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Update Fiscal Year by Fund - HRS6240

Position Management > Utilities > Update Fiscal Year by Fund

This utility is used to select funds that need an updated fiscal year. When updating the fiscal year by fund, ensure the payroll frequency matches that of the logged-on payroll frequency. To update the fiscal year for another payroll frequency (e.g., E - Semimonthly NYR), you must change to that payroll frequency using the Change Payroll Frequency dialog box.

Position distribution records will be updated based on the logged-on pay frequency. For example:

  • If you are logged on to a current year pay frequency, current year position management distribution records are incremented for selected funds.
  • If logged on to a next year pay frequency, forecast position management records are incremented for selected funds.

Create an export using Export PMIS Tables prior to using this utility.

Update the fiscal year:

❏ Under Increment Fiscal Year by 1:

  • Select Increment to increment the fiscal year by one. If Increment is not selected, the fiscal year is not incremented.
  • The Fund/Year field is display only and indicates the fund/fiscal year that can be incremented.

Note: The new fund/fiscal year must exist in the current year or Budget of next year.

❏ Click Retrieve to reset all rows with Increment selected to the default setting (e.g., clear the check boxes). If you click Retrieve, any unprocessed changes are lost.

❏ Click Execute to start the update process. You are prompted to create a backup.

After the export process is completed, the actual update is performed. If the update is successful, a message is displayed indicating that the update process was completed successfully.

positionmanagement/utilities/updatefiscalyearbyfund.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/09 15:51 by emoreno