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Set Excessive Unexcused Absence Indicator

Registration > Utilities > Set Excessive Unexcused Absence Indicator

This utility allows the district to set the Excessive Unexcused Absence Indicator and the Campus and Date at which the 10th unexcused absence occurred for students that have 10 or more unexcused days within a six-month period of a school year. All unexcused absences will be included in this calculation.

Example: Student 123456 has the following absences, the indicator would be set:
Unexcused 8th period - December 1, 2020
Unexcused 7th period - December 2, 2020
Unexcused 2nd period -December 3, 2020
Unexcused 2nd period - December 4, 2020
Unexcused 1st and 2nd period - February 4, 2021
Unexcused 1st period - February 10, 2021
Unexcused 2nd period - March 8, 2021
Unexcused 5th period - March 10, 2021
Unexcused 5th period - March 11, 2021
Unexcused 5th period - March 12, 2021

Example: Student 654321 has the following absences, the indicator would not be set:
Unexcused 1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th period - December 1, 2020
Unexcused 2nd, 5th, 7th period - February 10, 2021
Unexcused 1st, 2nd, 3rd period - March 11, 2021


  • This utility will reset the Excessive Unexcused Absence Indicator.

  • TEC 25.0915 (a-4) stipulates that unexcused absences should be counted for days or partial days. A partial day is defined in accordance with LEA local policy.

  • Reporting Requirement: Only report the student the first time the student reaches the threshold of 10 or more unexcused absences for a day or parts of days.

Set Excessive Unexcused Absence Indicator utility

Update data:

Select CampusSelect the campus for which to set the Excessive Unexcused Absences indicator.

❏ Click Execute.

registration/utilities/set_excessive_unexcused_absence_indicator.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/05 16:25 by apape