Registration > Utilities > Reset Values
This utility mass resets data in a student's latest enrollment record according to your selections. Data from a student's previous campus is not reset.
Make sure to back up your database before running this utility.
Under Parameters For Reset:
❏ Select the students whose data will be reset:
Campus |
Select to reset data for students at one campus, or leave blank to reset data at all campuses.
Grade Level |
Select to reset data for students in one grade level, or leave blank to reset data for all grade levels.
Track |
Select to reset data for students on one track, or leave blank to reset data for all tracks.
❏ You must select at least one of the following:
Active Students |
Select to reset data for all active students. |
Inactive Students |
Select to reset data for all inactive students. |
If Item to Reset is set to PK Funding, the following fields are also displayed:
As of |
Type the as-of date to validate the student enrollment date. A student's enrollment date must be after this date. |
ADA Eligibility |
Select the eligibility status to reset PK funding data for students with a particular eligibility status. |
Item to Reset |
Select the specific item of data to be reset.
NOTE: If PK Funding is selected, additional fields are displayed under Parameters For Reset, as described above. |
❏ Under Values to Reset:
From |
To |
The Local Program option allows you to add a local program for a group of students who are in a particular local programs (i.e., Specific to Specific). Or, you can add a particular local program for all selected students who are not currently in that program (i.e., All to Specific).
If you select From Specific, use the adjacent drop-down field to specify the program in which the students are currently enrolled. You will be adding a local program for the students currently enrolled in this program.
If you select From All, you will be adding a local program for the students who are not currently enrolled in the To program.
For To Specific, use the adjacent drop-down field to specify the program you are adding for the students.
Keep Entry Date | This field is only displayed if you are adding a program for students enrolled in a particular program (i.e., Specific to Specific). Select the field if you want to use the student's entry date from the original program. Otherwise, you can specify a new entry date. |
Entry Date | If you are not keeping the original entry date, or if you are adding the generic program for all students, specify the student entry date for the generic program you are adding. |
Local Program Code |
Select a generic program for a group of students who are in a particular generic programs.
If selected:
If From Specific is selected, the corresponding drop-down field is enabled. Only students who meet the selected criteria are retrieved.
If From All is selected, all students who meet the selected Parameters for Reset criteria are retrieved.
If From Blank is selected, only students who have a blank in the corresponding endorsement column are selected.
If the To Specific drop-down field is set to 2 (i.e., Student has Completed), the Date Completed field appears, and a completion date is required. If the From Specific drop-down list is also set to 2 (i.e., Student has Completed), the completion date is deleted to prevent invalid data.
Resetting Foundation Crswrk and Distinguished Crswrk:
The FHSP endorsements should be assessed for each student, and set if necessary prior to using the Reset Utility for Foundation Coursework and Distinguished Coursework.
Resetting CPR and Speech completion dates:
If From Specific is selected, only students who have a PGP record that matches the date are retrieved.
If From All is selected, all students who meet the selected Parameters for Reset are retrieved regardless of whether they have a PGP. Rows are updated, or new rows are added.
If From Blank is selected, all students who meet the Parameters for Reset criteria and do not have a PGP, including students with a blank CPR Date Completed field, are retrieved.
Resetting UID Enrollment Event Flag:
The UID Enrollment Event Flag option works in conjunction with the UID Enrollment functionality on Registration > Utilities > Texas Unique Student ID Processing > UID Export.
Resetting the value to blank allows you to resubmit enrollment events for a specified date range with new enrollment events and any updated enrollment records.
When UID Enrollment Event Flag is selected, the Parameters for Reset fields on the page are disabled; the utility is run for all campuses, grade levels, tracks, and students in the district.
The From/To fields require a date range. The reset only applies to the From/To Date fields.
When you click Reset Values button, a pop-up window opens which retrieves all students whose entry date or withdrawal date is within the specified date range and have been processed (i.e., their flag is set to P-Processed) (i.e, their enrollment event information has already been submitted to TEA).
When you click Save, the flag for the selected students is reset from P-Processed to blank.
IMPORTANT! Verify that you have selected data correctly before you proceed.
❏ Click Reset Values.
The Reset Values By Student pop-up window opens.
Clear | Clear your selections on the page. |
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