETING-SERVICES-TYPE-CODE (E1040) (Code table: C174) | Interp Svc |
Medical Diag | MEDICAL-DIAGNOSTIC-SERV-IND-CODE (E0841) (Code table: C088) | Medical Diag |
Occup Thrpy | OCCUPATIONAL-THERAPY-IND-CODE (E0843) (Code table: C088) | Occup Thrpy |
Orient Trng | ORIENT-MOBILITY-TRNG-IND-CODE (E0844) (Code table: C088) | Orient Trng |
Phys Thrpy | PHYSICAL-THERAPY-IND-CODE (E0845) (Code table: C088) | Phys Thrpy |
Psych Svcs | PSYCHOLOGICAL-SERVICES-IND-CODE (E0846) (Code table: C088) | Psych Svc |
Rec Thrpy | RECREATION-IND-CODE (E0847) (Code table: C088) | Rec Thrpy |
RDSPD | REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE (E0833) (Code table: C067) | RDSPD |
Sch Hlth | SCHOOL-HEALTH-SERVICES-IND-CODE (E0848) (Code table: C088) | Sch Hlth Svc |
Soc Wrk | SOCIAL-WORK-SERVICES-IND-CODE (E0849) (Code table: C088) | Soc Wrk Svc |
Speech Ther | SPEECH-THERAPY-INDICATOR-CODE (E0857) (Code table: C095) | Speech |
Transport | TRANSPORTATION-INDICATOR-CODE (E0851) (Code table: C088) | Transport |
State Reporting > Reports > Summer
❏ Once you have completed the extract, run the reports and review the data for accuracy. If necessary, correct the data and rerun the reports.
❏ Run each summer submission report, and verify that data is accurate per the current year audit reports.
❏ Print the final reports for your records.
This utility creates interchanges from the data in the State Reporting tables. You can create all of the interchanges at once, or you can individually select the interchange you wish to create.
The system will create a zipped file that can be submitted to TSDS PEIMS.
Collection |
Select the submission period. For example, select Sumr1 if this is the first summer submission. If you are resubmitting summer data, select Sumr2. |
Ending School Year |
(Display only) The submission year as entered in the Submission Year field on State Reporting > Options is displayed. |
The interchanges are listed according to the Collection field.
❏ Select All Collection Interchanges (e.g., All Summer Interchanges) to create all interchanges for the selected collection period.
Or, select the individual interchange you want to create.
Selected Students |
The field is enabled if you selected all interchanges or a student-related interchange. Type or click the ellipsis to select the students for whom you want to create an interchange. Separate multiple students (Texas unique student IDs) with a comma (e.g., 6895409515,1628657282,2986961713). Leave blank to select all students. |
❏ Click Run.
When the process is complete, you are prompted to save a .zip file containing the individual files for the completed interchanges.
The default name of the zipped folder is, where:
The default name for the individual files is District_Campus_Collection_TimeStamp_Interchange.xml, where:
Example: 015116_000_2020SUMR1_202007111420_InterchangeStudentProgramExtension.xml
If errors are encountered:
The following are possible audit red flags that require special documentation. Correct these conditions, or ensure that supporting documentation exists.
The ASCENDER reports will help you identify these conditions, and the TSDS reports will flag these conditions.
Description | ASCENDER Reports | TSDS Reports |
❏ Identify students with attendance record but no course completion record. ❏ Verify that all students with 100% attendance are actually enrolled. | Perfect Attendance Report (SAT1900) | Roster of Students with Perfect Attendance and No Course Completion Indicator (PDM3-131-005) |
❏ Identify Compensatory Education Home Instruction (CEHI) students who earned CTE or bilingual ADA for the period they were coded CEHI. | Roster of Homebound, Hospital Class, and State School Students Earning Career & Technical Contact Hours (PDM3-131-003) | |
❏ Verify that course completions records exist for DAEP and JJAEP campuses, as well as regular campuses. | Number of Students Completing Courses by Pass/Fail Indicator (PDM3-133-001 - run by campus) | |
❏ Verify all KG students who are under age five. | Student Birthday Listing (SRG0500) | Roster of Kindergarten Students Under Age Five (PDM3-131-002) |
❏ Identify over-age students for whom eligible days attendance is reported. | Student Birthday Listing (SRG0500) | Roster of Students Age 21 Not in Special Education or Over Age 21 with Eligible Days Present (PDM3-131-009) |
❏ Verify that a basic attendance record is not reported for any student served fewer than two hours per day. | Attendance Audit Report (SAT1800) | Roster of Students Reporting More Than Three Excess Contact Hours Per Day (PDM3-131-008) and Superintendent’s Report of Special Education Eligible Days & Excess Hours (PDM3-130-004) |
❏ Identify any excessive days for Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) participation. | Roster of Pregnancy Related Services (PDM3-131-001) | |
❏ Ensure that no ADA is earned for mandatory expulsions or placement in JJAEP in counties with a population of 125,000 or more. | Students with a Mandatory Expulsion to a JJAEP with Attendance in that Reporting Period (PDM3-131-011) | |
❏ Identify campuses that do not report any discipline records. | Percent Change From the Previous Year (PDM3-231-001 - run for Discipline to get counts by campus) | |
❏ Ensure that no campus has Title I codes set to both 6 (schoolwide program school) and 7 (targeted assistance). A Title I, Part A campus can be either schoolwide or targeted assistance - not both. ❏ Ensure that any student coded 9 (homeless) or A (neglected) has no other Title I codes at the campus, and that the homeless indicator is not 0. Title I codes 9 and A are only used at non-Title I campuses. | Student Status Changes by Program (SRG1200) | Title I Part A Student Summary by Campus (PDM3-134-002) |
❏ Ensure you have all entry and withdrawal records | Entry/Withdrawal Summary (SAT1700) | |
❏ Identify students enrolled in bilingual without parental approval documentation. | Registration > Create Registration Report | |
❏ Identify students who earned CTE ADA while enrolled in an alternative disciplinary setting for more than five days without receiving CTE services. | Career Tech Students in Discipline Settings (SDS1800) | |
❏ Identify students who earned CTE ADA for a self-paced course. | Career and Technology Code Verification (SGR1600) | |
❏ Ensure that no special ed contact hours are reported for students with disabilities who are placed in disciplinary settings (i.e., ISS or DAEP) if the special education services prescribed in the student’s IEP were not provided while he was in the disciplinary setting. | Special Ed Students in Discipline Settings (SDS0200) |
Additionally, ensure that you have the following documentation:
❏ SDS1000 - PEIMS Discipline Report
❏ SDS0100 - Detailed Incident Report
❏ SDS0200 - Special Ed Students in Discipline Settings
❏ SDS0300 - BIL/ESL Students in Discipline Settings
❏ SDS1800 - CT Students in Discipline Settings
❏ SRG1200 - Student Status Changes by Program (for special education students)
❏ Copies of all Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and Admission, Review, and Dismissals (ARDs)
❏ Homebound teacher logs to support amount of time served for homebound students
❏ Physician’s statement confirming need for homebound
❏ Documentation confirming the need to place students in a hospital class or residential care and treatment facility
❏ All attendance reports listed in this guide
❏ All source documents for discipline events and Title I
Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System (PBMAS) flags:
Districts must report to TEA any student disciplinary infraction that resulted in the removal of a student from any part of their regular academic program categorized as OSS, Expulsion, DAEP, or ISS.
The current PBMAS manual lists the following Discipline Data Validation Indicators. Any errors related to these rules must be corrected.
❏ Discipline Data Validation Indicator #1: Length of Out-Of-School Suspension. Rule 44425-0048 - Students reported as “Suspended Out of School” for more than three days, including both partial (25) and full day (05) actions.
❏ Discipline Data Validation Indicator #2: Unauthorized Expulsion - Students Age 10 and Older. Rule 44425-0037 - Students reported as expelled from their regular education setting based on a “disciplinary reason” that is not allowed under TEC 37.007 (i.e., student was expelled for a reason that is not permitted by law).
❏ Discipline Data Validation Indicator #3: Unauthorized Expulsion - Students under Age 10. Rule 44425-0045 - Unauthorized expulsions of students under the age of 10.
❏ Discipline Data Validation Indicator #4: Unauthorized DAEP Placement -Students under Age 6. Rule 44425-0046 - Unauthorized DAEP placement of students under the age of 6.
❏ Discipline Data Validation Indicator #5: High Number of Discretionary DAEP Placements.
❏ Discipline Data Validation Indicator #6: Black or African American (Not Hispanic/Latino) Discretionary DAEP Placements.
❏ Discipline Data Validation Indicator #7: Hispanic Discretionary DAEP Placements.
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