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SAT Maintenance

Test Scores > Maintenance > Individual Maintenance > SAT

The SAT page allows you to view and update a student's SAT data. Alternatively, you can use the Import Test Scores utility to import SAT test data.

Required fields:

Update data:

Select a student.

❏ Click SAT.

❏ Click +Add to add an SAT test record.

A pop-up window opens.

Admin Date

Type the test administration date in the MMDDYYYY format. You cannot type a future date.

Ed Level

Type the student's education level when the test was administered.

October 2015 and later:

1 - Not yet in 8th grade
2 - 8th grade
4 - 9th grade
5 - 10th grade
6 - 11th grade
7 - 12th grade
8 - No longer in high school
10 - No response 1
11 - Unknown
12 - 1st year of college
13 - 2nd year of college I

Before October 2015:

0 - Unknown
1 - Not yet in 8th grade
2 - 8th grade
3 - 9th grade
4 - 10th grade
5 - 11th grade
6 - 12th grade
7 - No longer in high school
9 - No response

❏ In the Score column:


Type the score for each portion of the test.

For October 2015 and later, valid scores are 10-40. (Math scores are in .5 increments.)

Prior to October 2015, valid scores are 200-800.


The sum of the Reading, Math, and Writing scores is automatically calculated. A math Score with .5 is automatically rounded up.

Evidence-Based Reading & Writing
Math Section

Valid scores are 200-800.


The sum of the Evidence-Based Reading & Writing score and Math Section score is automatically calculated.


Valid scores are 10-40.


Valid scores are 1-15.

Essay Subscores

Valid scores are 0 and 2-8.

National Percentile

Type the national percentage of college-bound students who scored below each score.

October 2015 and later, valid percentages are 0-99.

Before October 2015, valid percentages are 01-99.

For cross test and subscores, as well as Evidence-Based Reading & Writing and Math Section scores, the National Percentile only applies to Admin Dt of March 2016 and later.

State/Representative Percentile

Type the state percentage of college-bound students who scored below each score.

October 2015 and later, valid percentages are 0-99.

Before October 2015, valid percentages are 01-99.

For cross test and subscores, as well as Evidence-Based Reading & Writing and Math Section scores, the State/Representative Percentile only applies to Admin Dt of March 2016 and later.

❏ Click OK to close the window.

❏ Click Save.

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Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
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testscores/maintenance/sat.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:55 by