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Retro Pay Processing - HRS6280

Position Management > Utilities > Retro Pay Processing

This utility is used to perform retro pay processing. You must be logged on to a next year pay frequency to access this utility.

Create an export using Export PMIS Tables prior to using this utility.

PMIS Overtime Notes

Process retro pay:

Select Pay FrequencyClick Drop-down Arrow to select the pay frequency that you wish to move to current year. This is a required field.
Validate Accounts against General LedgerBy default, this field is selected. Clear Validate Accounts against General Ledger to not validate the accounts against the general ledger.
Select First Pay Date CodesType the pay date codes, separating multiple pay date codes with a comma but no space (e.g., NY4,NY6). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for pay date codes.
Include Extra DutySelect to include extra duty in the process. If not selected, no extra duty will be processed even if extra duty codes are selected.
Select Extra Duty Codes or blank for ALLType the extra duty codes, separating multiple extra duty codes with a comma but no space (e.g., 08,20,A2,TF). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for extra duty codes. Otherwise, leave blank to use all extra duty codes.
Select Positions or blank for ALL (Includes ALL billets for selected positions)Type the position codes, separating multiple position codes with a comma but no space (e.g., PRIN,T187). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for position codes. Otherwise, leave blank to use all position codes.
Select Positions/Billets or blank for ALLType the position/billet codes, separating multiple position/billet codes with a comma but no space (e.g., PRIN/00001,PRIN/00006). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for position/billet codes. Otherwise, leave blank to use all position/billet codes.
Select Supplement Positions or blank for ALL (Includes ALL billets for selected supplement positions)Type the supplement position codes, separating multiple supplement position codes with a comma but no space (e.g., PRIN,T187). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for supplement position codes. Otherwise, leave blank to use all supplement position codes.
Select Supplement Positions/Billets or blank for ALLType the supplement position/billet codes, separating multiple supplement position/billet codes with a comma but no space (e.g., PRIN/00001,PRIN/00006). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for supplement position/billet codes. Otherwise, leave blank to use all supplement position/billet codes.
Select Extra Duty Code for Position Retro PayType the extra duty code (e.g., 11). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for an extra duty code.
Select Extra Duty Code for S-Type Supplement Position Retro PayType the S-type extra duty code (e.g., ST). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for an S-type extra duty code.
Select Extra Duty Code for B-Type Supplement Position Retro PayType the B-type extra duty code (e.g., BT). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for a B-type extra duty code.
Select Extra Duty Code for T-Type Supplement Position Retro PayType the T-type extra duty code (e.g., TT). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for a T-type extra duty code.
Select the Pay date to be used for Payroll TransmittalsType the pay date code, or click Ellipsis Icon to search for pay date codes. If the Select the Pay date to be used for Payroll Transmittals field is blank, the next available pay date for the selected pay frequency will be used.

❏ Click Execute to execute the process.

The following reports are available:

  • Retro Pay Process Error Listing
  • Retro Pay - Update CYR Positions From Forecast
  • Retro Pay - Update CYR Payroll From Forecast by Employee Name
  • Retro Pay - Update CYR Payroll From Forecast by Campus ID
  • Retro Pay Processing Payroll Transmittals

❏ Click Generate Reports. The system displays the first report selected. Review the report.

❏ Click Continue to view the next report. Or, click Return to return to the reports selection page.

❏ Click Process to proceed. You are prompted to create a backup.

After the export process is completed, the actual update is performed. If the update is successful, a message indicating that the retro pay update was processed successfully is displayed.

❏ Click Cancel to return to the Retro Pay Processing page without processing.

positionmanagement/utilities/retropayprocessing.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/21 18:23 by emoreno