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PFAI Export

Registration > Utilities > PFAI Export

This utility exports ASCENDER data to a .csv text file that can be imported into third-party PFAI software. Physical Fitness Assessment Initiative (PFAI) is the fitness assessment tool used by all districts to assess students in grade levels 3-12. One record is created for each student currently enrolled in each selected course.

  • District and campus data is extracted from district and campus demographic tables.
  • Student data is extracted from the student demographic, student enrollment, and parent tables.
  • Course information is extracted from the district course offered current year, campus course offered current year, section offered current year, and meeting time current year tables.
  • Instructor data is extracted from the employee demographic table, which is used by the Human Resources and District Administration applications, and the instructor current year table.

NOTE: The extract file being created will include the Student ID, Student Last Name, and Student First Name for each record in order to identify the data belonging to the student. When the extract file is ready to be uploaded using the PFAI Application via TEAL, the three columns will need to be removed from the file in order to meet the data format requirements for the upload.

Click here to view the interface.

Export data:

Select Campus

Select the campus for which to create the export file.


Select the semester for which to create the export file. The semesters displayed depend on the type of grade reporting used at the selected campus.

If two-semester grade reporting is used at the campus, options 1 and 2 are displayed.

If four-semester grade reporting is used at the campus, options 1, 2, 3, and 4 are displayed.

Select Period

Select the period.

All Courses

Select to export all courses. Leave blank to export specific courses.

If selected, the Course Selection field is disabled; you cannot select specific courses.

If blank, you can select specific courses.

Include Contact Email

Select to include the parent's (i.e., contact's) email address in the extract.

❏ If you did not select All Courses, click +Add to add a course to the list.

A blank row is added to the grid.

Course Selection

Type the course number, or click Ellipsis Icon to select the course. The field is disabled if you selected All Courses.

❏ Click Execute.

When completed, you are prompted to save the csv file. The number of students processed is also displayed.

Other functions and features:

Trashcan IconClick to delete a course from the list. The row is shaded red and will be deleted when you click Delete Course.
Reset Courses Click to clear any courses under Course Selection. The grid is cleared.
Delete CourseClick to delete any rows selected for deletion.
Preview ErrorsClick to view the error list if errors are encountered.
registration/utilities/pfaiexport.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/05 16:30 by apape