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Prior Year Leaver Tracking

Registration > Maintenance > Prior Year Leaver Tracking

This page allows you to add or update leaver data for prior year leavers. This data is initially created when you run the Create Leaver Tracking Records utility. Leaver records cannot be deleted.

Leaver data is extracted for all students who withdraw during the school year. The data is extracted from the student demographic and enrollment tables during Move to Grade Reporting and saved to a leaver tracking table. In the fall of each school year, prior year leaver data is submitted to PEIMS along with No Show leaver data for the current school year. The prior year leaver data is extracted from the leaver tracking table, and current No Shows are written to the leaver tracking table when the fall PEIMS extract is run.

If a student was excluded from leaver tracking by mistake, the Prior Year Leaver Tracking page can be used add the student. Use this page carefully.

NOTE: No Show leaver data, which is current year data, must be updated on Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll.

IMPORTANT: If you change any data for a student on the Prior Year Leaver Tracking page, you must also change the data in the prior year records on the Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment tabs.

Update data:

Select a student

Leaver Year

The ending year of the school year in which the student withdrew (i.e., became a leaver) is displayed. This is the year prior to the school year to which you are logged on.


Type the student's first, middle, and last name. Select a generation code if applicable.

Name Edits


The campus ID to which you logged on is displayed.

TWEDS Data Element: CAMPUS-ID (E0266)


Type the student’s nine-digit social security number.

Texas Unique Student ID

Type the student's ten-digit unique student ID. This ID is assigned to students by TEA and issued to schools by the TSDS TX Unique ID Application. This ID cannot be generated by an LEA and cannot begin with zero.

If the student does not have a Unique ID, click TSDS Unique ID to connect to the TSDS Unique ID Web Service and obtain an ID. Your LEA must have the appropriate credentials through Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL) before this functionality can be used.

Review the Assign a TSDS Unique ID guide for additional information.


Select the student's gender.

TWEDS Data Element: SEX-CODE (E0004) (Code table: C013)


The student's date of birth is displayed and cannot be modified.

TWEDS Data Element: DATE-OF-BIRTH (E0006)

Attribution Cd

Indicate how the student attends school.

TWEDS Data Element: STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE (E1000) (Code table: C161)


Select if the student is of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.

TWEDS Data Element: HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE (E1064) (Code table: C088)


One or more of the following options is selected, regardless of whether the student is Hispanic/Latino.


The field is selected if the student has origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

TWEDS Data Element: WHITE-CODE (E1063) (Code table: C088)

Black/African American

The field is selected if the student has origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.

TWEDS Data Element: BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-CODE (E1061) (Code table: C088)


The field is selected if the student has origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent (including Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam).

TWEDS Data Element: ASIAN-CODE (E1060) (Code table: C088)

American Indian/Alaskan Native

The field is selected if the student has origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America).

TWEDS Data Element: AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE (E1059) (Code table: C088)

Hawaiian/Pacific Isl

The field is selected if the student has origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.


Grade Level

Select the student's grade level (7-12) during the prior school year.

Campus of Residence

Type the nine-digit campus ID corresponding to the campus attendance area in which the student resided.

Exclude From PEIMS

Select to exclude this record from the PEIMS submission.

Military Enlistment

Select if the leaver student has enlisted in the United States Armed Forces after graduation.


Even Start

Indicate if the student was enrolled in an Even Start program.


Indicate if the student's initial enrollment in a school in the United States in grade levels 7-12 was as an unschooled asylee or refugee.

TWEDS Data Element: UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE/REFUGEE-CODE (E1076) (Code table: C183)

Eco Disadvan

Indicate the student's economic disadvantage status.

TWEDS Data Element: ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE (E0785) (Code table: C054)


Select if the student participates in the migrant program.

TWEDS Data Element: MIGRANT-INDICATOR-CODE (E0984) (Code table: C088)

Withdrawal Code

Click ellipsis icon to select the student's withdrawal reason.

TWEDS Data Element: LEAVER-REASON-CODE (E1001) (Code table: C162)

Graduation Type

Select the plan under which the student graduated.

TWEDS Data Element: GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE (E0806) (Code table: C062)

Graduation Date

Type the date on which the student graduated in the MMDDYYYY format.


Select if the student graduated as a result of an Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) review.

Utilities > Create Leaver Tracking Records sets the IGC code to 02 for 12th grade students who are graduates and IGC.

A student is considered IGC (Individual Graduation Committee) if he has a record on his most recent enrollment year on Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Local Programs with the Othr Spc Pgms field set to a code that matches the Local Program for IGC Reporting code on State Reporting > Options (even if there is a withdrawal date in the most recent record). If there is no value specified in State Reporting, the program will look for code IGC in the Othr Spc Pgms field on Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Local Programs.


Associate Degree

Select if the student has earned an associate degree.

ASSOCIATE-DEGREE-INDICATOR-CODE (E1596) (Code table C088) indicates that the student earned an associate degree prior to graduation from high school.

Adult Prev Attend

Select if the student previously attended school as an adult.

Last Friday of October Status

Select the student's status as of the last Friday in October.

Homeless Status

Select the student's homeless status.

HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE (E1082) (Code table C189) defines individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence according to 42 U.S.C. Section 11434(a).

Unaccompanied Youth

Select the student's unaccompanied youth status.

UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE (E1064) (Code table C192), as defined by NCLB, Title X, Part C, Section 725(6), means a youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian.

Parental Permission

Select which permission the student has been given.

PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE (E0896) (Code table C093) indicates whether the student's parent or legal guardian has approved placement of the student in the required bilingual or English as a Second Language (ESL) program. (See 19 TAC §89.1240.)

Achievement Category

Select the achievement level the student has earned.

❏ Click Save.

registration/maintenance/prioryearleavertracking.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/09 16:28 by apape