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Grade Reporting Reports - Master Schedules

Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Master Schedules

This page allows you to select the report you want to generate.

You may select prior year records or change campuses by clicking on Change and selecting from the drop-down menus.

Health Report Group screen showing all available reports

Select a report:

All available reports are displayed on the left side of the page. The list of available reports remains displayed on the page after you select a report name, which allows you to select another report without exiting the selected reports menu.

❏ Click a report name to select it. The parameters for the selected report are displayed on the right side of the page.

❏ Type or select the report options. Parameters in bold are required.

❏ Use the buttons located at the top of the page to generate the report. If the button feature does not apply to the selected report, it is disabled. For example, a certain report may not be available in the CSV format, so the CSV button will be disabled if that report is selected.

  • Preview - Click to generate the HTML view of the report. Review, save and/or print the report.
  • PDF - Click to generate a PDF file of the report.
  • CSV - This option is not available for this report.
  • Clear Options - Click to clear data from all parameter fields.

Sort and filter:

Some reports may or may not provide the sort and/or filter option.

SortSort report data:
FilterFilter report data:
ResetReset report data:
gradereporting/reports/gradereportingreports/masterschedules.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by