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PK Enrollment

Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > PK Enroll

This tab allows you to view and update information for students who participate in a prekindergarten program.

The PK Enroll tab is not available until you retrieve a student on the Student Enrollment page. For a new student, you must enter and save all required data on Demo1 before proceeding to this tab.

Update data:

The student’s existing PK entry/withdrawal/reentry records are displayed. If the most recent row contains an exit date and withdrawal reason code, you can add a record.

❏ Under PK Program:

❏ Click +Add to add a record.

The fields below the grid are enabled.


The campus ID to which you logged on is displayed.

TWEDS Data Element: CAMPUS-ID (E0266)

Entry Date
Exit Date

To withdraw a student from the program, type the date the student exited from the program. Use the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click to select the date from a calendar.

The exit date should be the school day following the last day the student was in the program.


If you are withdrawing the student from the program, click to select the withdrawal reason.

If the student is exiting the program, select EP (exit program).

code 33 add button

1. Click Code 33 button to do a status change.

• A row is added to the grid that displays the default entry date, which is the same as the withdrawal date. This ensures that you do not lose any membership days by typing the incorrect entry date for the status change.

• The fields display the data from the previous row by default.

2. Modify any information that changed for the entry date.

3. Click Save to save the status change.

code 33 undo button

If you entered a status change in error (e.g., the wrong student or wrong withdrawal or entry date), click Under status code 33 button to remove the status change for the student. When you save, the exit date and exit reason are cleared, and the new row is removed from the grid.

1. Click Code 33 button in the the second row. This creates a new row (now 3 rows).

2. Click Under status code 33 button in the second row. This removes the third row.

3. Click Under status code 33 button in the first row. This will remove the second row leaving one remaining.

4. Make the change and click Save.

Changes to the following fields usually occur when there is a status change (withdrawal reason code 33). The new information is entered upon reentry.

PK Program Code

If the student's PK program has changed, select the code indicating the length of the prekindergarten instructional day for the student.

TWEDS Data Element: PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE (E1078) (Code table: C185)

PK Elig Prev Year

Select if the student is eligible for enrollment in a PK class because:

• A four-year-old student was eligible for enrollment at the age of three in the previous school year, but are not eligible through other criteria, or

• A five-year-old student was eligible for enrollment at the age of four in the previous school year, and the parent requested they be retained in prekindergarten.


❏ Under PK Funding Source:

❏ Click +Add to add a record.

The fields below the grid are enabled.

Fund Order

Enter the code indicating the order of the student's PK Funding Source.

OrderofPKFundingSource (E3040) indicates the order of the student's PK Funding Source.

Fund Order 1 = Primary
Fund Order 2 = Secondary

Fund Source

If the student's primary funding source has changed, select the new primary source of funding for the student.

TWEDS Data Element: PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE (E1079) (Code table: C186)

Begin Date

Type the begin date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

End Date

Type the end date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Spyglass Icon Edit a record.
Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
Comments View or add comments.
TEA Unique IDRequest an Unique ID from the state.
Hist DirectoryRetrieve a student enrolled in a prior school year.
Medical Alert button View medical alert.
DocumentsView or attach supporting documentation.
registration/maintenance/studentenrollment/pkenroll.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/29 20:16 by apape