
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo3

This tab allows you to view and update a student's additional demographic data. The information on the Demo3 tab is not required for enrollment; however, entering a complete demographic record is recommended.

The Demo3 tab is not available until you retrieve a student on the Student Enrollment page. For a new student, you must enter and save all required data on Demo1 before proceeding to this tab.

Update data:

❏ Under Promotion:

Year End Status

The code indicating the student's status at the end of the regular school year is displayed.

Year-end-status codes

This field is automatically updated when the Assign or Clear Year-End-Status Codes utility in Grade Reporting is run.

• For all active students in grade levels K-8, the utility assigns code 01 (promoted).

• For students in grade levels 9-11, the utility assigns code 11 (promoted).

• For students in grade level 12, the utility assigns code 12 (graduated).

You must update this field for any exceptions, such as retained students. You can manually update this field, or you can run the Reset Values utility in Registration.

The year-end-status code is used for the following purposes:

• Move to Grade Reporting advances students to the next grade level or retains them in the current grade level according to the year-end-status code.

• Final elementary report cards will print “promoted” or “retained” according to the year-end-status code.

SSI Promotion

Indicate if the student was promoted or retained as a result of participation in the Student Success Initiative (SSI).

This information is reported to PEIMS beginning with the 2013-14 school year.

Rule 40110-0020: Codes 04, 06 and 08 only apply to students in grade level 05.

Rule 40110-0072: Codes 10, 12, and 14 only apply to students in grade level 08.

Retained Reason 1, 2, 3

For student is in KG-08, select up to three codes indicating the reason(s) the student was retained in the same grade level or placed in a transitional program if applicable. Leave blank if none of these conditions applies.

❏ Under Status Indicators:

Student Parent

Select if the student is currently a parent.

Even Start

Indicate if the student is enrolled in an Even Start program. An Even Start program can provide services to both parents and their children who are school age (PK-18), or ages 0-3 and coded as EE.


Select if the student resides in an institution for neglected or delinquent children within the school district boundaries.

Military Enlistment

Select if the leaver student has enlisted in the United States Armed Forces after graduation.

❏ Under CTE Program Service:

Day Care CTE Support

Select if the student receives day care services that allow him to participate in the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program.

Career and Technology Ind

Indicates if the student is enrolled in a state-approved CTE course as an elective, or as a participant in the district's career and technical coherent sequence of courses.

This field must be set for each semester, because the field is reported for the student in the PEIMS fall and summer submissions.


Select the Primary Code from the list.

Begin Date

Type the begin date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

End Date

Type the end date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

If a record does not exist, a default row will automatically generate when the user retrieves a student then navigates to a new tab. An error message will display at the bottom of the page and the user must click Save to insert the rows.

❏ Under Homeless Status:


Select the Primary Code from the list.

Begin Date

Type the begin date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

End Date

Type the end date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

❏ Under Early Reading Indicator:


Select the Primary Code from the list.

Begin Date

Type the begin date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

End Date

Type the end date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

❏ Under Unaccompanied Youth:


Select the Primary Code from the list.

Begin Date

Type the begin date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

End Date

Type the end date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

❏ Under Unschooled Asylee Refugee:


Select the Primary Code from the list.

Begin Date

Type the begin date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

End Date

Type the end date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

❏ Under Truancy Indicators:

Excessive Unexcused AbsenceSelect this field to indicate if a student is required to attend school (age 6 to 18 years under TEC 25.086), but did not attend without excuse for 10 or more days or parts of days within a six month period of a school year.

NOTE: An unexcused absence is defined as any absence that is not excused by state law or LEA local policy. A partial day is defined in accordance with LEA local policy.

Enter the campus on which the excessive unexcused absence occurred. Enter the date the excessive unexcused absence occurred.
Truancy Prevention MeasureSelect this field to indicate that the LEA initiated a truancy prevention measure under TEC 25.0915 (a-4) for the student.

Enter the campus on which the truancy measure will take place. Enter the date when the truancy prevention measure will take place or took place.
Truancy Complaint FiledSelect this field to indicate whether an attendance officer or other school official has filed a complaint against a student’s parent or legal guardian, under TEC 25.093.

Enter the campus on which the complaint was filed. Enter the date the complaint was filed.

❏ Under Dyslexia:

Entry Date
Exit Date

To withdraw a student, type the exit date in the MMDDYYYY format. The date should be the school date following the last day the student was enrolled, and it must be later than the campus entry date and latest reentry date.


If you are withdrawing the student, click to select the withdrawal reason.
Codes 02, 04, 09, 10, 14, 15, 19, 22, 30, 44, 61, 72, 79, and 84 are converted to PEIMS code 98.

Codes 21, 31, 63, 64, and 80 are converted to “mover” and are not extracted for PEIMS.

EP (exit program) is not a valid withdrawal reason code on this tab.

code 33 add button

1. Click Code 33 status change to do a status change.

• A row is added to the grid that displays the default entry date, which is the same as the withdrawal date. This ensures that you do not lose any membership days by typing the incorrect entry date for the status change.

• The fields below the grid are enabled. The fields display the data from the previous row by default.

2. Modify any information that changed for the entry date.

3. Click Save to save the status change.

If the entry date and exit date are the same on the row, this button is not available.

code 33 undo button

If you entered a status change in error (e.g., the wrong student or wrong withdrawal or entry date), click Under status code 33 button to remove the status change for the student. When you save, the exit date and exit reason are cleared, and the new row is removed from the grid.

1. Click Code 33 button in the the second row. This creates a new row (now 3 rows).

2. Click Under status code 33 button in the second row. This removes the third row.

3. Click Under status code 33 button in the first row. This will remove the second row leaving one remaining.

4. Make the change and click Save.


Select the screening results for dyslexia and related disorders.

Excpt Rsn

Select the reason the student was not screened.

No Svcs

Select if the student does not receive additional services.


Select the type(s) of dyslexia or related service the student has received at any time during the school year.


Student is receiving instruction that meets applicable dyslexia program criteria established by the State Board of Education; and is provided by a person with specific training in providing that instruction.

Sec 39.023

The student is permitted, on the basis of having dyslexia or a related disorder, to use modifications in the classroom or accommodations in the administration of assessment instruments under Section 39.023.

❏ Under DAP Advanced Measures:

Advanced Measures 1-4

Indicate the type of advanced measure earned as required to graduate under the Distinguished Achievement Program. The codes can be used as follows:

A - Original research and projects. The code can be used once or twice.

B - AP score of 3 or above. The code can be used without limit.

C - IB score of 4 or above. The code can be used without limit.

D - Qualifying PSAT score. The code can be used once.

E - College course with a 3.0 or higher. This code can be used without limit.

F - Articulated course with 3.0 or higher. The code can be used without limit.

Graduation Type must be Distinguished for the DAP Advanced Measures to print on the AAR.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Comments View or add comments.
TEA Unique IDRequest an Unique ID from the state.
Hist DirectoryRetrieve a student enrolled in a prior school year.
Medical Alert button View medical alert.
DocumentsView or attach supporting documentation.