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SGR2001 - A/B Honor Roll

Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Grades > SGR2001 - A/B Honor Roll

This report consists of four reports that list honor roll students by grade level:

  • Students who have all As, As and Bs, or all Bs
  • Students who have all As, or As and Bs
  • Students who have all As only
  • Students who have all Bs only

A cumulative honor roll also can be printed.

If errors are encountered, an error report is generated.

Run the report:

Ending School Year (YYYY)

Type the four-digit ending school year. For example, for the 2023-2024 school year, type 2024.

Campus ID

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click ellipsis button to select the campus.

Semester (1, 2, 3, 4)

Type the one-digit semester.

Valid semesters are 1 and 2.

For a four-semester campus, valid semesters are 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Cycle (1, 2, 3)

Type the one-digit cycle code.

Attendance Track (Blank for All)

Type the two-digit attendance track. Leave blank to select all tracks.

Report Type (1=As or Bs, 2=At least one A, 3=As, 4=Bs)

1 - Select students who have all As and Bs.

2 - Select students who have at least one A.

3 - Select students who have all As.

4 - Select students who have all Bs.

Type of Grade (C=Cycle, S=Semester, F=Final)

C - Run the report for cycle grades.

S - Run the report for semester grades.

F - Run the report for final grades.

Include Self Paced Courses (Y, N)

Y - Include self-paced courses.

N - Do not include self-paced courses.

Cumulative Honor Roll (Y, N)

Y - Print the cumulative honor roll, which lists only students who qualified for honor roll from the beginning of the school year to the specified semester-cycle.

N - Do not print the cumulative honor roll.

Check Course Entry/WD Dates (Y, N)

Y - Consider the course entry/withdrawal dates in selecting records to update.

N - Do not consider the course entry/withdrawal dates.

The student must be enrolled on the campus as of the Grade Reporting cycle end date of the specified cycle for the report in order to be included in the report, regardless of the selection for this parameter.

Preview Student Listing

The Totals page opens first. Click Preview Student Listing to view the list of students on the selected honor roll report.

View Error List

Click to view the error list if errors are encountered.

Click Return to Main Report to return.


Exit the report.

gradereporting/reports/gradereportingreports/sgr2001abhonorroll.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by