Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Graduation
This tab allows you to view and update a student's graduation data. The information on the Graduation tab is editable for those students who do not have a graduation plan.
The Graduation tab is not available until you retrieve a student on the Student Enrollment page.
For a new student, you must enter and save all required data on Demo1 before proceeding to this tab.
For students without a graduation plan, data can be updated for the current or prior school year. Students who are enrolled during the current school year can only be updated for the current school year. Students who were last enrolled in the prior school year can be updated in the prior school year.
❏ Under Graduation:
NOTE: If the student has a graduation plan, the following fields are disabled on this tab and must be updated on Graduation Plan > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > PGP: Graduation Type, Financial Aid Application, CPR Date Completed, Speech Date Completed, Peace Officer Interact Date Completed, Foundation Coursework, Distinguished Coursework, Industrial certification1-5, all five endorsements and their Date Completed fields.
Graduation Type |
Select the plan under which the student intends to graduate. |
AAR Grad Plan |
The graduation program description from the PEIMS C062 table is displayed. This is the official PEIMS description, which may be different from the description entered by the district. This description is displayed on the student's AAR. |
Cert of CrsWrk Date Completed |
Type the date of the certificate of coursework completion in the MMDDYYYY format, if applicable. |
CPR-AED Date Completed |
Type the date on which the student met the requirement for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) instruction. You cannot enter a future date. |
Peace Officer Interact Date Completed |
Type the date on which the student met the requirement for instruction on how to interact with law enforcement, as mandated by Senate Bill 30. You cannot enter a future date. |
Texas First Early HS Completion Pgm |
Select if the student graduated early.
01: Student Graduated Two or More Semesters Early TWEDS Data Element: TEXAS-FIRST-EARLY-HS-COMPLETION-PROGRAM (E1736) (Code table C233) indicates the student graduated early under the Texas First Early High School Completion Program and specifies whether the student graduated two or more semesters or less than two semesters or the equivalent earlier than the expected graduation date of the student's high school cohort. |
Graduation Date |
Type the date on which the student graduated or is expected to graduate in the MMDDYYYY format. |
Texas Grant Eligibility |
Indicate the student’s TEXAS Grant eligibility status and graduation program under which he is expected to graduate. The values 1, 2, or 5 indicate that TEXAS Grant eligibility is expected.
College Entry |
Select if the student plans to attend college. |
Speech Date Completed |
Type the date on which the student met the Foundation High School Program (FHSP) requirement for speech instruction. You cannot enter a future date. |
❏ Under Financial Aid Application:
Status |
Use the drop-down menu to select 01 or 02 to indicate the application status. FINANCIAL-AID-APPLICATION-CODE indicates the manner in which the student completed the graduation requirement of either submitting a financial aid application (FAFSA or TASFA) or submitting an exception. |
Met Date |
Type the month and date in MM-YYYY format. FINANCIAL-AID-APPLICATION-REQUIREMENT-MET-DATE indicates the month and year that the student completed a financial aid application (FAFSA or TASFA) or submitted an exception. |
❏ Under Foundation High School Program:
College Career Instruction |
Select if the 7th or 8th grade student has received instruction in preparing for high school, college, and career, including information about the creation of a high school personal graduation plan, distinguished level of achievement, each endorsement, college readiness standards, and potential career choices and education needed to enter those careers. (TWEDS data element E1574; This field is no longer extracted for PEIMS; however, it is still needed for tracking students per HB5.) |
Foundation Coursework |
Indicate whether a student is currently pursuing the Foundation High School Program.
Distinguished Coursework |
Indicate if the student is currently pursuing the distinguished level of achievement under the Foundation High School Program as provided by TEC §28.025 (b-15).
Endorsements |
Indicate for each endorsement (STEM, Public Services, Business and Industry, Multi Disciplinary Studies, and Arts and Humanities) if the student is pursuing, not pursuing, or has completed the program. |
Date Completed |
The date of completion must be entered if the student has completed the program for an endorsement or certification. |
❏ Under Industry Based Certification
❏ Click +Add to add a new row.
Certification |
Indicate a credential or certification earned by the student. |
Date Taken |
Result |
Use the drop-down menu to select the result code. TWEDS Data Element: POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-RESULT (E1733) (Code Table: C232) indicates the result of a state, nationally, or internationally recognized industry-based certification exam taken by a student. |
Exam Fee |
Enter the exam fee amount. This fee identifies the amount of money that was paid by the local education agency for a student’s industry certification exam. |
Vendor Nbr |
Use the drop-down menu to select the vendor. This field identifies the organization or company that offered the service. |
Reimburse |
Select this field if a prior or current LEA received the one-time allowed industry-based certification fee reimbursement for the student. |
Enrolled |
Select this field if the student is enrolled at the time a certification exam was taken. Update in Graduation Plan and Registration.
❏ Click Save.
Comments | View or add comments.
TEA Unique ID | Request an Unique ID from the state.
Click on the TEA Unique ID button to request an Unique ID from the state for students and staff.
Hist Directory | Retrieve a student enrolled in a prior school year. |
![]() | View medical alert.
The button is displayed if a medical warning exists for the student and Consent to Display Alert is selected on Health > Maintenance > Student Health > Emergency.
Documents | View or attach supporting documentation. |
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