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Create Leaver Tracking Records

Registration > Utilities > Create Leaver Tracking Records

This utility creates leaver tracking records (i.e., Maintenance > Prior Year Leaver Tracking) for the current school year for graduates, withdrawn students, and No Show students as part of the Move to Grade Reporting process. Any existing leaver tracking records for the current school year are deleted.

Leaver Errors:

Create records:

School Start Window (SSW) Date

Type the school-start window date set by the TEA for the current school year in the MMDDYYYY format.

The date is used to determine if a No Show student who reentered the district is still considered a No Show.

• If a No Show student reentered the district within the school-start window, he is not a No Show.

• If a No Show student reentered the district after the school-start window, he is a No Show.

❏ Click Create Trking Records.

When completed, a message displays the number of errors.

Print Tracking ReportClick to view a list of students for whom records were not created.
registration/utilities/createleavertrackingrecords.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by