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ASCENDER Scheduling Guide - Manual, Automated, or Combination

Secondary and Elementary

Suggested Timeline:

Before You Begin:

Three Scheduling Options Flow Chart:


Preliminary Requirements for Scheduling

Whether your district and campuses do manual, automated, or combination scheduling, you must complete the preliminary requirements before you begin.

ASCENDER Scheduling - Preliminary Requirements


Manual Scheduling

The following steps are for secondary campuses and districts that manually create the campus master schedule (section and meeting times) and manually schedule students into course-sections.

ASCENDER Scheduling - Manual


Combination Scheduling

These steps are for secondary campuses and districts that use a combination of manual and automated tools to complete scheduling, where the campus master schedule (section and meeting times) is manually created, and automated tools are used to schedule students into course-sections.

ASCENDER Scheduling - Combination


Automated Scheduling (Master Schedule Generator or MSALGO)

These steps are for secondary campuses and districts that use an ASCENDER program (Master Schedule Generator or MSALGO) to create the campus master schedule (section and meeting times) and to create student schedules.

ASCENDER Scheduling - Automated


Elementary Scheduling

IMPORTANT: The steps you follow depend on whether or not Annual Student Data Rollover (ASDR) has been completed.

If the district has not yet run ASDR, follow the steps as described on the ASCENDER Scheduling - Complete Scheduling for Elementary Campuses (Before ASDR) guide. These steps are completed in the Scheduling application.

If the district has already run ASDR, follow the steps as described on the ASCENDER Grade Reporting - Complete Scheduling for Elementary Campuses (After ASDR) guide. These steps are completed in the Grade Reporting application.


Additional Scheduling Resources

Additional tools are available to address other scheduling needs:

  • For students who transfer into the school and do not have a schedule, use the Walk-in Scheduler.
academy/student/scheduling_guide.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/21 21:28 by apape